How do I play CS.S on my 2 home computers?


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
I have finally set up a Router and have both my PCs on line at the same time.I now want to prove to my son that my gaming skills are far supperior to his and kick his ass at CS.S.
Problem is that I do not know how to set things up to play the game on both pc's against each other.
I know it probably is very simple but I am new to these things and could do with some help(a step by step guide for dummies would be ideal)

thanks in advance
I don't understand; do you want to use the same account on two computers at the same time?
Good question.
Will I need a seperate account for each computer and if so, how do I go about setting that up?
Does it mean buying the game again?
If you're both not connected to the internet and on a LAN, I think you can play against each other using the same account.
You can't do that if you want to play on the internet though, you'd have to buy another copy of the game