How big is your Valve folder?

My Steam folder is so large that it cannot be described by current specifications. It encompasses, contains, and is all. It is all knowing and all seeing.

11.1 Gigabytes.
LOL, I used to do the same thing when I was a young whipper-snapper. I got busted cause all of my deeply hidden pics simply showed up in Start\My Documents shortcut. My parents didn't tell me they found them though, they made one the pics the desktop image. I felt like an idiot.
AmishSlayer said:
0 doesn't exist :p

What do you think Valve would do if they saw their fans post ridicules things like this? Vomit blood and go bankrupt.

You shall be burned alive...

Funky Munky said:
Diluted and Slain Child how are they so big?
I suppose I exaggerated a little bit. :p I only have 86 gb of HD space anyway. :D
LOL, I used to do the same thing when I was a young whipper-snapper. I got busted cause all of my deeply hidden pics simply showed up in Start\My Documents shortcut. My parents didn't tell me they found them though, they made one the pics the desktop image. I felt like an idiot.
LOL, wow.... When I was a young whipper-snapper I would make a "Hidden" folder make sure you can't see hidden folders...put that somewhere deep inside my computer and change all the extensions.

Yes it worked out nice.