How Could They!!


Jul 7, 2003
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Arnold won the election...................I fear for my state. Im moving to Seatle or somthing.......anywhere but here.
I suppose the other candidates were better? and the polls started today. people don't vote and decide who won on the same day.
Hell, my state elected Jessie Ventura a few years ago. Arnold can't be much worse, if at all.
Ahnuld, he will smash you with his awesome muscles.
He wil ruhn foh govehnah, and then we will all see his noo movie, T3: rhize of za machinnnes!

oh, wow, antlion!
Reform or Die!!!

You will go to school or Ahnuld will personally pay you a visit!
looks like my mistake, he did win. they did that pretty fast o_O

guess I'm used to bush-algore elections ;P
rofl, yeah, that would have been somethin.onder what it would be like to have a morn star as governor? It'd be like ms america winning, but naked and slutty. or something. I think I should go to sleep now, yeah.
Terminator 4: Election day, starring Arnold Schwer... yeah whatever..

well, well, I just hope he knows what he's doing. And that the people who voted for him were serious in that matter that they just didn't vote for him just because he is... well, Arnold.

I fear some did but... well..
dunno, what do I care anyways, I don't live there fortunately
Just saw that, they say he's gonna be like Ronald Regan :| He's goin straight to the whitehouse!!! Let's hope not.
President he aint gonna be. You have to born in America for that...which he isn't. Thank God for that.
Hey now, just cause hes an actor, it doesn't mean he'll suck at holding a political office. After all he received a masters in business, which basically allows you to play the political game; etc.
I will terminate dah publik spending deficit Yah!!! I love Adolf Hitlaaaarr!!!
I think Arnold will take some awsome weapons and clean up the slum in Callifornia.

"Don't look at were you are from, look at were you are going"
So Arnie made gobernator, eh?

Guess The Architect got a little tipsy and decided to have some fun

It's sad but not as disturbing as RR's presidency.