How do I model?


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Ive been reading the tutrorials but there all to advanced, how do I even make a shape, and move it?

Im using softmage, and Ive googled and I can't find anything at all good, could you point me in the right direction for a total n00b.
yeah destys tutorial is the best for learnign the basics imo. good on you for learning xsi. everytime someone learns xsi a 3dsm user dies.
yea destys tutorial is/could be one of the best ive ever come across i realy sagest you download the whole thing
Alot of people didnt get thier stolen/free copies of 3d programs compleat with manual. :p
haha, hence the reason why I act like an ass to people who use illegal copies
Alot of people didnt get thier stolen/free copies of 3d programs compleat with manual.


haha, hence the reason why I act like an ass to people who use illegal copies

no offence but you act like an ass to everyone.
Ive done the first bit, I now have a 2d model of a luger with no trigger, this is actuallye asier than I thought, and its fun! Great tutorial!

crackhead said:
yeah destys tutorial is the best for learnign the basics imo. good on you for learning xsi. everytime someone learns xsi a 3dsm user dies.

you gotta be kidding me, I was so happy to finally return to max and maya after being stuck in the world of XSI
no dice, It just doesnt go smoothly for me with XSI

up to the persons tastes at the end
Ok Im stuck now.

He says press m to create polygons, but m just lets me move existing ones, it doesnt give me the chance to create new ones.
rofl I thought he was saying press m, and i was like WTF M DOESNT DO ANYTHINg.

but he was actually saying n :/
When he right clicks it brings up a menu, for me it doesnt.

My right click is working out of XSI however.
yeh it doesnt for me and ive forgotten how u do it but every thing he clicks on on the menu can be found on the tabs on the left hand side.
haha, what kind of xsi user are you if you don't know what custom shelves are?
They're like custom palletes where you can define what kind of tools you want, too increase efficiency :|
i know what custom shelves are i was asking him what he was talking about when he said SNAP afterwards.
riiiight. maybe snap refers to snap, problem gone?