How Are You Guys Getting the Collector's Edition?


Apr 26, 2004
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I've keep hearing about the Collector's Edition, and I am growing more and more tempted to buy it. But the question is, how are you guys getting yours? Are we ever sure Valve is releasing the CE at the same time as the normal version? I'm not sure which stores to look in when it comes out (I live in the US) and I'm not too excited about having to buy it off of the internet, and wait for it to come in the mail while everyone else is blasting away :p

Any sugestions?

If CE isn't out as the same time as HL2, then screw it.. :| As much as I'd like it, I'd rather have normal HL2, and not 2 (CE and normal)
it hasn't come out for preording...yet. I'm still waiting for the stores to have it become avaiable
mine cost $98.00 (real fast shipping) for me, it doesnt matter if it comes out the same day as the normal one, ill already be playing with my coupon ;D
If its not out the same day, they I wont be getting it.
If it's not released in Sweden, i'll get the normal version.
Reven said:
mine cost $98.00 (real fast shipping) for me, it doesnt matter if it comes out the same day as the normal one, ill already be playing with my coupon ;D

Where did you pre-order from?
If it's released within two weeks of the standard edition then I'll get the CE. If it's longer than that then I'll probably get the standard edition and decide later if I still want to spring for the CE.
The only way I'll get it is if it's right there on the shelf at Best Buy on the day it comes out.
csmighty1 said:
it hasn't come out for preording...yet. I'm still waiting for the stores to have it become avaiable

I preordered it at my eb today!
i talked to the guys at my local gaming store and theyre only taking preorders for the regular version as of now, but i was told that any money i put down on it can reserve me a copy of the collectors edition when it gets announced. they said they would just mark me down for the CE. try that at your store, it might work. im sure the game stores will take orders once it gets officially announced from valve to the retailers.
I already know whats in it, a inflatible bunker, with a super computer.
No. A lame poster or $5 t-shirt would not make it worth an extra $20. Valve would have to include a concept art book(a REAL book, not a Steam-downloadable piece of garbage), a commentary dvd with trailers and previews of current and upcoming Valve games, and a miniature HL statuette(random selection of headcrab, bullsquid, or gargantuan).
kaf11 said:
i talked to the guys at my local gaming store and theyre only taking preorders for the regular version as of now, but i was told that any money i put down on it can reserve me a copy of the collectors edition when it gets announced. they said they would just mark me down for the CE. try that at your store, it might work. im sure the game stores will take orders once it gets officially announced from valve to the retailers.

i did the same thing ;)
I hope they'll ship the collectors edition to israel.
otherwise, i'm gonna buy HL2 in the store, not in steam.
Im getting HL2 the day its out, if the CE verson is not there then sod it.
can somebody tell me what is actually on the collectors edition before I buy it?
What is the difference between that and the normal edition....

Actually could somebody explain all of the versions to me:

- The cheaper one that will be sold in places like wal mart no access to mods.
- Steam download one, offers monthly subscription to get mods.
- Normal Version, no subscription, have to buy the mods.
- Collectors Edition: I dont know anything about this one, please explain it
and also could somebody tell me whether it is cooming out in UK will it have things like the making of the game???
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn -
The cheaper one that will be sold in places like wal mart no access to mods - Close, it is single player only, no multiplayer at all. Cost around £15-20

Steam download one, offers monthly subscription to get mods - Basically, its £5.99 a month and you can download and play every single game valve release so long as you are paying the subscription. I assume, but don't know for sure, that if you get it this way, the game will stop working if you stop your subscription.

Normal Version, no subscription, have to buy the mods - Just like HL1. You get the single player, normal multiplayer, and the abilitie to use addons, such as mods or expansion packs. Expect about £35-40

Collectors Edition: I dont know anything about this one, please explain it - No one knows for sure, as valve haven't said. Expect the game (Obviously) and a t-shirt or poster or some such, and some other trinkets. Probably in the region of £70, but could be up to £20 more or less.

All of the above versions are avaliable in the UK, and the CE will be the same all over the world, I assume.

I should bloody hope not, unless it's got some seriously cool shit in the box. I really want the CE (never normally bother with CEs but Half-Life 2 doesn't come along every day, does it?) but I'm not sure I'm prepared to pay more than £50 maximum. I mean, you can get a bloody GameCube for £70.
Um.. Why are some people under the impression that you cannot purchase as opposed to rent HL2 through Steam? Did I miss some huge backflip in Valve policy or what?