How about a mod of counter-strike called awesome-strike


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
And in it, you are allowed FIVE text messages. There is also a word filter so if you spell a single ****ing word wrong, your sentence is deleted, and you lose that 1/5. What brings me to this... is how appalled I am at the spelling that some of these counter-strike players have. **** you if you don't use proper grammar, or spell anything correctly.

Second, there is NO voice chat. Zero. Nothing. Unless you have teamspeak or ventrillo, you're ****ed. No more singing, flaming, or saying other worthless bullshit into the microphone.

Third, no flashbangs. Ever.


P.S. Please note that I do know that it's possible to shut off the voice chat. Also note that I do not care and I still wish to disable it completely.
Glo-Boy said:
And in it, you are allowed FIVE text messages. There is also a word filter so if you spell a single ****ing word wrong, your sentence is deleted, and you lose that 1/5. What brings me to this... is how appalled I am at the spelling that some of these counter-strike players have. **** you if you don't use proper grammar, or spell anything correctly.

Second, there is NO voice chat. Zero. Nothing. Unless you have teamspeak or ventrillo, you're ****ed. No more singing, flaming, or saying other worthless bullshit into the microphone.

Third, no flashbangs. Ever.


P.S. Please note that I do know that it's possible to shut off the voice chat. Also note that I do not care and I still wish to disable it completely.

Wow. I second that!
Its hard to type accurately in multiplayer games, as there is a lot goiong on while typing. Think of typing errors as 'static over the radio'
Also it takes too long to type proper sentences. By the time you are finished you'll be dead.
So long as you can understand what they are saying, its fine.

Also, people enjoy typing worthless rubbish, or singing into the microphone. You play games to have fun, thats all these people are doing - enjoying themselves. Just laugh and let them be.
Just how hard is it to understand "apawn" if I type it in 1/4 second? SPAWN! GO TO THE SPAWN!

... sorry, I was just on a special ed team.

Anyway, yes I agree.

H4X0R STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(or are you too much of a nub to remember that)
Hyperion2010 said:

H4X0R STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(or are you too much of a nub to remember that)

Me, n00b? Email cliffe and he will tell you just how much of a n00b I am.

Anyways, I would agree with the guy who said that the singing and whatever is all in jest... but it's not. It's all done to piss off people who are actually trying to have fun WITHOUT useless, loud, and irritating distractions.

To the stupid people, the first suggestion is an exaggeration. In reality, I'd probably prefer it to be limitless typing, but with the ability to turn it off. There are few things in counter strike that piss me off more than:

{AK}Slugmonkey: lolz
-=|Oberon|=-: wat r u all doing?
Angel of Death: were in taxas are you!!!!!!!!
Smoovekat: omg gay! HAHAHHAA nub!
Glo-Boy said:
And in it, you are allowed FIVE text messages. There is also a word filter so if you spell a single ****ing word wrong, your sentence is deleted, and you lose that 1/5. What brings me to this... is how appalled I am at the spelling that some of these counter-strike players have. **** you if you don't use proper grammar, or spell anything correctly.

Second, there is NO voice chat. Zero. Nothing. Unless you have teamspeak or ventrillo, you're ****ed. No more singing, flaming, or saying other worthless bullshit into the microphone.

Third, no flashbangs. Ever.


P.S. Please note that I do know that it's possible to shut off the voice chat. Also note that I do not care and I still wish to disable it completely.

You supid ignorant f***. I´m guessing that your from an english speaking country. Your lucky that your language is the main language in the computer world. I come frome sweden and you don´t have to speak our language when playing on a server in sweden. But if someone learns our language to try to communicate better with us WE don´t flame them. Think about that the next time you decide to flame people for not learning YOUR language to perfection.

About the voice chat. You can disable it but that´s not enough for you????????? Man if you feel like that don´t play the game it´s up to you!

PS I´m extremely sorry if my grammar arent good enough for you shithead!
Glo-Boy said:
Me, n00b? Email cliffe and he will tell you just how much of a n00b I am.

From: Jess Cliffe <[email protected]>
To: Gunner <********@*****.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 11:22:35 -0600
Subject: Glo-boy

He's a n00b.
i agree that people should make an effort to spell correctly, however i disagree with your other points.
a) Voice chat is a very useful tool, and should not be removed. if you play public servers, just mute whoever is ticking u off with their stupid music.
b) Flashbangs are an integral part of CS. If you play more often youll learn where players flash the most, how to avoid being flashed, and how to flash others
Krilla said:
You supid ignorant f***. I´m guessing that your from an english speaking country. Your lucky that your language is the main language in the computer world. I come frome sweden and you don´t have to speak our language when playing on a server in sweden. But if someone learns our language to try to communicate better with us WE don´t flame them. Think about that the next time you decide to flame people for not learning YOUR language to perfection.

About the voice chat. You can disable it but that´s not enough for you????????? Man if you feel like that don´t play the game it´s up to you!

PS I´m extremely sorry if my grammar arent good enough for you shithead!

I completely agree, english is one of the hardest languages to learn. And it really doesnt matter if someone spells something wrong 90% of the time you can work out what they meant
Mr Stabby said:
I completely agree, english is one of the hardest languages to learn. And it really doesnt matter if someone spells something wrong 90% of the time you can work out what they meant

Yeah, so long as they don't make anything too unreadable. like:

"g 2 spn b", or something. I try and type properly when playing, but I make mistakes far too often, or end up getting knifed or shot.

The english language is good when you can use it, but you must make sure other people can understand what you're saying. No point in using vocal dialect (For the tahatu tribe) of Triict Blugpt, when no one else knows what it is.

Also, Muting is good.
Krilla said:
You supid ignorant f***. I´m guessing that your from an english speaking country. Your lucky that your language is the main language in the computer world. I come frome sweden and you don´t have to speak our language when playing on a server in sweden. But if someone learns our language to try to communicate better with us WE don´t flame them. Think about that the next time you decide to flame people for not learning YOUR language to perfection.

About the voice chat. You can disable it but that´s not enough for you????????? Man if you feel like that don´t play the game it´s up to you!

PS I´m extremely sorry if my grammar arent good enough for you shithead!

2 right ! :p
Gunner said:
From: Jess Cliffe <[email protected]>
To: Gunner <********@*****.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 11:22:35 -0600
Subject: Glo-boy

He's a n00b.

To counteract that fake email that you did not write,

From View message header detail Jess Cliffe <[email protected]>
Sent Saturday, August 21, 2004 4:54 pm
To ******** <[email protected]>
Subject RE: Old School


Ya, I remember you guys well.

Nope, haven't kept the old installs. I think fileplanet may have them.

-----Original Message-----
From: ********* [[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:19 AM
To: Jess Cliffe
Subject: Old School

Hey Cliffe!

I'm gonna see if you remember:

Greywolf and Matt from OCSS... §ixshooter.... Glo-Boy (me :-D).... or Galen or Vassago, or Suchey's skinpack...

Blah blah blah wrote a bunch of shit about how we used to chat back when CS was in it's FIRST BETA. (i am editing the email down so you don't have to read it all, but i will gladly post it all if you wish.)

more bullshit chatter...

Thanks a lot,

blinking halo - thanks for disagreeing like an adult.
dekstar - respectful as always.

to that swedish guy, read my second post, and then on top of that, maybe you should switch on a light and realize that holy shit, your english is basically perfect. Obviously grammar is more in depth and harder to process on a computer than spelling, and if you're learning a foreign language, you often spell the words better than the native speakers - like you said, because they're making an effort, and also, that's the only spelling they know.

Now it's time for me to explain to everyone that I have been in a particularly shitty situation this week, and I am EXTREMELY moody. But sometimes, I love being angry.
Yeah, I hate it when I'm working on my thesis for my Masters Degree and I make an error typing a sentence in Counter-Strike. Also, I can't seem to find the print button. And I can't seem to make paragraphs because other people sentences break mine apart so it looks unprofessional.

PS. Shut up you idiot.
I'm going to get moderated for this post, but it's going to be worth it.


I'm all for proper grammar and spelling (nevermind my name), but your proposed rules are ridiculous. Also, no voice chat? Ok, if you want multiplayer to lose half of its appeal and possible tactics, please go ahead and revert back to text only.
I dissagree Simply because this "mod" Has the word Awsome in the title any, utterance of the word awesome should be met with much pointing and laughing.

Some things I agree with some things i do not for instance I think that anyone who has the audacity to say somthing like "OMG n00b I ju Pwnd y000000" should be replied with a bullet to the head.
Find a hobby if this stuff annoys you, thats life.. let people enjoy their free speach and relax..
i rarely post and this is for good reason, to put it simply go the hell away i don't care about perfect typing in game. Rarely anyone does just don't play anymore it would make me happy.
How about a game I call grammar nazi You must avoid all grammatical errors even if they do not detract from the meaning of the sentence and you must use appropriate punctuation but since all the commas and periods are in nazi hands you will never get to use unless you can convince the commandant to allocate you some periods or commas or something cause that way people will actually be able to read a post or a message you see i did have a purpose for the first 4 words but after that i am just rambling its fun you should try it
Hey, I'm all for calling it grammar nazi.

I think it's funny that some of you don't mind the butchering of your own language. If you make an error in haste, that's fine. I do it too. But seriously, make a ****ing effort.

But hey, how about everyone else jumps on the bandwagon for calling it a shitty idea? Then you can grow more internet balls and start calling me worse names.

To RaptornasB - that's because you associate the word awesome with shitty kids who have nothing better to do but jerk off to Stanley Kubrick films and claim that they drink jegermeister, but in reality just sip juice while watching The Lord of the Rings. They use it wrongly. You have no feeling left for the real meaning of the word.
Counter-Strike is a fun mod ruined by a few simple things. With these errors corrected, it would be an awe-inspiring game.

Maybe you should be shot instead, because of what words you use.
I agree with everything, but I dont like grammar nazis at all!
omlette said:
I'm going to get moderated for this post, but it's going to be worth it.


I'm all for proper grammar and spelling (nevermind my name), but your proposed rules are ridiculous. Also, no voice chat? Ok, if you want multiplayer to lose half of its appeal and possible tactics, please go ahead and revert back to text only.

And you, well, I had to have a laugh.

I've been playing since the very first beta of counter-strike, and I swear to you (not that you'll believe me or anything) that in all 5 years, only once have I played in a game where the default radio chat was used to coordinate the players in a stealthy and effective manor. I dare you to tell me that you frequently play CS games (discluding clan matches, or gatherings) in which random team mates use voice chat to help each other out. Face it, counter-strike is simply TEAM DEATHMATCH. Voice chat a worthless space-taker, and it should absolutely be deleted. If you're interested in serious cooperation, set up a ventrillo server and invite the serious players to log in.
You have been playing CS for 5 years and you haven't heard of the console command voice_enable 0 ?
No, I have. I don't care. I hate voice chat and I want it to be uninvented.

However, I'll settle for a nice sound filter that makes the people who talk sound like they're actually coming through a fuzzy radio. But that won't happen. So deletion it is.
jmjneary said:
horrible idea you dont go making a mod of a mod

Psst, Glo-Boy. I think some people don't catch on that this isn't really a mod, but a bash at Counter-strike... :E.
Ok, hold on a minute. I want to make it clear first off, that I thought your post was funny, and I did laugh and nod my head. Despite this, I don't really agree with what your saying, only because you say you don't want voice chat (despite the fact that you know it can be disabled on your machine). This is where I begin to have a problem with what you're saying, because no matter how "l337" or "oldschool" (you can't wait to go out of your way to point out to us) you are, it doesn't give you the right to tell other people how they should play their game.

In your perfect world, i guess you wouldn't have to worry about voice chat in games, or other menaces like, mispelling, or; bad punkchoowayshun. Well guess what? In my perfect world i wouldn't have to worry about people coming to the forums and posting things they know are inflammatory, thereby starting a flame-war and cluttering up a forum with what is ultimately meaningless bullshit. No offense to you, but that's what threads like this inevitably turn into, and frankly it's the forum equivalent of screaming into your mic.

Good day.
what the hell are u running on about?

just a quick question do you want some cheese with your whine :/

the word ****TARD come to mind when reading this post
or even maybe : how about a mod called stfu and stop posting pointless crappy topics
lets stop this nonsence about a mod of a mod you dont understand do you
Actually this thread is just an opinion of Counter-strike: Source, from Glo-Boy's perspective. Obviously, he hasn't played many decent servers in his time, and finds that certain idiots (Ones that screw around with things they shouldn't be screwing around with - Microphones) ruin his experience.

The "Awesome Mod" is, as you should know, a metaphore for, and this is how I see it, the perfect server. Rules such as "Perfect spelling/Grammar/Pronounciation", and "No screaming stupidities into your mic, dumbass" exist, and everyone plays by those rules.

It's not an actual mod, and it's silly to believe so.

And exodusuk. You posted those flames, and I hope you feel better now you go that out of your system, but it was really just one mans opinion on a game, and what he would "like" it to be like.

Conclusion: There's no point in flaming him for his opinion - He's not forcing it upon you. you could disagree with it and state your reasons why, without telling him he's a ****Tard (Which wasn't very nice, and I hope you're ashamed of yourself, Exodusuk).

This is a friendly forum, and let's keep it that way by all being sensible.
