How are you going to play HL2?


Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
I have been debating with myself for some time about this. I wonder if I am going to screw around with the physics and take in all the wonderfullness of the game, or am I going to see how fast I can shred through the zombies and combine and make record time. What is your take on this?
I'll probably oogle the physics for about 6 straight months, and then start the game. :eek:
When i first get it, i am going to try to enjoy the game experience as much as possible...trying not to rush through, but to observe everything and take it all in. :D After i get through it the first time, then i'll go for speed and record times :eek:
ill just play it like any other game.... its not the second coming of christ, no matter how cool it is...
Slow and steady. I'm going to play like I'm actually Gordon. I'll listen carefully to everything the NPC's say. I'll talk to everyone at the train station. I'll visit every apartment building in the intro sequence. And I'll play every level section at least twice: once for the killing, a second time for the physics-based killing.
Take it kind of slow, have alot of fun with physics and study details of stuff, play around alot with the ai, both with friends and enemy troopers. But it depends on the entire pace of the game.
Reaperman said:
ill just play it like any other game.... its not the second coming of christ, no matter how cool it is...
YA but its the next best :D
Sashswash said:
When i first get it, i am going to try to enjoy the game experience as much as possible...trying not to rush through, but to observe everything and take it all in. :D After i get through it the first time, then i'll go for speed and record times :eek:

ditto :cheers:
Why the hell would you play it to beat it in record time? Theres no prize.

Who are you people.
Play at my noral pace, but I'll also exploit the physics greatly and look for easter eggs. I'll do this all on Normal, so that I don't feel like a baby on Easy, and pressured on Hard.
stigmata said:
Slow and steady. I'm going to play like I'm actually Gordon. I'll listen carefully to everything the NPC's say. I'll talk to everyone at the train station. I'll visit every apartment building in the intro sequence. And I'll play every level section at least twice: once for the killing, a second time for the physics-based killing.

ditto :imu:
I'd play through it like any other game but I would try to talk to everyone and listen to all the NPC chatter just to get the whole story.
CrazyHarij said:
Take it kind of slow, have alot of fun with physics and study details of stuff, play around alot with the ai, both with friends and enemy troopers. But it depends on the entire pace of the game.

I'll do exactly like Harij... and I love to check the enviroment, I'll will spend a lot of time in which place...
I'll finish SP, taking in everything at my own pace. Then it's onto MP.
MP or SP, MP or SP...................that is the question
ill play look through every section of the map trying to pick up everything with the manipulater. After about 5 hours of straight gameplay ill try MP, then SP again.
I'm going to go through the game and try to make I use the physics as much as possible. I want the game to last as long as possible.
Reaperman said:
ill just play it like any other game.... its not the second coming of christ, no matter how cool it is...

Amen to that. It's just a game people.
I will take it at a slow pace just like i do everygame i play, there is no reason for me to play it special, Im sure i will try diffrent things with physics but i dont think it will distract from normal paced gameplay, they know people will do it like that so it will all play out nicely for me I hope.
I'll just play through the game... I haven't planned how I will do it. That's just freaky.

Then it's on over to MP.
Here's how I'm gonna play HL2....

1. Put CD in CD-ROM drive and wait for autoload.

2. Press the install button and wait for about 3 min until it's done installing.

3. After installation is complete, check steam to see if multiplayer really works.

4. After I check if multiplayer really works, I will start a new singleplayer game and take the gravity gun and shoot EVERYTHING I SEE!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!..........

ummm.... ya. That's how I will play HL2. ;)
Just 1 cd and 3 minutes of install isn't realistic *lol*

I will test, if HL2 runs with WineX, if not, i will make a little win98 partition and play it with that until the winex support is there.
Here's how I want it:

Here's how I'm gonna play HL2....

1. Put DVD1 in DVD-ROM drive and wait for autoload.
2. Press the install button and wait for about 3 min until it's done installing.

1. Put DVD2 in DVD-ROM drive and wait for autoload.
2. Press the install button and wait for about 3 min until it's done installing.

1. Put DVD3 in DVD-ROM drive and wait for autoload.
2. Press the install button and wait for about 3 min until it's done installing.

etc, etc ... until I have huge amount of lovely HL2 goodness on my drive :)

Then play, play, play to my heart's content!
Kirkburn said:
Here's how I want it:

Here's how I'm gonna play HL2....

1. Put DVD1 in DVD-ROM drive and wait for autoload.
2. Press the install button and wait for about 3 min until it's done installing.

1. Put DVD2 in DVD-ROM drive and wait for autoload.
2. Press the install button and wait for about 3 min until it's done installing.

1. Put DVD3 in DVD-ROM drive and wait for autoload.
2. Press the install button and wait for about 3 min until it's done installing.

etc, etc ... until I have huge amount of lovely HL2 goodness on my drive :)

Then play, play, play to my heart's content!

If Half-life 2 becomes THAT big... My hard drive is gonna have a hernia!