How did you find out about half-life?

I had an ex who nagged me constantly about playing Half-Life 2, and eventually I gave in and tried it. I would never have known about it otherwise because the box never grabbed my attention on the shelf and I never saw it advertised anywhere. Now I'm horribly addicted and I'm glad I gave it a shot. I've since gone back and played the original as well.

Wait you broke up with a gamer girl?
My dad and brother use to play it. Then I use to sit and watch my dad play Opposing Force. Then when he paused the game to talk on the phone, I had a go but didn't know how to change weapon.

I even remember the bit where he paused it.
I think I saw it in MPlayer in an advertisement quite a few years back.
I didn't actually play it until about 7 or 8 years ago.
Thats a very good question. I think... yes I remember now I saw some previews of HL2 in a magazine before it came out and they were clearly awed and impressed by the game. I'd never heard of it before (I know, I know, shame on me) and I thought who on earth is this geeky looking guy carrying a crowbar and why do they think he's so legendary, gamewise? So, intrigued, I played a copy of the game not really expecting that much from it and was immediately blown away by it. I've been hooked ever since.
Oh. I apologize for the mix up, and am sorry you had to deal with a break up.

No need to apologize, it was a long time ago so it doesn't bother me. I got a awesome addiction out of it. Not that I needed yet another...
Wanted to try Garrys mod. so I downloaded a cracked file. when I realized that Garrys mod wasnts as fun as I thought I saw HL2 was in there to. I tried it out in liked it. got to rute canel. whent down the shop to buy it. And now I am a HL addict. Thank god for that :D
I was 7 or 8 and me and my freind Avery played Half Life one on his dads computer.
My dad brought it home from work when I was like 6. The same with all other old PC shooters and RTS's we have.

I saw HL2 on a shelf at bestbuy in 06, backtracked, read half-life 2 again, squinted, read half-life, squinted, read 2, and then had a stroke. It's been love ever since.
My dad bought it back in '98 or '99. I watched him play it a bit, sort of forgot about it. When I was ten or so, I tried to play OpFor, and the zombie at the beginning scared me shitless and I avoided half-life for another year or two. I then tried it again, starting with half-life, and got hooked, and now... here we are.
I first heard about HL from a friend who was a serious nerd (aren't we all?) back in 98'. We played games quite often in those days, mostly the SNES. He had an old Gateway system with Flight Simulator 95' as well as a Linux Box. I never saw the game until I looked it up on the internet, since it was when we were talking over the phone one day that he happened to be playing it. He mentioned something like a 'mechsuit' and 'turrets' or something and I was all confused. I thought maybe it was a game like MechWarrior 2 or something.:rolleyes: I finally managed to get a copy and installed it on my PIII system and I was hooked. The PSU died on that old system and I was really upset, thought I didn't know at the time that's what happened, we just trashed it and did without a PC for several years. I managed to snag another copy when it released on the PS2, back in 2001 when the system was first released. All was right with the world again.:E I only just played HL2 last Jaurary. Not quite the same experience, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
No need to apologize, it was a long time ago so it doesn't bother me. I got a awesome addiction out of it. Not that I needed yet another...

OMG!!! gamer girlz rock... thatz why i go out with one lolzorz. w00t for karen... i luvz her lotz... she playz halflife for ps2 on occasion but still cant get past unforseen consequences... but hey... i be gamer since age 4... az for how i got into halflife? well, that was done out of relative boredom in fact. i had beaten all my PC gamez like command and conquer and halo and stuff about a year ago, so i said,"Hey!, this game haz nobody to luv it ! a game needz luv! so i proudly adopted my halflife2 holiday pack with hl1, hl2, hl2:ep1, CS ( omg it suxz), and HL2DM (I am the leader of the R.A. by the way,luv this game and still do)!!! w00t for all... halflife gave me an excuse to say ZOMG (Zombies Oh My God) again after Resident Evil...
Welcome, Growlypants. We need all the girls we can get! :D I'm not even much of a gamer, the HL saga just happens to be my favorite anything ever. :p
I was on my friends birthday and he got Half-Life as birthday present. We played it the whole day :D Then he started playing some CS Betas.

It was exiting game, with awesome graphics (hehe :D) and scenes. Also there were no little videos, everything was in-game. And the different creatures that we knew nothing about were seriously cool.

Then I got Half-Life: Generation pack at 2002, it included HL1, CS, Opposing Force and brand new Half-Life: Blue Shift. It was alot of fun.

After playing all those games for years, Steam came in with HL2, and on 2005 I got Vivendi's HL2 pack. I also putted HL: Generation pack to Steam, and many games appeared in my list like Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat and Deathmatch Classic.

So I have played these games and waited for the episodes and stuff. Now I have explored the games very very much, and I actually remember every single part of HL1 and Opposing Force. Blue Shift was kinda...none of my friends didn't even like it because the cool enemies from Opposing Force weren't in, and no new weapons. Just HL1 but with fat security guards and Barney as player.
I have a no idea, all I know is that I'm glad I did.

It also just dawned on me that I've never played all the way through Half-Life, Blue Shift, or Opposing Force. I could never finish them.
My first HL experience was at my cousins, where he was too engrossed to talk to me for more than 5 seconds at a time. I was, oo, 8 I think. He seemed to mention that it was called Half-life (or I remember it like that). I confess, my first copy of HL1 was a torrent, because I saw the name on a list of torrents and thought "hmm, i'd like to try that". That was 2 years ago. I didnt become aware that there was something called HL2 untill about 1 year ago, when my friends made me buy CS:S. Truly, there is no better game.
Saw a few reviews of it, but never played it. Later played the Opposing Force demo, which I adored and played through many times (it also scared the shit out of me more than anything else had before). Later again my brother borrowed HL for the PS2 off a friend. At the time he had also, stupidly, loaned our memory card to someone else, so we couldn't save. Got to blast pit before my brother gave it back to his friend, and I wanted more. Later that year we got the HL generations pack and played it all through the summer holidays.
I remember the first time i started to ask for walkthroughs on forums,it made everything easyer,but its just not fun if youre not desperate
I found it out on this year, since I was bored. I played HL2 and eventually HL1 and eventually EP1 and eventually EP2 and will eventually play EP3. Good night.
One day I got really bored and got on google. In a fit of genius I typed in Crowbar.

The rest is history
I had to get my brother a Christmas present back when HL was released, I picked Half Life and I got hooked.
I know now that Half-Life came out in 1997-1998, but I never heard about the game until many years later (2001) when I bought Half-Life Generation box (contained 4 CD-ROM discs) as I wanted to have Counter-Strike and this was the only box in the store with that game at the moment (and a good price too). So then I installed all the games and played through HL1. That was a great experience (albeit an enduring one, man that was many zombies) and then came HL2, and you know the rest. Now I'm waiting for Episode Three like everybody else.
Bought Level, a game magazine. Saw it and decided to buy it. That's about it.