How about it?


Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
There are some fluid dynamic systems that are simply breathtaking. One day, perhaps in a follow up to halflife 2 even, we could see realistic water movement (Not waves, I mean water flowing out of a cup and spilling onto the floor and creating a slippery when wet surface).

Realistic rain that causes terrain deformation, mudslides and general errosion (Taking into consideration sedimentary rockbeds).

The knowledge that the processing power to accomplish this realtime is so close that it's driving me insane.

Physics are the next 3D!

Please, check out 's gallery, videos. The realtime rendered sequences will kill your grandma.
You're wrong. AI should be the next big leap in development instead of graphics or physics.
Oh all right, that's true. I am always SOOO pleased when an opponent does something clevor. That's why Doom3 (one of the reasons) it was a tremendous let down.
Stupid enemies would shoot through walls and run in circles.

I'd love it if enemies could have danger assessment abilities and perhaps one day use group tactics.
Like ambush, pincer attack, realtime trap setting...or maybe just a more dynamic rpg world where people observe your intentions/environmental interactions/mannerisms (It's absence is apparent when you leap up and down on a table in morrowind stabbing the air and using powerup spells, all the meanwhile putting on your armor and enchanting your sword...that would spell danger if it was my table)....

AI, all excites me...

god bless technology -Omish dude
AJ Rimmer said:
You're wrong. AI should be the next big leap in development instead of graphics or physics.

Im not even sure that AI needs improving. what needs improving in my opinion is map physics / linesofsight.

Like farcry - on adaptive AI the AI is staggering, problem is that the map effects, such as grass / trees etc are not very easy to judge (could that man see that far kind of thing).

I know it could be argued that that is AI, but imo it isnt , its giving every single object on the map some kind of entity - now thats tough.
Yes but there is a flip side to this argument. It is true computer games are getting better, more realistic and have grpahics, physics and AI that is superb. And as long as computers keep improving then the games will match that sucess.

The problem is that games can only go so far before the realism becomes to much. What I am getting at is if the AI of an enemy is really good(calling for backup, flanking, hiding etc) tehn its going to mirror reality. This means that it would be ipossible for you to complete the game. As with Far Cry in real life there is no way he would have got through all these levels unscaved. Game developers have to make enemys pretty stupid to make the game playable. Anything that is too clever is just going to annoy the gamer as it will take ages to get past. AI is importent but only to a certain level.

Physics of games I can see moving into new levels after HL2....because if developers don't match its sucess then they won't sell the game that well.
johnstone said:
This means that it would be ipossible for you to complete the game. As with Far Cry in real life there is no way he would have got through all these levels unscaved.

Ok so back in 93 it WAS possible for the Doom guy to get through all of those levels unharmed? Or in 99 and 02 is was possible for the SOF guy to get through all of the levels unharmed? And in almost every other fantasy game. That's what video games are, a release from reality. If we start moving closer to reality, why play? Because you don't have to get up?
Thats exactly my argument...these games were fun because you can complete them....if the AI of an enemy was too good it would be very hard to kill them....hence making enemies rather dumb in games.
I can imagine if we made an incredibly intelligent war mongering soldier who's got a mind like a (Brilliant) steel about we lessen the amount of enemies? If you think about it, how many games have a RIDICULOUS amount of baddies? I like the idea of outsmarting a battle hardened assassin, like catching him moving in a vent above you and filling it with holes, the realistic physics kick in and after some plaster rains down, the weakened tile gives and a body plummets out of the displaced vent. That'd be satisfying.
Good points. But what if the increase in AI and the increase in realistic physics come hand in hand. You can use the things around you to create ever more complex traps, or interesting methods of defeating the enemy. Also as the AI increases that would allow the developer to reduce the strength of the enemy. It pisses me off in Far Cry when you shoot someone in the chest 3 times and they don't die. It would atleast incapacitate them, making them unable to attack you for 10-15 seconds.
Remeber the trygens or whatever? The big ones, you have to surgically implant your gun in their head and shoot until you have arthritis to kill them. I swear it was ridiculous.
Yeah that's another thing I find slightly irritating: the inclusion of MONSTERS.

RTCW was going perfectly well until all of a sudden you had to fight the 'undead'. It's completely unoriginal. The same with Far Cry, the biggest downside to the game was those huge muthas. Parts where you had to fight humans were superb.
If only Farcry had more (And better) interior levels with varying human opponents. That game had such potential but cliche crap such as the "monsterous story" brought it down...
Doom3 was just a slap to the brain...
Apparently, according to the review of HL2 in PCZone UK, the combine AI is nothing spectacular and lets it down.

Which is kind of disappointing as the first game was famed on it's opponent AI.
Holy crap...I really hope Halflife2's AI is nothing to laugh at...because I've been really hoping...
That's what I thought, but it's there in black and white. Strange how nobody has mentioned it on this site yet.
I'm going to put off any judgements until I play it but that is unsettling...
physics and A.I (the advanced) probably will come out at same time.
I believe most parts of a game needs to be developed so they won't rely so much on computional power. Better efficiency really.
That's a good point...on my radeon x800 doom 3 still blows....
Paravel said:
That's a good point...on my radeon x800 doom 3 still blows....
Dont you worry, it blows just as hard on every computer.

sorry, I just had to
lol, that's good :) What I mean't was the framerate was crap, even with the shadows off. Hell, I increased the ram usage (Up to 700+ megs of ram), exited explorer, and deactivated shadows all while playing on a lower know what? It was still slow! And still repetitive and downright depressing it was so lame!
Meh, I think people are just amazed that HL2's AI hasn't made the same leap as the original did- games have a similar standard of AI these days, at least when you compare Quake's AI to HL's. As long as the Combine act a wee bit more intelligently then the original's grunts, I'll be happy. HL's AI was suprisingly good, but still prone to stupid mistakes like self-destructive grenade use and standing stock still, oblivious to an ally (or themselves) getting blasted with a weapon.

As for "true" water physics, it'd be amazing, but actually allowing for erosion and suchlike would take up too much CPU power. Spilling liquids certainly, but even the most advanced game would be hard pressed to call particle-by-particle wearing of soft surfaces essential.

Then again, I'd love to be caught in a street, only to see the gaps in the road slowly fill with rippling water as a storm crackled overhead... interesting how it annoys the hell out of us in the real world, but weather ingame is suddenly a fantastical piece of atmospheric engineering ;)
I just cant wait until games aren't games, but fantasy simulations. Imagine a game where all the laws of physics apply including errosion and the full spectrum of weather/water effects. As well as animal based AI and actual reproduction of creatures. A living ecosystem of randomly colliding organisms each with it's own needs and set of responses based on its experiences. You could recreate xen and spend hours studying the lifecycle of the headcrab as well as decrypt its thinking process.

Now that just boggles my mind...can you imagine a 3D, stunningly realistic world lush with life...being conquered by the Zerg?

CR0M said:
Apparently, according to the review of HL2 in PCZone UK, the combine AI is nothing spectacular and lets it down.

Which is kind of disappointing as the first game was famed on it's opponent AI.
I believe the comment was something like, "The AI is not quite as spectacular as the rest of the game." I take this mean the leap in AI is not as big as the leap in other areas such as graphics and physics. I don't take this mean that the AI bad or poorly designed. Hell, the original Half-Life marines are still the best AI opponents I've ever encountered in a game, so even if the combine soldiers act exactly like them, I'll be happy.
Terrain-deforming rain? You'll need a true beast of a machine for this kind of stuff, and I think it's not very necessary... Water that makes you slip are already present in some games...
Mountain Man said:
I believe the comment was something like, "The AI is not quite as spectacular as the rest of the game." I take this mean the leap in AI is not as big as the leap in other areas such as graphics and physics. I don't take this mean that the AI bad or poorly designed. Hell, the original Half-Life marines are still the best AI opponents I've ever encountered in a game, so even if the combine soldiers act exactly like them, I'll be happy.

And the reviews criticized the friendly AI, not the Combine AI
Clavius said:
Dont you worry, it blows just as hard on every computer.

sorry, I just had to

Hey thats funny Doom 3 blew on my computer to, small world!!! :LOL:
Paravel said:
Remeber the trygens or whatever? The big ones, you have to surgically implant your gun in their head and shoot until you have arthritis to kill them. I swear it was ridiculous.


Sore belly.
Mountain Man said:
I believe the comment was something like, "The AI is not quite as spectacular as the rest of the game." I take this mean the leap in AI is not as big as the leap in other areas such as graphics and physics. I don't take this mean that the AI bad or poorly designed. Hell, the original Half-Life marines are still the best AI opponents I've ever encountered in a game, so even if the combine soldiers act exactly like them, I'll be happy.

I wish I could have this blind optimism of 99% of forum members, but I'm a realist so I don't. If the playtesters said it wasn't up to much then I believe them. After all, they've played it and we haven't ;)
Like you, I will also be happy if it matches up to the original AI.

As for the friendly AI, and alien AI, they said that was great.