How do I convince her...

What should I do next?

  • Tell the teacher(You serious?)

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • Yak about me not talking about her

    Votes: 1 1.7%

    Votes: 6 10.0%
  • Yell at her

    Votes: 18 30.0%
  • Ignore her?

    Votes: 16 26.7%

  • Total voters
Bitch slap her, and yell,"Whore, I done told you about speaking 'fore you been spoken to. Don't MAKE me slap you with my big black hand again. I hate doing it, but sometimes you deserve it BIATCH! Oh, and YES, we were spreading rumours that you and your friend give all the Janitors "jobs" in the boys bathrooms." /me Crackalackin' slaps her in the face!
Just ignore her, obiously she has some issues and likes taking it out on people less intelligent than her. HAHA kiddin, seriously don't bother.
Are you gonna let a girl beat your ass? Stick up for yourself, need me to beat someone up for you Tredoslop? ;D
I agree, put her in her place with a nice ol' donkey punch. TONY DANZA!

Man, I remember when I was in school. lol I photocopied th teachers book. But I think you should ignore her. Girls overreact for no good reason. Or your could try and woo her (if she's good looking) and smooth everything over.
you know... seduce, charm, a bit of cool handing. Don't ask me how. thats for you to figure out. :cool:
people suck don't they. sounds like some of the bitchy ones at my school. I suggest ignoring her or telling on her if you're not too wimpy too do that :p

Frankly I think it take sguts to tell, as people will mock you for like a year about it. hehe.
I agree with all replies involving backhands and underage loven.

^ Tony, well known for his excellent handling of women... not! :LOL:

nah, jkin mate.... you'll still buy me a drink down t'pub....right ;(

anyways... i go with the Seduce option :p
Look, if I where you, this what I am going to do.

when she start on you, just tell her you look like J-LO, then put your hand over her ass and start fingering her, if she refused then ignor her, if she relaxed then you know...............(after school business).
No matter what she does, it won't help ratting her out. It will only make your life worse. You will be known as a RAT. You will be going into your last 4 years of school as a RAT. Everyone will forget what she did, but will always remember that your a RAT.

Take advantage of the situation. You can come out on top.

My friends (female ones) have taken to calling each other... and me Rattys :p ... it's quite funny actually.... since it's a term of endearment to us :p...

Anubis... how old are you? I mean really... 'RAT'... we have stronger words for that kinda behavior at my Sixth Form... ah well... seriously... back on topic:

Just ignore her if it gets annoying...
YELL at her TELLING that you weren't talking about her and then if she still doesn't believe you you should go to the teacher
let her use it if you dont like her. she will be so dumb in math next year will be a kick in the ass, she may even fail

or do what is good for her and tell
Originally posted by LoneDeranger

PS. You never, ever tell the teacher anything. Doesn't matter if it's some stupid girl or the guy who beats you up at lunch. It's the unspoken code of respect among students.

that's the dumbest suggestion you could possibly give. when a student sees a fellow student walking around with the butt of a handgun in his pocket, you're suggesting that they dont tell an official?

this situation actually occured at my highschool when i attended, it avoided gang violence and potentially saved someone's life.

you're suggestion is moronic.
are you ****ing serious? WHO ****ING CARES. go find the person with the teachers edition and get the answers on everything from them, and be happy.

Let me tell you, you WILL NOT need most of the info from highschool in college. if its not calculus or above dont ****ing worry about it.

I can barely spell, and my handwriting sucks, and I cant do arithmatic in my head at all anymore, and I STILL didnt have trouble getting into a decent college. (granted, when I took the sats a few years back I did use a ti89 :p)
Originally posted by Skammich
when a student sees a fellow student walking around with the butt of a handgun in his pocket, you're suggesting that they dont tell an official?

this situation actually occured at my highschool when i attended, it avoided gang violence and potentially saved someone's life.

similar situation occurred at my highschool too (thankfully before i got to 9th grade). it's really scary to think about how often it occurs, and then you start wondering how the heck kids are even getting their hands on guns... are they stealing them, are their parents just leaving them out?.... and then you wonder how things get to "i'm angry i need to take my gun to school"... seems like people should have more sense than that.

anyways, how about if you think (or know, actually) somebody cheated off of you on a test; do you tell a teacher? what if you know people are cheating on tests or just schoolwork (because there are students around me who do cheat, and it makes me sick; i have never asked anybody to copy work or tell me test questions and it disgusts me that people are making A's in ap classes when they don't deserve it, especially in a highly competitive environment; and then teachers catch kids cheating on the finals--students actually making up websites where other students can post the questions and answers for the finals, grrrr what kind of person has the time during finals week to create a cheating website.... and they also catch kids cheating on extra credit--for goodness sakes, why would you cheat to get 5 idiotic extra credit points, especially when it's for something like defining vocabulary words--what kind of person can't define vocabulary words for themselves when the vocab word come straight from a textbook!!!!....!!!!! and now I'll conclude this long parenthetical rant). so, do you tell on people then, because i know that i would definitely feel very uncomfortable telling on cheaters when there is so much cheating going on.
Next time she talks to you tell her how hot she looks when she is angry and see what her reaction is.

Seriously, this is the best option. Yeah, she'll get mad, but if you keep saying stuff like that to her, I'd bet anything she'll shut the hell up.

The other option is to act extremely angry and tell her off... that should work, too. I had to do it once with someone and they shut up really quick (mostly because I pride myself on never losing control and it looked like I was angry enough to do it then). Something to the effect of (at the loudest volume possible):


Make sure to do it away from teachers, so you don't get in trouble, and it's better if you do it in front of their peers so they get more embarassed by it. And whatever you do, don't let her interrupt you.

But whichever path you take, make sure to stick to it so you don't seem like you're desperate and trying things to get them to leave you alone. i.e., don't act nice, then act angry if it doesn't work right away.
She obviously fancies if my distant memory of my teenage years serves correctly. Tell her she's a fine bit of ass, slap the afore mentioned ass and wink at her.

She'll think you're dead cool......

....or something