How do i report a friend?


Aug 11, 2004
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How do i report a friend using the warez copy of HL2? i can get him deported back to canada :).
You dang backstabber, hl2 or not, you should never betray a friend.
talem said:
How do i report a friend using the warez copy of HL2? i can get him deported back to canada :).

You are pathetic, I wouldnt be shocked if you didnt have any friends.
Whats this? Loyalty to Gaben/Valve before loyalty to friends.
talem said:
How do i report a friend using the warez copy of HL2? i can get him deported back to canada :).

You are prolly joking. He is, guys.

The problem is much bigger and "reporting" one person would not do anything.
DoctorGordon3 said:
You dang backstabber, hl2 or not, you should never betray a friend.

Yeah you ****ing ingrate nub, put the value of a video game over your friends. You sicken me.
hey, he might be using the term 'friend' loosely. He may actually mean cunt.
if you are joking thats funny.
But if not, you are a terrible friend.
Glad I am not your friend....OR AM I? dumdumdummmmm (thats dramatic music)
What if his friend was stealing cars? Would you say not to report him? What if he was muggin people? Killing them?

After all, those and warezing a game are all crimes, so its not about should you shop him, its about at what point would you shop him. Just because his threshold for shopping him is lower than yours, how does that make him a bad person.

Look at it this way. You go and buy a car. Meanwhile, your friend goes out and steals one. So a year or two later you decide you want a new car for the missus/kid/whoever but when you go, the same model is even more expensive than before, because theft has raised the retailers prices. Same deal with games. When he steals the game, it eventually comes out of your pocket. And no-one say "Yeah, but he wouldn't have bought it anyway", because that is not an excuse. If he won't pay for it then he shouldn't be playing it. You can't steal a car just because you can't afford to buy it, so why a game?

Aside from anything else, not only is he leagally entitled, he has a moral duty to give up a friend who is comminiting a crime, so to sit there and give him a hard time is akin to those who take the mic out of kids at shcool for grassing up a bully.

Talem - My advice mate is to warn him to stop. Remind him it is illegal. Then, if he does continue, do whatever you fell nessasary, and do not listen to people who tell you its wrong to 'grass' up a mate. Thats all about opinion and only yours counts here. After all, you are the one that has to deal with the consequences.

/Devils advocate
Chances are talem wrote that message with a warzed copy of Windows. ;)
Don't report him. Punish him as thieves ought to be treated: cut off his right hand.
talem said:
How do i report a friend using the warez copy of HL2? i can get him deported back to canada :).

Last I checked the only 'warez' version was leaked by Valve to track down the people using It.
Link said:
You can't steal a car just because you can't afford to buy it, so why a game?

Warez isn't theft. Technically you arn't stealing the game, as you are not removing anything from the possesion of someone else so they cannot enjoy it.

It copyright infringement, plain and simple. Which is frankly a teeny little crime.

But warez HL2 is still wrong :(
nah, there were warez versions out in the first hour of release.
pHATE1982 said:
It copyright infringement, plain and simple. Which is frankly a teeny little crime.

Copyright infringement is still technically theft. There does not have to be a physical object for a theft to occur. Theft is the deprivation of one individual by another, of an object considered theirs under law, virtual or physical. As such, a copyrighted product would be the theft, in this case, of the revenue that would be earned should the individual have purchased the product.

As an example to the physical. Imagine you are selling your car. Someone steals said car, but never intended to purchase it. You happen to own 10,000 cars, more than you could ever sell. Does this make it ok?

Penalties for software piracy - SPA website said:
What are the penalties for pirating software?
The Copyright Act allows a copyright owner to recover monetary damages measured either by: (1) actual damages plus any additional profits of the infringer attributable to the infringement, or
(2) statutory damages, of up to $150,000 for each copyrighted work infringed.
The copyright owner also has the right to permanently enjoin an infringer from engaging in further infringing activities and may be awarded costs and attorneys' fees. The law also permits destruction or other reasonable disposition of all infringing copies and devices by which infringing copies have been made or used in violation of the copyright owner's exclusive rights. In cases of willful infringement, criminal penalties may also be assessed against the infringer.

Hardley sounds like a teeny crime now...
Link said:
What if his friend was stealing cars? Would you say not to report him? What if he was muggin people? Killing them?

Nice one !
Do you really compare someone warezing a game with someone killing ppl ? Or was it just a joke ?

Link said:
Look at it this way. You go and buy a car. Meanwhile, your friend goes out and steals one. So a year or two later you decide you want a new car for the missus/kid/whoever but when you go, the same model is even more expensive than before, because theft has raised the retailers prices. Same deal with games. When he steals the game, it eventually comes out of your pocket.

Well that would make sense if companies sold their products fixing their price accordingly to the cost of R&D, manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. But the price is fixed considering how much are you willing to pay for that product. So next time you see a higher than normal price its not cause the company got ripped off from consumers but because the company believes that you are willing to pay that price.

Btw before you start flaming me let me just say that I’m an owner of Valve gold package through steam.

Xcuse my english
Gatos_7 said:
Nice one !
Do you really compare someone warezing a game with someone killing ppl ? Or was it just a joke ?
Define comparing? Did I say they were the same? No. I said that they are both crimes, one of which you would say should be punished, the other you say should not. This guy obviously thinks both should be punished

Gatos_7 said:
Well that would make sense if companies sold their products fixing their price accordingly to the cost of R&D, manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. But the price is fixed considering how much are you willing to pay for that product. So next time you see a higher than normal price its not cause the company got ripped off from consumers but because the company believes that you are willing to pay that price.

What and you think car manufacturors charge based on that? they charge, like all companies since the begining of time, exactly what they believe people will pay.

Besides, theft will send prices up. Say 1 in 2 cars gets stolen. That means that each car sold effectivly cost double to produce. Scale it down and you can see why stealing things ramps up the price for legitimate buyers.

Gatos_7 said:
Btw before you start flaming me let me just say that I’m an owner of Valve gold package through steam.

Xcuse my english
I am not in the habbit of flaming people who make reasonable and intelligent arguments, as you have done, and to be honest your english is better than most of the people on here who speak it as a first language. If you hadn't said anything, I would have assumed it was your first language.
think your friend(If he/she really is your friend that is) wouldnt be happy about that. Youd probably lose your friendship with him/her because of that, so would it be worth to report it?
I know loads of my friends and relatives who has illegally copyed games, and I must admit that I have been a part of that too, but only because I´ve been use to do it when I was little, as my brothers kept bringin them, and didnt realise it was illegal then..
I know I have the possibility to get the HL2 warez copy version, but I just dont want to, because its worth buying no matter if I´d get it free..
Still I dont think its such a big crime to play a game thats not legal, but
the ones whos selling/spreading the warez copy game should get punished.
Link said:
Define comparing? Did I say they were the same? No. I said that they are both crimes, one of which you would say should be punished, the other you say should not. This guy obviously thinks both should be punished

Sorry then my bad :)

Link said:
What and you think car manufacturors charge based on that? they charge, like all companies since the begining of time, exactly what they believe people will pay.

Isn’t that what I said ? :perhaps my English are not as good after all :p

Link said:
Besides, theft will send prices up. Say 1 in 2 cars gets stolen. That means that each car sold effectivly cost double to produce. Scale it down and you can see why stealing things ramps up the price for legitimate buyers.

Well hypothetical speaking I think one or more of those scenarios would occur in that event.
a. The company manufacturing cars would not double car prices because the price that they are selling has almost nothing to do with the manufacturing cost and because consumers wouldn’t buy their cars
b. Try to find the thieves instead of raising the price
c. Continue as nothing is wrong cause they still make profits (most unlikely)

Imagine this, I’m making a product that you need/want/like by my own because I have the necessary knowledge and tools. Lets say the product cost me 5€ (I’m putting time in that cost also). Now lets say you know it cost me 5€ to make it and I’m selling it 50€, would you buy it ? And even if you do wouldn’t you feel a little bit cheated ?

It all boils down to this. Companies are entities that exist for one purpose only and that purpose is profit. They will raise the price of their products if you are willing to pay for it even if they make tones of money. That money usually stays in the hand of very few people and almost all of the time doesn’t go to whoever worked for the production of the product (when I say work I mean R&D manufacturing packaging and shipping).

Thus IMO companies are stealing from us.

Link said:
I am not in the habbit of flaming people who make reasonable and intelligent arguments, as you have done, and to be honest your english is better than most of the people on here who speak it as a first language. If you hadn't said anything, I would have assumed it was your first language.

It seems I wrongly assumed you would so again my bad. Sorry :)

Anyway I’m from Greece the number one country in Europe when it comes to piracy :p
*ahem* Could he possibly mean someone in his list of friends on Steam?

There's 'friend' and then theirs friends. Just a thought.
Gatos_7 said:
Isn’t that what I said ? :perhaps my English are not as good after all :p

Bugger. Ok, fair enough, we seem to be using the same argument to different ends. :D

Gatos_7 said:
Well hypothetical speaking I think one or more of those scenarios would occur in that event.
a. The company manufacturing cars would not double car prices because the price that they are selling has almost nothing to do with the manufacturing cost and because consumers wouldn’t buy their cars
b. Try to find the thieves instead of raising the price
c. Continue as nothing is wrong cause they still make profits (most unlikely)

So in your case, option b. would make the most sense. Dosen't that kind of prove the point that this guy should shop his friend?

Gatos_7 said:
Imagine this, I’m making a product that you need/want/like by my own because I have the necessary knowledge and tools. Lets say the product cost me 5€ (I’m putting time in that cost also). Now lets say you know it cost me 5€ to make it and I’m selling it 50€, would you buy it ? And even if you do wouldn’t you feel a little bit cheated ?

I see what your saying, but people will only pay what something is worth. If your product is worth the (Where the hells the euro button on this keyboard)50 you charge, I will pay it happily. If its not, then I won't buy it. If its a case of needing it and you are the only one that sells it, then its worth whatever you charge.

Gatos_7 said:
It all boils down to this. Companies are entities that exist for one purpose only and that purpose is profit. They will raise the price of their products if you are willing to pay for it even if they make tones of money. That money usually stays in the hand of very few people and almost all of the time doesn’t go to whoever worked for the production of the product (when I say work I mean R&D manufacturing packaging and shipping).

Thus IMO companies are stealing from us.
Well, business has always been a case of buying something cheap and selling it for a profit. So if you take a company, you could talk about the R&D and the manufactuor being the 'buying cheaply'. And companies can't 'steal' from you (Unless they are doing something illegal). you choose whether to buy something or not, so it can't be stealing.

Gatos_7 said:
It seems I wrongly assumed you would so again my bad. Sorry :)

Anyway I’m from Greece the number one country in Europe when it comes to piracy :p
No probs. Seems that what I intend to be rational debate often comes across as flames to others. I'm not sure why...

I went to greece on holiday a few years back (can't remember which bit). Beautiful country, but the drink is much more expensive than in turkey (And I could see where I stayed in turkey the year before from the hotel) and the drains are weird.
Besides the fact that I hate sqealers from the bottom of my heart, I do not really see why you would report your friend in this case.

First of all, the sales loss on after-release warez is minimal. Who would go warez if he was certain of the quality of this game? The people that warez the game to not harm the company:
- some people want to 'taste' the game before they buy it, but dont want to wait for the demo.
- some people do not think the game is worth their money, so instead of not buying and not playing, they warez it.
- some people do not have $50 to spare and cannot buy the game, going warez to play it and buy it later on.

Please think twice before ratting out people around you, and they might not throw in your windows!
Clavius said:
Besides the fact that I hate sqealers from the bottom of my heart, I do not really see why you would report your friend in this case.
Why do you hate them? Surley only people who reguarly break rules/laws should have a problem with them.

Clavius said:
First of all, the sales loss on after-release warez is minimal.
That is utterly irrelivent. It is still a loss taken by the warezer from the producing company. So what if its small? Is it ok if I steal $40 dollars from you to buy a game?

Clavius said:
Who would go warez if he was certain of the quality of this game? The people that warez the game to not harm the company:
Give me strength. Ok, here we go...

Clavius said:
- some people want to 'taste' the game before they buy it, but dont want to wait for the demo.
Do they? Tough. I refer back to my car example. If you are selling your car, is it ok to steal it for a week to 'try' it, and then give your the money for it?

Clavius said:
- some people do not think the game is worth their money, so instead of not buying and not playing, they warez it.
Good point. You know, I don't think your cars actually worth any money. I think I'll just steal it and not pay for it ever.

Clavius said:
- some people do not have $50 to spare and cannot buy the game, going warez to play it and buy it later on.
Ok, so now you are selling a ferrari. I can't afford that, so I will steal it now and send you the money when I have it. Honest. Really I will.

Clavius said:
Please think twice before ratting out people around you, and they might not throw in your windows!
The only question to ask is "Do I think this person should be brought to justice?" Oh, and 'throwing in your windows?' (What is that exactly?) Good, off we go to jail, and they can pay for some nice new double glazing. Assuming I don't catch them and rip their testicles off via their throat...

Sorry, but you think 'grassing' is evil and smashing in the windows of people you dislike is ok? Tells me everything I need to know about you tbh.
Calhoun said:
Last I checked the only 'warez' version was leaked by Valve to track down the people using It.

That has already been confirmed to be false.
Link said:
Why do you hate them? Surley only people who reguarly break rules/laws should have a problem with them.
Oh come virgin mary, do not tell me you do not hate that cranky old lady that calls the cops because you walk on the grass.

Your car example is serverely skewed. For starters, a car that already costs money and material to build. You do not steal it, instead you dupilicate the car you see at the dealer and drive away in that. Because the original car is still in the shop, nobody lost anything, but you gained a car.

You are driving your duplicated car, enyoing its comfort, however after 10 minutes the steering wheel brakes off.

The next day everybody that owns a original car can pick up a new debugged steering wheel, but you cannot.
You can:
a.) Try fixing your steering wheel with ducktape, wich doesnt make it a lot safer, or
b.) Buy a original car, and aquire your new-and-improved steering wheel, to drive along into the sunset.

Good point. You know, I don't think your cars actually worth any money. I think I'll just steal it and not pay for it ever.
Now again, you do not steal, but duplicate the car. Who cares when you're happy driving along with your ducktaped steering wheel.
Doesnt harm anyone as long as they dont crash into somebody else.

Ok, so now you are selling a ferrari. I can't afford that, so I will steal it now and send you the money when I have it. Honest. Really I will.
Again, doesnt harm anybody if its duplicated, but they do not recieve the blasting backseat upgrade so you can ride with your friends. So after some time driving alone, they decide to get the original car and chill with friends

Assuming I don't catch them and rip their testicles off via their throat...
Seriously, why would you do that? what did they ever do to you?
Its like burning someone for parking on the wrong side of the road.

Sorry, but you think 'grassing' is evil and smashing in the windows of people you dislike is ok? Tells me everything I need to know about you tbh.
Yup kinda does doesn't it. Im just not so into the nitpicking scene.
Clavius said:
Oh come virgin mary, do not tell me you do not hate that cranky old lady that calls the cops because you walk on the grass..

If the sign says 'Do not walk on the grass' and I walk on the grass, I blame no one but myself if I get into trouble. It would be my fault for ignoring the sign, not the old ladys fault for calling the police.

Clavius said:
Your car example is serverely skewed. For starters, a car that already costs money and material to build. You do not steal it, instead you dupilicate the car you see at the dealer and drive away in that. Because the original car is still in the shop, nobody lost anything, but you gained a car.
Ok, fair enough, semi-valid point, so I will ammend my argument. Let us instead say that that everyone that buys said cars has to duplicate it themselves, and that they pay for the right to make one duplicate of the car. The person who makes a dupilcate is still stealing.

however, that is all rather irrelivent, as the company that has researched and developed the car are entitled to the cost of a car for every one made, so by duplicating, you are taking the value of one car from them

Clavius said:
You are driving your duplicated car, enyoing its comfort, however after 10 minutes the steering wheel brakes off.

The next day everybody that owns a original car can pick up a new debugged steering wheel, but you cannot.
You can:
a.) Try fixing your steering wheel with ducktape, wich doesnt make it a lot safer, or
b.) Buy a original car, and aquire your new-and-improved steering wheel, to drive along into the sunset.
So your copy dosen't work properly? Big deal. Its still a stolen copy. If I "duplicated" your car, that you had paid to legally duplicate at a dealer, but then crashed it, would that make it ok?

Clavius said:
Now again, you do not steal, but duplicate the car. Who cares when you're happy driving along with your ducktaped steering wheel.
Doesnt harm anyone as long as they dont crash into somebody else.
Again with the illusion of no harm being done. The fact remains that if a company has paid to develop this car, then using the design without paying is theft

Clavius said:
Again, doesnt harm anybody if its duplicated, but they do not recieve the blasting backseat upgrade so you can ride with your friends. So after some time driving alone, they decide to get the original car and chill with friends
See above. If I duplicate your car without paying, its ok with you if I pay later? Well, maybe it would be, but it wouldn't be with me, and as the owner of my car, thats all that matters

Clavius said:
Seriously, why would you do that? what did they ever do to you?
They 'throw in my window'. Act of aggression. All acts of aggression will be met with the assumption that the aggressor is trying to kill me. As such, appropriate action is to immiditaly kill the aggressor. Don't like it? Don't be aggressive near me.

Clavius said:
Yup kinda does doesn't it. Im just not so into the nitpicking scene.
No, you are not 'just not so into the nitpicking scene'. It tells me that you have a criminal frame of mind. I'm not saying you do, thats just what that told me.

Bottom line is, whether you like it or not, whether you think its ok or not, it is not legal or right to steal games and anyone who knows your doing it has the right to inform the authorities about it. If you don't like it, don't walk on the ****ing grass.
Look here …

This whole thing about cars and Ferraris doesn’t fit too well. But lets say for the argument shake that there is a device that can copy Ferraris. I don’t know about you but I would use it :p

As for the companies not stealing from me … Well that depends. It depends from what do you consider stealing. Personally I couldn’t care less about the law. I live up to my own moral values. I follow the law when it fits in my way of thinking or when I know that if I don’t I’ll get f*cked.

I believe that companies steal from the ppl that work for them, thus they steal from the consumers. That’s a political issue IMO. It is also my believe that something wrong with the whole capitalist economic (and not only) system is f*cked up. Creating wars to escape crises, dividing ppl to the “have” (the very few “have”) and the “have” not etc etc. Anyway that’s my opinion and you can just ignore it if it offends you.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I warez games to make the world better. I just do it (from time to time) cause its not immoral by my way of thinking, and I just live with what I judge as moral and immoral.

Take Valve for example. Valve with steam managed to leave Vivendi outside the game thus effectively taking more money from steam sales. The money actually goes to the game developers, the one who build HL2, instead of a big distribution company. I find that very good and that’s why I paid 150€ for the gold package (yes that’s how much it cost me with the shipping fees and all). I could have very well spend 50€ and get it from some store but in my way of thinking that’s immoral.

Anyway that’s my 2 cents

P.S. Drinks are expensive here only if you are a tourist :p
If you read the above post (I assume you were typing yours when I posted mine) you will see a more valid version of the cars = software argument. I think that answers what you said also.

As to stealing from the employees, well thats just not accurate. The employees work there for an agreed sum. they are at liberty to take thier skills and start their own company, but it matters not either way as no one is forcing them to work.

Oh, and I was a tourist in Turkey as well as in Greece ;)
Well yes of course you can leave the company and try to find job somewhere else if the agreed sum doesn’t fit you. But my point is that you wont find any company with the “agreed sum”. And that’s because companies control the whole economic system and so they are the ones setting the prices both on products and on salaries …

We are way off topic now, but what I’m saying is you don’t really have many options. In fact you don’t have any :p

Anyway again that’s just my point of view
Sorry, but I have to disagree with this. I earn a decent wage and get bonuses in line with the companys profit margins, but if I agreed to what I get.

Maybe people don't make as much as the company could in theory pay them, but that is not stealing.

Anyway, as you said, we are way off topic, although to be honest, there is not (I feel) anything much left to discuss. The fact remains that stealing is wrong in any form, and if he feels he should report him, then I say he should go for it. I agree with you guys that he should think hard about it, just for different reasons.
Link said:
If the sign says 'Do not walk on the grass' and I walk on the grass, I blame no one but myself if I get into trouble. It would be my fault for ignoring the sign, not the old ladys fault for calling the police.
That is completely rationally spoken. Ofcourse you are responsible, but on the other hand, if it werent for that old hag, mister cop wouldnt be at your front door.
Whoose fault does it feel like it is?

Again with the illusion of no harm being done. The fact remains that if a company has paid to develop this car, then using the design without paying is theft
You seem to think that 1 warez downloaded =1 retail not bought.
As I said in my fisrt post in this topic, most people that go for warez did not plan to buy the game in the first place, ofcourse that does not make it allright, but it does not harm.
See above. If I duplicate your car without paying, its ok with you if I pay later? Well, maybe it would be, but it wouldn't be with me, and as the owner of my car, thats all that matters
Duplicate my car anytime you want, as long as mine stays fully functional.
what you do or dont is your business.
They 'throw in my window'. Act of aggression. All acts of aggression will be met with the assumption that the aggressor is trying to kill me. As such, appropriate action is to immiditaly kill the aggressor. Don't like it? Don't be aggressive near me.
Im just stating most friends dont like their buds ratting them out. If you try to kill everyone that is agressive to you, you are in need of some psychological help.
No, you are not 'just not so into the nitpicking scene'. It tells me that you have a criminal frame of mind. I'm not saying you do, thats just what that told me.
Tomorrow breating is illegal, we then all have a criminal mind, exept for you when you turn blue and faint.
Bottom line is, whether you like it or not, whether you think its ok or not, it is not legal or right to steal games and anyone who knows your doing it has the right to inform the authorities about it. If you don't like it, don't walk on the ****ing grass.
My bottomline: You have that right, use it as you please, but dont expect much respect from the people around you.
Clavius out.
Clavius said:
That is completely rationally spoken. Ofcourse you are responsible, but on the other hand, if it werent for that old hag, mister cop wouldnt be at your front door.
Whoose fault does it feel like it is?
Still mine. The overriding factor is that if I did not walk on the grass the cop would not be at my door either. Only when your are completley absolved of responibility can you look to blame others

Clavius said:
You seem to think that 1 warez downloaded =1 retail not bought.
As I said in my fisrt post in this topic, most people that go for warez did not plan to buy the game in the first place, ofcourse that does not make it allright, but it does not harm.
That was not my intention exactly. But however you put it, stealing a copy of the game, even if it does not cost the developer directly is still wrong both legally and morally.

Clavius said:
Duplicate my car anytime you want, as long as mine stays fully functional.
what you do or dont is your business.
As I said, I felt you may feel this way and again, its fair enough. However, for me, if it was my car, what you do and don't do with it is my business and I would be severly pissed off if someone did this. Which is how developers feel.

Clavius said:
Im just stating most friends dont like their buds ratting them out. If you try to kill everyone that is agressive to you, you are in need of some psychological help.
Fair enough. However, if I had the moral set to report people pirating (I don't by the way, I'm just making a case) I would not wish to be friends with pirates.
As to the other, it is not a phycological illness to wish defend myself. Most people like to do that 'I'm so hard' pushing and shoving routine. I like to ensure that the person attacking me becomes unable to carry out whatever they were going to do. As I can't read minds, I therefore assume the worst, i.e. they are out to kill me. The most effective way to stop them is to kill them. It is not a case of I want to, it is not a pleasure thing, it is simply a gaurntee that I will survive the encounter.

Clavius said:
Tomorrow breating is illegal, we then all have a criminal mind, exept for you when you turn blue and faint.
I never said I don't do illegal thing. I have even pirated the odd game you can't get in the shops anymore, I'm just saying that when I do so I accept responibility for my actions. If they made breathing illegal, I would continue to suck in air and they would just have to arrest me. How someone would report me without breathing, or how a police man would chase down a man who can breath when he can't himslef is another matter entirely...

Clavius said:
My bottomline: You have that right, use it as you please, but dont expect much respect from the people around you.
Clavius out.
If the people around me commit crimes for which I am prepared to report them, then I care nothing for them or their respect. What I consider to be a criminal is the lowest order of life there is and mean nothing to me.
Link said:
I earn a decent wage and get bonuses in line with the companys profit margins

Well the “decent wage” and “bonuses” is something we could talk about for weeks :p

Is your company providing free health care for you and your kids ? If not can your wage do that for you? Can you support 3 kids with your wage ? Can you support good education for your kids ? If you were a woman, would your company give you 7 months leave if you where having a child ? Can you support a house in a safe and nice place for your kids to grow ?. Do you have 5 weeks of vacations every year ? Is your pension gonna be right when that time comes ?

Some of the stuff I said above are consider as granted rights for everyone who works in my country (although they take all of our benefits back one by one now).

If you really fit in all I said above then good for you ! But if u do fit, do you believe you belong to a minority of ppl or to the majority ?
Just to add my $.02

I Have played games that I have not paid for.
My brother-in-law and would buy a game and make a copy for the other and Visa-Versa.

We would do this becuase of the money envolved with the amount of games that we played.


Now I will not play games that I do not buy.

The reason is because of my respect that I have now for the people that make the games.

When I first started gaming, it was just a game now it is more a experiance of the technical view.
To say,, I can see the hard work that is but in to the games.
I have more of an interest in the way games are made and
the people that make them need to be paid.

Gatos_7 said:
Well the “decent wage” and “bonuses” is something we could talk about for weeks :p

Is your company providing free health care for you and your kids ? If not can your wage do that for you? Can you support 3 kids with your wage ? Can you support good education for your kids ? If you were a woman, would your company give you 7 months leave if you where having a child ? Can you support a house in a safe and nice place for your kids to grow ?. Do you have 5 weeks of vacations every year ? Is your pension gonna be right when that time comes ?

Some of the stuff I said above are consider as granted rights for everyone who works in my country (although they take all of our benefits back one by one now).

If you really fit in all I said above then good for you ! But if u do fit, do you believe you belong to a minority of ppl or to the majority ?

Well, I'm in the UK so health care and education (Apart from university) are free. Some of the other questions don't apply, as I am an apprentice, so although I earn comparativly little (Certainly not enough for the stuff above) this is standard for someone in my position. Some of the people who have finished thier apprenticeships and earn a normal wage here certainly can afford what you suggest. Oh yes, and if I was a woman I think I would get 5 months, but thats set by law anyway, as is 4 weeks holiday minuimum, and I get 5 anyway.

Lets put it this way. A guy who was in my position 7 years ago now earns enough that he just bought a new house (Custom built) and has three cars even though there are only 2 drivers in his household. His third car is just a fast plaything for weekends.

Ok, I suspect this is a little above the normal, but as I have said, people get paid what they agreed to work for. There is numerous free education establisments in the UK, so it all comes down to how hard you are willing to work for what you want. But no one is forced to work for anyone else.
Link said:
If the people around me commit crimes for which I am prepared to report them, then I care nothing for them or their respect. What I consider to be a criminal is the lowest order of life there is and mean nothing to me.
Saying you do not care for anyones respect sounds all bad and tough, but I dont think ratting out your roommate, or the guy next door would do your relationship with them much good.
Ofcourse, if they rob a bank, its your public duty to turn them in, they go to jail and people commend you on it.
Now, you see your roommate has downloaded a computergame, you call the cops and they take his computer and fine him.
Do you still have this patriotic feeling? Has justice been done?
Will your roommate still be invited to your roommates berbeque?
probably not.

Oh and killing people just to be sure they dont try to kill you when they push you aside does not reflect a sane mind. Any normally raised human would try to render the arressor harmless by holding them or something.