How about a mod of counter-strike called awesome-strike

Its usually people who suck at cs, that would want something like this...
The same people who call skilled players hackers... lol...

But as your opinion, thats cool.. Just dont infringe on the actual game by setting yourself up like your a majority.
genocide604 said:
Its usually people who suck at cs, that would want something like this...
The same people who call skilled players hackers... lol...

But as your opinion, thats cool.. Just dont infringe on the actual game by setting yourself up like your a majority.

Thank you for being friendly in your reply, instead of burning everything. :). Thank you for your input.
I dare you to tell me that you frequently play CS games (discluding clan matches, or gatherings) in which random team mates use voice chat to help each other out.
Quite often when I play on random servers, someone steps up on the team and gives a quick stategy like "rush B!" or "i need help in the garage!" either with text or voice chat. And then a few players reply and act acordingly. It happens more than once every time I play and is the main reason why I enjoy the game so much...especially when its effective.
I'm not saying that everyone behaves this way, but I guess i have a higher tolerence for that kind of thing.
You obviously have trouble ignoring people since you seem to take everything personally on these forums and in game. I suggest you work on that if you want to enjoy the game the way it is.
Excuse me if I am a human. People make mistakes dude. Typos happen. Grammar mistakes happen. No one is perfect.
Well, I hope you understand my english ;)

Chat/Voice-Chat: You say you know how to turn it of....if you actually do it....Hokuspokus!!! (my language for any magic spell) You have yourself a mod without the voice and text chat :thumbs:
(an don't say "i don't care" - you complain -> you care)

Flashbangs: Sorry, but really bad idea in my opinion. Flashbangs are really cool :bounce: Would be boring without....

And btw: you seem to play on really bad servers or with bad people on it. I find public servers with teamplay nearly every day ;)

[SARCASM]didn't see you are "oldschool" - sorry, you are ABSOLUTELY right in ANY way :rolleyes: .......not[/SARCASM]