How do i create people in Garrys mod?

bind "whatever key you want" "npc_create npc_combine_s"

Then press that key to spawn.

How do i make stuff appear like, say gman or Alex with the multitool?
ragdoll, or real
ragdoll is by pressing q (by default) and clicking gman or alyx

real was mentioned above
How do i make the npc props stand?

How do i make the npc props stand up? So i can make some funny poses etc
press q and click on the name of the character. For future reference you pose ragdolls and npc are ai controlled. maybe you should read the garrys mod readme. It helps alot.
download this mega thing. it replaces all of ur guns with CS weapons, but u can make npcs from a menu. i think its on garrys website, or he has ads or endorseds it, i dont really know, my bro put it on the comp. all the weapons do the same thing, just look different, and it does all the npc spawn things using the q menu