hot damn, look at these weapons

I hope they get bombed or so... hate lasers and such :p
Thomas Edison was really just a murderous psycho after all? *sigh* oh, well...
Why do you hate lasers? Seems like a pretty stupid thing to hate :-)
Maybe lasers killed his parents and he wants revenge. I know I hate guns because they killed my brother.
Thats pretty sad if you ask me. I would take an M249 anyday over a railgun.
SilentKilla said:
Thats pretty sad if you ask me. I would take an M249 anyday over a railgun.

Hah.. Conservatism is dangerous. When they've developed that gun to a more user friendly level, a 249'er won't stand a chance.
Lasers are cool! Especially green, blue and pink ones!
Lasers always get your attention

Sulkdodds said:
Maybe lasers killed his parents and he wants revenge. I know I hate guns because they killed my brother.
I'm not entirely sure if you were being serious, but if you were, guns did not kill your brother. A human being performed an action (in this case involving a gun) that resulted in the death of your brother. Don't blame the guns, they don't have willpower.

Anyway, I want a rail gun :P
I'm thinking a coil gun would look nice on the hood of my car...
So THAT'S what a gauss gun is.

I've been wondering ever since I first played XCOM: Terror From The Deep.

I've had plans to make a railgun for a while now. I reckon you could make one as powerful as a normal pistol, the same size as one. It'd save on propellant. And for slugs, you just chop up graphite pencils...
Yeah, for me, it's not the insanely high velocities wich are the big attraction, it's the saving on shells and the ability to make the weapons out of junk...
That rail gun would be fun :) Nice to see some alternate weaponry.
Oh you think that's a today's-gun's problem of safety...? :D
Erestheux said:
Me and my friend are making a rail gun. :)
You better send me pictures!!

....I can see it on the news now, "Two kids today went out with a homemade rail gun. They then shot two old ladies and a baby before running away. One of them was named....Yuri!"
Recoil said:
Oh you think that's a today's-gun's problem of safety...? :D

Yup. Bruises obtained at a fairground a few years ago attest to this fact.

Ears didn't feel too good either. Man, did I look and feel like a dick.
Yup. Bruises obtained at a fairground a couple of years ago attest to this fact.

Well, ok... but seriously, I personally haven't heard something like that before... when do you stand next to someone shooting? In military conflicts most people wear helmets and such.

I wouldn't call the brass ejection a safety problem. Personally of course.
outpost said:
You better send me pictures!!

....I can see it on the news now, "Two kids today went out with a homemade rail gun. They then shot two old ladies and a baby before running away. One of them was named....Yuri!"

It doesn't work so great, yet...
mortiz said:
Lasers are cool! Especially green, blue and pink ones!

hehe pink! :laugh: :laugh: you like gay lasers! :E

just kidding!! :upstare: :upstare:
Recoil said:
Well, ok... but seriously, I personally haven't heard something like that before... when do you stand next to someone shooting? In military conflicts most people wear helmets and such.

I wouldn't call the brass ejection a safety problem. Personally of course.

Yeah, well, it probably isn't mostly. Leaves funny little T-and-O-shaped bruises, though.

Hey, seen the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy"? Now THAT shows the funny side of brass ejection...
by the way, having looked at that link, finally... can anyone say "mechwarrior weapons" w00t.