Hotmail sucks, can anyone get me a Gmail invite?

hmm.. I got this gmail account from pendagron for a while now but I don't have an invite link yet.. :(
ailevation said:
:naughty: Okay Mully PM me and i'll send you an invite.

How many can I send?

i think theres a max of 2.. i forgot.
anyway, send it one to Mully so he can send one to some of these pple here :P

edit: u sure EVIL?
look at the top of the page.. i know i didn't get my invite links til about 3-4 days later.
Well I PM ailevation but I think hes sleeping now. :(

Anyway when I am able too I will use up my invites for people here. :)
The Mullinator said:
Well I PM ailevation but I think hes sleeping now. :(

Anyway when I am able too I will use up my invites for people here. :)

he still hasn't pm'ed u?
ailevation u are supposed to share ur invitations with HL2 members :P
I'll gladly take an invite as well. [email protected] is my current email, but it's getting pounded in the ass with spam. And over half of them don't have a "remove me from mailing list" link.
I still haven't got any links after about a wtf?
It's been about 9 days and I still haven't got any invites to give out.
:naughty: Mullinator and Pvt hang in there guys, i'll send you guys invites ASAP. Don't think I forgot about you guys.
i'm not funy fresh enough to be a G-mailer yo! so.. meh, i'll stick to my good ol' netscape with meh 5mb yeah thats right MB worth of storage!!!!
ailevation said:
:naughty: Mullinator and Pvt hang in there guys, i'll send you guys invites ASAP. Don't think I forgot about you guys.

yeah apparently i didn't get invites right away either.. just wait a few days.. u should eventually get 2 (i think.. can't remember how many they were).