How do i add sprays via console?



Well, i cant add sprays the normal way since CS:S crashes when i attemp to add a spray via 1)the "import spray" button and 2)use the "apply" button.

I thought since there's apparently a console command for evrything else in CS:S, there also must be a command for this. It's either that or adding a command to the cfg files wich sets the spray directly.

I know, sprays aren't the most important thing in the world but when erybody else on the server has personal one it's always nice to "tag" along ;)
cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/yoursprayhere.vtf"

Yes, it will need to be vtf first, make sure to have a good vmt file to go with it.
Also, I pulled the command from my config.cfg file.