Hot in Xen?

Bullets don't have that much energy. He'll probably just get a headache.
Bullets have plenty of energy and the HEV was not designed to absorb them. It can't even withstand a scratch from a small crab.

It's better than kevlar. I doubt kevlar would help somebody survive electrical shocks or RPGs.
See above.

He wears a full-body hazard suit into a irradiated room. Without a helmet. Wearing shades.
I implied earlier he might have lost it after the resonance cascade/initial portal storms.

Of course it's unrealistic. Lots of things in the game are unrealistic. It's a scifi game: It just has to make internal sense. It's better having a magic suit than having a magic suit without a helmet.

Ofcourse it's unrealistic. Why are you challenging my points that I just made up out of thin air for fun? I personally don't care whether he has a helmet or not. I want cookies.
Bullets have plenty of energy and the HEV was not designed to absorb them. It can't even withstand a scratch from a small crab.

Game mechanics. Otherwise bullets would punch through him. Besides, headcrabs have punched through helmets before, otherwise zombines wouldn't exist. And no, bullets don't have that much kinetic energy, or the recoil would break a man's arm.

I implied earlier he might have lost it after the resonance cascade/initial portal storms.

Ofcourse it's unrealistic. Why are you challenging my points that I just made up out of thin air for fun? I personally don't care whether he has a helmet or not. I want cookies.

For fun here as well.
Hey, what are the slots in the suit for, like all the little lines that seem to cut into the orange part? Could they be like, emitters for the energy or whatever he's using to power up what I'm assuming to be a shield of sorts? And what about how in the PS2 version, you can lock onto things? If he doesn't have a helmet, then how does he do that? But if he does have a helmet, how does THAT move his head in the direction of the enemy. Also, with the bullet thing, yes, he can be damaged by a crab, but it doesn't do AS much damage. Don't forget that with anybody without an HEV suit can die pretty quickly from a head crab, considering that they jump onto your head, and, well, only eat out your brains and everything. So, maybe crabs can only damage Gordon because they can't get to his head *hint helmet hint*.
Neither of us have actually quantified how much energy a bullet has. I think it would have enough energy to punch through an environment suit.
The fact the computer detects "minor lacerations" and you, Gordon takes damage from them leads me to believe the suit is damaged easily, but is self-repairing via the energy units.

Headcrabs can punch through Combine gear but so can a guy with a crowbar. :/ Unweildy tools like crowbars used as weapons have been proven to have less kinetic energy than a solid karate kick. Bullets may have little energy, but they are small and very aerodynamic which lends them great speed for a short distance and as a result they tear easily through soft materials and explode upon harder objects.

I guess my argument here is the suit would not stand up to battle. The fighting and health/ammo strewn everywhere are necessary elements of the game, but not necessarily integral to the HL story. Any assumption we make from what we see or play through that is not character or plot related probably never "actually" happened.

Neither of us have actually quantified how much energy a bullet has. I think it would have enough energy to punch through an environment suit.

When you're shot while wearing a kevlar vest you still get bruises and so on. While bullets don't have enough kinetic energy to knock you out, they still hurt when they bounce off armour. This especially applies with automatic weaponry.

Headcrabs can punch through Combine gear but so can a guy with a crowbar. :/ Unweildy tools like crowbars used as weapons have been proven to have less kinetic energy than a solid karate kick. Bullets may have little energy, but they are small and very aerodynamic which lends them great speed for a short distance and as a result they tear easily through soft materials and explode upon harder objects.

The thing about the crowbar is it doesn't have to penetrate. Drop a rock on somebody wearing armour from ten stories.... well, he'd have to be lying down... but you get the idea. Besides... wait, kicks have more kinetic energy than crowbar strikes? The crowbar is a hard stick made of metal! Leverage and hardness applies here.

I guess my argument here is the suit would not stand up to battle. The fighting and health/ammo strewn everywhere are necessary elements of the game, but not necessarily integral to the HL story. Any assumption we make from what we see or play through that is not character or plot related probably never "actually" happened.


But why? It's an integral part of the storyline that he's so survivable because of the suit. Even though he can get hurt (thus the medpacks and so forth) he doesn't get hurt enough to die. We've seen Gordon get shot without the suit... he doesn't take it as well.
Besides... wait, kicks have more kinetic energy than crowbar strikes? The crowbar is a hard stick made of metal! Leverage and hardness applies here.

But why? It's an integral part of the storyline that he's so survivable because of the suit. Even though he can get hurt (thus the medpacks and so forth) he doesn't get hurt enough to die. We've seen Gordon get shot without the suit... he doesn't take it as well.

The hardness and length of a crowbar causes it to bounce and lose energy over distance. It is not a good weapon.

If the HEV were designed with traversing ailen worlds like Xen in mind, I could believe it to be constructed of something more sturdy, but we don't know when how or why the suit was designed.
Hmm, maybe because Gordon running around in a HAZMAT suit is a little stupid.

Soldier1: Cover Me
Soldier2: Careful Man, that guy's crazy
Soldier1:I gots this
Soldier2 *Gets cut up by Gordon's crowbar*
Soldier1: OMGWTF? *gets cut up*
*Gordon pulls crowbar out of chest, removes HAZMAT mask, Valve music plays*

Or, imagine him, doing that whole 'wlaking from the light thing, with a crowbar in hand' IN A HAZ MAT SUIT =/. The HEV is very sturdy, and I think that the energy packs, probably allow the suit to:
1) Absor bullets better
2) accelerate arm movements (Makes crowbar faster=more damage)
The hardness and length of a crowbar causes it to bounce and lose energy over distance. It is not a good weapon.

A crowbar will still damage things you hit with it. It's not like they take down Combine soldiers with one shot.

If the HEV were designed with traversing ailen worlds like Xen in mind, I could believe it to be constructed of something more sturdy, but we don't know when how or why the suit was designed.

Considering it has a long-jump module designed specifically for Xen, it probably is. Either that or it's remarkably modular. Though the designer of the suit was on the Black Mesa payroll... hmmm...
On the arguement that ıf Gordon was wearıng a helmet then people wouldn't recognıse hım:
Next to nobody recongısıng hım anyway. For the fırst 2 chapters the only people that recognıse hım are the people that already knew hım:
Barney, Isaac, Alyx, the Vortıgaunts, Eli, Mossman and Breen. No one else recognıses hım unless they have already been ınformed that he ıs comıng. There ıs even one cıtızen that when a Vortıgaunt tells hım 'Thıs ıs the Freeman' he stıll doesn't have a clue who you are. Only after the uprısıng does everyone start to recognıse Gordon and that probably only because he's the only one wearıng a bıg orange HEV suıt. If ıt weren't for the suıt no one would have a clue who you were anyway, so havıng the helmet on or off for that makes lıttle or no dıfference.

I just though of an exceptıon. Breen recognıses you whıle you're wearıng the suıt, and I doubt he'd be one to assume that anyone ın an orange suıt ıs Gordon Freeman.
AND, AND, don't forget about when Gordon shows up there from the teleport!

Also, in Blue Shift, I was told you see Gordon being dragged by those two soldiers (scene from HL1: Apprehension) and he has no helmet on o_O

And what about all the scientists who are working on the other side of the complex, but it's still in the game when they wouldn't know you were coming, they all recognise you o_O

But at the same time, while on the HEV suit topic, why does it have the Lambda symbol, if it's all the way in Sector C? And why does he use a suit designed to be used on Xen for an experiment =/. We've seen scientists in HazMat suits (OP4) So, WTF.
BUT (Starting an interesting theory) what if the experiment was designed so that Gordon WOULD end up on Xen, and that group of Vortigaunts you see standing there were like a small welcome party with sort of Foreign affairs, like negotiators. But at the same time, there was lots of stress, and Nihilanth decided just to send them all through the teleport and told them to kill everyone in their way? Could it be that the humans and Xenians were, in some way, atleast neutral with the Xenians?
On the arguement that ıf Gordon was wearıng a helmet then people wouldn't recognıse hım:
Next to nobody recongısıng hım anyway. For the fırst 2 chapters the only people that recognıse hım are the people that already knew hım:
Barney, Isaac, Alyx, the Vortıgaunts, Eli, Mossman and Breen. No one else recognıses hım unless they have already been ınformed that he ıs comıng. There ıs even one cıtızen that when a Vortıgaunt tells hım 'Thıs ıs the Freeman' he stıll doesn't have a clue who you are. Only after the uprısıng does everyone start to recognıse Gordon and that probably only because he's the only one wearıng a bıg orange HEV suıt. If ıt weren't for the suıt no one would have a clue who you were anyway, so havıng the helmet on or off for that makes lıttle or no dıfference.

I just though of an exceptıon. Breen recognıses you whıle you're wearıng the suıt, and I doubt he'd be one to assume that anyone ın an orange suıt ıs Gordon Freeman.

Breen didn't recognize you at first. Presumably he put two and two together after you ported out.
I don't wear sunglasses when its hot. I wear sunglasses when its sunny.
AND, AND, don't forget about when Gordon shows up there from the teleport!

Also, in Blue Shift, I was told you see Gordon being dragged by those two soldiers (scene from HL1: Apprehension) and he has no helmet on o_O

And what about all the scientists who are working on the other side of the complex, but it's still in the game when they wouldn't know you were coming, they all recognise you o_O

But at the same time, while on the HEV suit topic, why does it have the Lambda symbol, if it's all the way in Sector C? And why does he use a suit designed to be used on Xen for an experiment =/. We've seen scientists in HazMat suits (OP4) So, WTF.
BUT (Starting an interesting theory) what if the experiment was designed so that Gordon WOULD end up on Xen, and that group of Vortigaunts you see standing there were like a small welcome party with sort of Foreign affairs, like negotiators. But at the same time, there was lots of stress, and Nihilanth decided just to send them all through the teleport and told them to kill everyone in their way? Could it be that the humans and Xenians were, in some way, atleast neutral with the Xenians?

i didnt think the vortiguants had teleported to earth with the plan of killing anyone in their path ... they were just frightened, disoriented, and reacted in a defensive manner ... they were running from the combine after all not trying to take over earth
Breen didn't recognize you at first. Presumably he put two and two together after you ported out.

You have to remember that its been like 20 years since Breen has seen Gordon I'm pretty sure he wont remember him right off the bat.
"Hot in Xen?" what does temperature have to do with wearing sunglasses.... I've been in a boiler room, but I didn't throw on a pair of shades...