How do I check my power supply?

Oct 23, 2007
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I'm looking to get a new video card but I want to know how good my power supply is. How do I check that? Would I look at dxdiag.exe?
You would have to physically look for a label on the power supply. You may have to take it out of the PC first.
And the label would tell the watts and what have you?

It should, unless it's a cheapo PSU from some desolate Asian country. In the rare case that it doesn't, you'll have to recall where you got it from and look up the info that way.
It should, unless it's a cheapo PSU from some desolate Asian country. In the rare case that it doesn't, you'll have to recall where you got it from and look up the info that way.

Cool, thanks.
You would have to physically look for a label on the power supply. You may have to take it out of the PC first.

And the label would tell the watts and what have you?

And to add a little bit more: If that PSU came with your computer as an OEM, you will probably need to upgrade PSU, with the respect of the video card you intent to buy.

Open up the case and read everything on the description (speciification) panel on the facing side your PSU, the type and model of the video card that you have in mind, and post them here. Maybe we could help you choose a decent PSU.

Good Luck.