How do I make the Fan run at 5v?


May 23, 2004
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Since halflife 2 will be here really soon I want my computer to be silent but I don't know how to make it run at 5v. Does anyone know?
Unless you somehow tweak your powersupply, I don't think you can.

Besides, the fan was ment to run at whatever the default voltage is.
Yes, you do that by tweaking the psu but what to tweak?
general rule: don't screw with your psu.

It has capacitors that could fry you even when it's unplugged.

Seriously, why's it that big of a deal?
Its actully the psu cables.....not dangerous at all , I have many of them so I don't care if I ruin one.
you'd have to rig up some sort of resistor....

I still don't see why you want to do it.
the usual moleX connector inside your computer has 4 cables

by memory there is

1 yellow - this is the 12volt line
1 red - this is the 5volt line
2 black - these are the ground lines

what you need to do is swap on your molex connector the red and yellow

and btw... its not myfault you blow your psu or yourself

thanks :)

From Mike
I've ordered a 16 DBa fan so no need for that anymore