how do i make a basic skybox, not 3d or anything.

look in the menus for map properties, you'll be able to type in a skybox.
to see the skyboxes, type "skybox" when browsing textures, then when you have chosen one, what you will have to type in the map properties box is the name of the skybox minus the _something part.

wow, that wasn't clear at all
its not complicated, just make the surfaces you want to be sky, use the skybox material (little blue thing with skybox in it)

change in the map properties what type of skybox you want to use. You wont get any 3D skyboxes unless you make one.

Reason why there's no tutorials for it, its as simple as applying a surface.
oh yeah, i forgot the part where you have to actually put the skybox in the map :burp:
If you need more than one type of sky in your map you need to fake it with a regularly mapped sky, but it wont behave like a proper skybox. So can only be used in certain situations (little movement by the player for example)

Can always use a 3D skybox to be triggered for changing its appearance to give the impression of different skies, but its a little more in depth.
The Dark Elf said:
If you need more than one type of sky in your map you need to fake it with a regularly mapped sky, but it wont behave like a proper skybox. So can only be used in certain situations (little movement by the player for example)

Can always use a 3D skybox to be triggered for changing its appearance to give the impression of different skies, but its a little more in depth.
this is not viable even if player doesn't move much, you'd still see the perspective of the brush.
and anyway purposefully making a texture that would "fit" and cancel the perspective would take much more time than learning how to 3d skybox
nagual678 said:
this is not viable even if player doesn't move much, you'd still see the perspective of the brush.
and anyway purposefully making a texture that would "fit" and cancel the perspective would take much more time than learning how to 3d skybox
No, if you generate the skybox cube map correctly, there's no distortion and it works fine. A good example are the QuickTime VR images, (not the panorama ones) the VR ones are mapped onto a cube and appear correct around the view (you) and allows you to look around in all directions. But the illusion will be lost if you move much from the center without it being a real skybox.

If you do it wrong though it breaks instantly.
keep in mind that making a large box around the entire map isn't the best way to do it
Just make the skybox surfaces where your gonna see them. Use nodraw surfaces in all area's you can't see (without cheating) to seal up the map without needing skybox surfaces.
can I use any sky textures for a skybox? I tried one of them and it was visually messed up.