How do I make A zero gravity entity ?


Aug 30, 2004
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is there a possibility that someone could make an entity that would allow the player to switch from walking on a floor, to walking on a wall... like in space ? not that i'm asking if someone would like to make it for me... well if you want to make it for me... youre welkom... so is it possible ??? :D
well if you want no gravity, have a look at what sv_gravity command does (search for it in the code and follow the functions).
well... i want players walking over walls and stuff... but maybe thats out of my reach
heh, not doable without heavily modifying the sdk.
ok, but is there a option that i could set the default gravity a bit higher ?
lol - 1st that should be quite easy to change - just find it somewhere int the code and change it - mybe you jsut look for it at the commands where sv_gravity is.

and 2nd thing: you don't want to make gravity higher - that also increase the force pulling you onto the floor - you want to decrease the gravity! ;)
No. Not a capability of the quake engine on steroids, ahem, source.
Serious Sam (as seen in Second Encounter) has cool stuff like that. Rooms that are all wavy or circular, and however the floor curves, that becomes the new direction of gravity.
it's perfectly possible, but yeah it'll mean quite a bit of work :)
for setting a certain player's gravity, suprise surprise, use SetGravity( float flGravity );
hmmm... old thread.. and uh, i ment walking over walls, flipping the viewers vision 90 degrees... it IS inpossible ! :cheers: but thanks for the reply :D
i know what you meant, and it's possible. it would be a ****ing challenge and a half, but i'd say it's worth trying, try posting on other coding forums and get a second opinion. even if you don't manage it, you'll learn a hell of a lot by trying, can't be bad :)