how do i pots thred


Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Hey everyone, totally posting a comeback thread right here thats right, im back and im totes going to post all the time. This is directly related to me wanting to die literally every day (lol if you dont). Plus also maybe ZT said something to me like "why did you leave me" like 5 weeks ago, or 5 months ago, and that was a very good question so now im back I guess.

is my baby girl Qonfused still posting? If he isn't I might cry a little bit.
I think Qonfused is still around, but sometimes I get confused cuz I do see him on Facebook rather often.

Anyway it's good to see you back around these parts buddy :)
Yeah I see Qonf pretty regularly on facebook too, so I directly related that to "he probably still posts on all the time".

The way the posts look the bored now is totally weirding me the hell out but I'll get over it.
Who are you? Wait, hold on, I have the slightest urge to listen to the Foo Fighters.