Hot damn, Metro 2033 DLC...


Jun 7, 2009
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....was released a few days ago. Its titled the Ranger Pack, its free on steam and only 240 Microsoft points. It features a new "Ranger mode" which reduces the amount of ammo you find as well as increasing damage both dealt and received. A new Ranger Hardcore mode is also included, which removes does the same, but removes the HUD. Also features new weapons and more achievements.

Sounds good, Metro 2033 has to be one of the best games I've played in a long time.
One of those content that is locked in disc and you have to pay for it to unlock it.
So, a paragraph on how it has increased difficulty modes, oh and not that you'd be interested: new weapons - let's not talk about those at all.

What if you bought the game for PC on DVD - you can't get the DLC?
I don't know much about the weapons. Theres some new Volt Driver that has two fire modes. Oh and the Heavy Automatic Shotgun that people who pre-ordered got. The article really only mentions the difficulties.

Combine - Originally there wasn't going to be any content, but back in March they updated the game saying DLC was a maybe.
I can read. I'm not blaming you. And all the sites have the same canned article.
never understood the appeal in paying for new weapons. weapons are weapons.
It's free on Steam at least, and I already beat it on the hardest difficulty. Since I recently read Metro 2033, this allows me to play the game with a different perspective. Yay!
What if you bought the game for PC on DVD - you can't get the DLC?

The game itself installs through Steam, so I guess it's fine.

Xevrex said:
It's free on Steam at least, and I already beat it on the hardest difficulty. Since I recently read Metro 2033, this allows me to play the game with a different perspective. Yay!

^ This. Almost at the end of the book and loving it, looking forward to playing through the game again with this DLC.
I've heard many people praising this game, and talked about alot online lately. I'm tempted to give this game a try, but I'm still kinda unsure about this title. Wish there was a demo I could play to give it a try.
I've heard many people praising this game, and talked about alot online lately. I'm tempted to give this game a try, but I'm still kinda unsure about this title. Wish there was a demo I could play to give it a try.

It's definitely worth a play. Good atmosphere, fun weapons and gadgets, lots of nice little touches. It's a system hog - it'll stress an i7 5890! - and the combat isn't great and would have felt dated years ago, but the pros still outweigh the cons. Now Metro with good combat, that would be excellent.
I wonder if it'll based off the Metro 2034 novel?

I wasn't aware that Metro 2034 existed :eek: ... I'm very near the end of the first novel, so took a quick look for it, but I can't find any translated copies :(
The game itself installs through Steam, so I guess it's fine.
That makes sense. Thanks.

Well anyway, I haven't bought the game yet and I'm sure we'll get more details when it comes out.
I need to try out this game i thought it looked really intriguing but this dlc sounds like an overglorified weapons pack so meh on that count

free is free i guess on pc but to pay for on 360? jog on >_>
I plan on buying this at some point, but I'm not even sure my desktop could play it if I did. I heard the specs are quite high.
If you don't mind dropping resolution and settings it'll run ok on most fairly modern PCs. For comparisons sake - it's more intensive than Crysis.
I didn't find it to be that bad, managed to play it near enough maxed out on 1680x1050 and my systems a little dated now I guess.
I wasn't aware that Metro 2034 existed :eek: ... I'm very near the end of the first novel, so took a quick look for it, but I can't find any translated copies :(

Metro 2034 only came out about a year ago, so give it some time.

Metro 2033 had been out in Russian a few years before it was translated to English(which was mainly for the game anyways)
I still haven't seen any metroids in the game yet. I know they usually come in at the end and I only got to the second chapter, but it's a little dissapointing.