How did you handle White Forest (spoilers)


Space Core
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
During the last push of strider infestation, how did you handle them? That was hard! I'd take out the hunters with the car then take out the striders at my 'leisure'. This may be the only effective way to do it, but I was wondering if anyone had success with a different strategy? You had to take the hunters out first unless you were quick on the draw. I missed a lot with the "Magnusson Devices" :rolling: during the heat of battle, and I missed every building collapse trying not to get killed. That was the most pitched, intense battle I think I've ever played in a FPS.
I drove directly under the striders, and used the busters directly under them.

That way the hunters never had a chance to shoot the devices down.
Meh, was easy (played on hard). I mean, just knock Hunters down with your car or use your gravity gun to pick up a log and have it absorb their attack and then throw it back. And then just pelt the Striders with Magnusson Device's until they topple. Also make sure to ambush the first Strider in the last attack when he comes down the hill - he's usually Hunter-less.

I had a rofl moment when I beat the battle and there was a surviving Hunter. See, they just run away into the forest, so I pursued him with my crowbar, all the while he was running backwards with alien goo spewing from his..uh..mouth.
I thought it was weird how the striders didn't really care about you on the field, so once again I simply did something the average player wouldn't :P
I didn't like it at first because I sucked using the Magnusson Bombs. For some reason, I got much better when the "second wave" of striders arrived, and it became immensely fun.

I just used the usual strategy of "kill hunters first, then the strider they were proteccting".
Alot of the time if your not going for the achievement you can just wait till the strider comes to a building at that point the hunters will go clear it out and you can sneak behind it in your car and kill it, theres a slight chance the strider may kill the building if your to slow but you can afford to lose 1 or 2 buildings.

If you are going for the achievement like I did that all comes down to being a good driver and being able to get to a SB spawn quickly and taking out the hunters with your car/darkmatter orbs.

Not sure why you guys say tree trunks theres plenty of orb ammo if you keep the buildings in tack and its quicker/easyer.
Take out the Hunters first with the car and anything else available, then go for the Striders.

Am I the only one who didn't use the RPG once in this game? :O
By the time of the final push, I had already lost both the buildings near the Strider spawns...I stayed near the building that had a Magnusson spawner both inside and outside, and then I just stayed in the trees next to the silo and punted the busters out as they passed by...I lost the first time, because I chose to be dynamic and driving the 2nd time I stayed close...but yeah, that time it was way more fun...I had 3 Combine balls (lucky me) and used up 2 of em on a single Hunter...we were on opposite ends of the car..I fired one and it ricocheted off the roof (ugh) so I jumped up on the engine and shot again and got em...

When I killed the last Strider, the last Hunter just randomly fell over dead...
Rofl. It took me nearly 30-40 minutes to beat this if not longer! I got the car completely stuck and had to abandon it. It was near the water tower, and I just ran back to the middle and waited for all the striders and hunters to come attacking. I used every tactic possible to take out them out. I really have no idea how I beat it.
Done all of the above. More like surviving the ride than protecting anything. Indeed my pimped mobile came as bonus.

Overall this is the best half an hour hl2 episode I have ever played.

GJ Valve for, yet another great game to scape this tedious life of mine.
I thought the last level was a bit easy (I died a couple of times), I just ran over hunters with my car. Overall, I found myself replaying that level over the weekend even if it wasn't all that epic.

I don't care what anyone says, I love fighting hunters.
During the final push things were just too crazy to run down the Hunters, so I used RPGs, plasma balls and physics objects...
I always aimed to run down Hunters first before killing Striders. I only tried attacking Hunters on foot if I wasted too much time driving at Hunters only for them to jump away.
I killed two striders with rockets, smg1 grenades, orbs and grenades on my first playthrough, so I had two big strider ragdolls that got in my way too many times :hmph:
Whenever I could, I hid behind the car and launched Magnusson devices, and I'd only clear out the hunters after I killed the Striders. Yeah... I quicksave/load a lot. :D
Heh, normally ran down the hunters, but sometimes I RPG'd them, which is kinda fun. Then I went for the striders.

Also, chucking the "Magnesson Devices" at the hunters works surprisingly well.
I actually got that this whole segment down the first time without dying (on medium difficulty). Basically, I learned pretty quickly that if I was going to use the strider busters, I'd have to take out the Hunter escorts first, since they always try to shoot the buster before you can pin it to the strider. After killing the hunters (combination of the 357, crossbow, AR2 alternate fire, and hotrod hit-and-runs), I'd just drive up under the strider, jump out, and get the strider buster off the rack and punt it at the strider.
The aftermath was pretty satisfying, as the strider buster frags the striders and, since in previous games, you'd only see one or two striders at a time, it was the first time I'd seen so much synth carnage: the forest was littered with strider guts. I had to take a tour afterwards. :D
Yeah it was pretty sweet...and i noticed they dont ragdoll, so the car doesnt keep getting stuck on the massive amount of legs laying everywhere...
I didn't protect the buildings I just waited at the Silo to take them down.
the car is the easiest way to do it, and the most recognized by the developers
I loved this part of the game. To begin with I managed to take down the striders before they got close to any buildings, but it really came down to the line when there was multiple coming at once. A couple times a strider got so close that I was almost certain it was within seconds of destroying the silo, only to be taken down at the last moment by a well placed "magnusson device".

One thing I found a little annoying was waiting for the magnusson devices to respawn. I thought it was quite a good trick to spawn a bunch during quiet times, and just leave them in patches around the place. That way, even if a building (and the spawner) got destroyed, there was still ample devices left nearby.
I have to say though, I love the alarm klaxon that plays when the Striders start getting close to the silo. Nothing enhances the atmosphere of a battle more than a good alarm klaxon or siren.
What happens if you fail the mission? Do we get a Cinematically Physically simulated explosion?
I wrestled down em' hunters with my bare fists, then I went D0g on the Strider. Easy-Deasy.
What happens if you fail the mission? Do we get a Cinematically Physically simulated explosion?

The explosion was pretty epic, IMO...


Hehe that was pretty hilarious. I couldn't stop 2 striders and 5 hunters from getting so blast and whole ****ing base exploded. Looked real cool.
That was by far the most frantic, fun, crazy, exciting, heart pumping, adrenaline riding battle I've ever had in any game ever. For some reason it never occurred to me my first time through that I could run over the hunters, or throw things at them. I guess I was focused on weapons. As a result I played through using only guns. In the end I finally won (after more than one try :) and I was down to my last couple clips of pistol ammo right at the entrance to the silo.

I killed the walkers first then went for the striders with the magnunsson's. Was going well until i ran out of ammo before the second wave of striders and the base kept being blown up :D. Then i found that that the building on the left facing the complex still had some ammo wich was enough to kill the walkers escorting the last wave of striders. Basicly i just trew every crosbow arrow, shell, rocket and bullet at the walkers before finishing the striders. Didn't think of using the car to run over the walkers though, that's a nice one :D
Run over hunter(s), if you miss one get out and Gravity Gun the car into it. Then M-device the strider, rinse repeat.
There's this fallen tree propped up against a rock bisecting the last two paths leading to the base (both with their own little Magnusson shacks off to the side). The second time I played the game, I collected a plethora of Magnussons at the foot of the rock and scrambled atop it.

From my bastion of faith, I slew Striders to the left, and to the right.

*cue epic oil painting of me atop a huge rock lobbing glowing stones at tripedial beasts*
I sat right next to the base and waited for the striders to come. I killed the hunters with rockets and then magnussoned the striders.
I think it's critical to not lose the Sawmill when the second strider attacks. Considering all attacks are launched from that end of the playing field, you have to drive around like crazy to get Magnusons from any other building. Though you do usually have to return somewhere else to get some health.
I hooked my A-Wing tow cable into their hulls, then I flew around it several times, wrapping up their legs so they tripped and fell down. :)

Actually, i just used the logs and the grav gun to take out the hunters. At close range you can hit them 3 times really quick, take them down, then deal with the strider.
That last battle was epic.

I barely did it.
But it feels good, when you hear the screeches of pain from the hunters as you run them over in your badass car.

But Ep.2, and that battle particularily, made the striders weak.
They were too easy to kill.
And I'm very dissapointed with the hunters. I expected them to be a bit tougher.
It only takes a few hits from a radiator(example) to kill them.

But the ending was really sad.