How did you like Half-Life Singleplayer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter HalfBob42
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In your opinion, Half-Life Singleplayer was...

  • Exceptional

    Votes: 69 73.4%
  • Good

    Votes: 15 16.0%
  • Ok/Average

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Bad

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Worst. Damn. Game. Ever.

    Votes: 6 6.4%

  • Total voters


(Sorry if theses threads are starting to get annoying, I'm just curious)
Jaw-Droppingly amazing, at least for its time it was.
it was cool,

I cant play it any more because it looks like crap compared to
Counter Strike: Source
Absolutely loved it, I'm halfway though the game for now.
I fink half life is one of those games that will be knocking around for a while. Cos there aren't many games that are... what... 6 years old (??) that are still enjoyable to play, start to finish.

I've recently started it again and it's as fun and challenging as ever... so, yeah single player half life is exceptional... there aren't many games that old that I still play and enjoy :smoking:
It was the best shit at the time, and it still is quite entertaining IMO. The story is just exceptional.
TBH, it wasn't that amazing if you played it in 2000 or later, because more games had copied the formula, with better graphics.

But back in 1998, it was the definitive statement to FPS gaming, it was THAT good compared to the other run and gun crap.
I love the core game itself, but the graphics are crap. Which is why I want to see it COMPLETELY rehauled into source (not just putting in some water and physics and calling it a day, leaving the same blocky archetecture, fuzzy textures, and models still the same as before).
It was great up until I killed Gonarch. At that point I thought it was the end of the game. Then I had to go through those god-awful leaping Xen levels which really put a crimp on the game for me, and I almost gave up.
The Xen 'factory' at the end was a great level, but the Nihilanth was just plain irritating. I hated all of that bouncy, jumpy crap. I hope there isn't any in HL2.
Who the hell voted worse game ever? They BETTER be joking...