How do I install the fusion pack!


Jan 11, 2004
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After I downloaded it, I hit install, and it installed successfully. When I click on "Run Fusion Pack from Start Menu" it says "looking for steam.exe". So I hit browse and found it. It still doesnt work. I thought it would work automatically when I played source from steam but I guess not
my dosent work either i says would u like to delete this icon or soemthing like that everytime i click it
O i figured it out. Here's what you need to do: Install it under the directory: C:\Programfiles\Steam\SteamApps\User@email\counter-strike source.
nick_t said:
is the fusion pack free?

Yes. It adds some very nice models and sounds. The only thing I don't like is the new voicepack.
would be cool if you could just buy a helmit, or buy a slingshot for launching grenades
only cons are:

psc90 looks like its straight from 1.6
end-game music is totally gay
mine still wont work it keeps saying cannot open because of the steam.exe has been moved or soemthing but my other stuff will work jsut fine
ok, i have a question which might contradict the whole purpose of this topic: can you uninstall the fusion pack?
u can unistall from add remove programs or click on install.exe
I found the password (fpsource...) but it doesn't work. what did you guys enter?
it doesnt work for me. i tried many times copying+pasting it or just typing it manually and still didnt work.
Man, that's gay. Stupid crap. I don't understand why one same program would work differently on different computers.
mine works fine, you guys are installing it to

C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source

arent you, i know somebodys already mentioned this but you are new and probably didnt read that post, yeah the end music is really annoying but its simple to delete

simply goto C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source\cstrike\sound\radio

and delete "ctwin.wav" and "terwin.wav" and if you really dont like the hostage "escorting precious cargo" one either you can delete that too "rescue.wav"

they should revert/download back to their original cs sounds, theirs a few weapon sounds which i'm really not sure about too, but more on that later

good luck guys
I enterend no password in the installion... I just installed to the Counter-Strike Source source directory. This step is crucial . Otherwise it installs to C:\CSDIRECTOR~1 or somehing. Follow this step, and your problem will be solved.
i got the fusion pack to work but it is toooo wierd. first, it asked me for a password, so i entered "fpsource349" and it wouldn't accept it. so, i pressed skip file and when i ran Steam it didn't work. So I ran the setup and uninstalled. Then, I installed it again (same directory and everything!) and it didn't ask me for a password and worked!
this is weird, i installed in in the said default directory but i dont see anything different O_O;
how do i "run" this pack?
MurderScene said:
this is weird, i installed in in the said default directory but i dont see anything different O_O;
how do i "run" this pack?

as urban said, you install it to: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source
The Fusion Packs OK, but I deleted all the weapon/player models, radio/player sounds, weapon reloading sounds, and probably about half the weapon sounds (as half of 'em were crap) and just left the really decent ones like the FAMAS, AWP Scout, AK and other decent sounds. :p
I didnt have to type any password?
u can extract the files to any dir u want and move them later to ur source dirs. this way u dont have to install all the sounds or skins... only the 1s u want 2 :naughty:
i hated the usp model, animations, and sounds everything was outta sync and it was slow
i like it, their earlier ones for cs 1.5 were better but cant complain its really quite nice
its a good change but it has its downsides. i really like the CT skin though
this is just ridiculous.

Models / skins / sounds are insanely easy to install with steam.

Obviously you need to select the directory, as you do with every program in the world.

I'm amazed that some of you knew how to post if you can't figure this out.
yea, i though it would be simple but it went bezerk on me. first time, it asked me for a password although I always installed it in the same directory.
DreadLord1337 said:
this is just ridiculous.

Models / skins / sounds are insanely easy to install with steam.

Obviously you need to select the directory, as you do with every program in the world.

I'm amazed that some of you knew how to post if you can't figure this out.

ease up, they're simply asking for help.
DreadLord1337 said:
this is just ridiculous.

Models / skins / sounds are insanely easy to install with steam.

Obviously you need to select the directory, as you do with every program in the world.

I'm amazed that some of you knew how to post if you can't figure this out.
not all ppl are as smart as we are :naughty: