How do I report this to police?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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I know a guy that has a warrant out for his arrest, and I just don't know how to let the police know. Do I call the police station and say something? I mean, would cops even believe me, thinking I'm just being a kid and telling on someone because they hurt my feelings? I don't know...
I'd just call. Why wouldn't they believe you? And is there a bounty on his head?
You do have a girlish voice..
jk, they'll take it to their attention. Just be sure to epxplain it is IMPORTANT.

What did he do? If its a non-violent crime I dont know if I would say a word. You never know, he could find out
Well, he wrote a hot check for over $500. So he made the mistake of telling me that, then ****ing me over. So I'll repay the favor. Only thing is, he has the same name as his dad, and the only way he's gotten away with it so far is because of that. They keep hassling his father, and he keeps on ****ing his dad over. So yeah.
Just call the cops, they have to do something.

That's what I was thinking, but a friend had a run in with a cop via being pulled over *Maybe that's why it didn't work :p* and mentioned it to the cop...and apparently nothing happened. \=
Call and say that you know the location of a person who has a warrant out for their arrest.
They know where he lives. They know he has a warrant. Odds are he isnt important enough to spare the time it would take to arrest him.
Stop being a pansy and call. It's not like he'd find out anyway if nothing happened. Seriously, don't be a pussy.
They know where he lives. They know he has a warrant. Odds are he isnt important enough to spare the time it would take to arrest him.

Actually, they don't really know. He hasn't held his own address in over a year. he slips in and out with his friends. Hell, he hasn't had anything in his name in a while.
I feel bad telling you this but if the guy really ****ed you over then this is what you can do. You city or state should have a court web site. Many states are required to keep their records public. So on that web site you should be able to find a database where you can search by name. If you enter his name it will give you all the details about his arrest, his warrents, and who bailed him out. Call the company that bailed him out and they sure as hell will do something about it.

I have a hard time believing that the cops will do anything, so going to his bail place would be the best bet assuming he was bailed out of jail.
Yeah this has been going on for at least 4 months now. There is a lot more to this story but it involves him moving out of his apartment way back when.
well, i found a site that holds court cases/charges/etc...and here is what I found.
Description: Passing Bad Check - $500 Or More - No Account/Insufficient Funds { Felony C RSMo: 570.120 }
Date: 04/04/2007

THEN, 3 months later, this happened.
Description: Exceeded Posted Speed Limit - 1st Class County (Exceeded By 11 - 15 Mph) { Infraction RSMo: 304.130 }
Date: 07/25/2007

So I'm guessing they don't give a shit about the check?

Upon further looking, he's been caught by police by a bunch of things, and keeps skipping out on the court date and jumping bail. Ohhh boy, what a failure. is the site I've been visiting.
Call dog the bounty hunter!!
That's what I said but I think Pitz is being the Dog! :laugh: Pitz, it's safer to go the route of a lawyer here. After you pulled up those records, I'm betting you could get a nice bounty. Looks like the person could be tried for:
  1. Resisting arrest.
  2. Destroying personal property.
Those are pretty heavy and this guy is already shady with a previous rap sheet. Best leave it too the lawyer to deal with that stuff man.
I don't think a lawyer can do anything for me, due to the circumstances of everything. I really don't feel like going into detail, all I know is I'm never trusting another SOB in my life.

Anyway, the best thing I can do is just forget about it. BUT WHERE IS THE FUN IN THAT? Payback is a bitch, and I feel like dishing it out. D:
Call him in. If they don't do anything about it, nothing gained, nothing lost.

If he has a warrant, that means they want to arrest him. If you call and tell them where he is, problem solved.
STFU noob.

Pff, that site in your intro post didn't even work.


But he's right. Those 20 minutes are very special. And I wonder how Warrants work. Do they have to do time for it, or, in this case of $500 hot check, do they just have to go to court? I mean, looking over that site, he's been to court numerous times since then....
But he's right. Those 20 minutes are very special.
And how long have you spent in this thread? :P

Edit - Actually, is there anyone else who could have called him in besides you? Process of elimination, and all that. Just to be sure.
And how long have you spent in this thread? :P

Edit - Actually, is there anyone else who could have called him in besides you? Process of elimination, and all that. Just to be sure.

Honestly, there is only 1 other person, and since he ****ed me over more, he'll know it is me...
*edit* It's not that I'm scared of him, he's scrawnier than me, and just a giant newb. So really, the only thing I'm scared about is him screwing with my car or something...
well, i found a site that holds court cases/charges/etc...and here is what I found.

THEN, 3 months later, this happened.

So I'm guessing they don't give a shit about the check?

Upon further looking, he's been caught by police by a bunch of things, and keeps skipping out on the court date and jumping bail. Ohhh boy, what a failure. is the site I've been visiting.


I feel bad telling you this but if the guy really ****ed you over then this is what you can do. You city or state should have a court web site. Many states are required to keep their records public. So on that web site you should be able to find a database where you can search by name. If you enter his name it will give you all the details about his arrest, his warrents, and who bailed him out. Call the company that bailed him out and they sure as hell will do something about it.

I have a hard time believing that the cops will do anything, so going to his bail place would be the best bet assuming he was bailed out of jail.

Did you call the company that bailed him out?
no, from teh docket entrees, it shows that the court has contacted them. Should I still do it? I mean, he ended up going to the court 2/3 times he had a hearing
no, from teh docket entrees, it shows that the court has contacted them. Should I still do it? I mean, he ended up going to the court 2/3 times he had a hearing

Just because the court contacted them doesn't mean they were able to find him. I really can't say for sure as I don't have the information you are looking at but if he has an outstanding warrent on a case that a bail company bonded him out then that bail company will sure as hell go looking for him if you tell them where they can find him. I wouldn't use your real name or anything when calling them, but I will tell you right now the cops won't do anything. The bounty hunters on the other hand will as they are responsible for a lot of money when the guy skips out on his court date.
I cant find any court record look-up system for Connecticut :(
I cant find any court record look-up system for Connecticut :(

damn Connecticut *shakes fist*

And I will look through the case logs a little harder, and determine if he indeed has any sort of warrent outstanding. I don't want to call and be wrong :p