How do i scale (or transform, or whatever) objects?


Dec 5, 2004
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Well, i'm creating my first map for hl2dm. I have done some rudimentary mapping b4 (back in the days of q2 and 3, but then the tools weren't quite so simple and so i gave up cuz i could download pretty much any type of map i could think of anyway. However, now the tools are much simpler and not too many maps are out for the official hl2dm yet, so here i am) before, but not with hammer. I like minime maps (map of a room bloated up huge so ppl look a few inches tall) so i'm doing a basic one of those. I'm trying to make it as un time consuming as possible, so i'd just as soon use objects from the game then modify them.

So, i found a perfect cabinet/hutch to use on my map. However, i need it about thirty five times as big as it is now. I tried to transform it by scaling the selection box, that simply translated it. I tried doing it by selecting transform from the object menu and then putting in the x y and z values, that did the same. So what do i do? Is this impossible to do, cuz i could also just map a giant cabinet, but this one was so perfect for what i was doing (even with shelves that are exposed and everything) that i was just going to use IT. Also, if i CAN transform it, can i alter it later? Like delete sections, hollow the inside, etc?

Oh, and could someone link me to a list of what all of the different entity objects mean, and how they affect things. I know some are obvious, but some aren't. And why are some really specific and some can cover many different things?
You can scale up/down brushes, but props you'll need to likely edit them differently, i don't think those can be resized so easily inside hammer.
yeh, i figured it was prolly different since they are models. It would be nice if they had a feature to turn them into brushes, but oh well, i guess i'm building by hand :p I'll learn more that way anyway

That avatar's pimp btw. Did you make it yourself?
Hmm... I think you can rezise them in the modelviewer... try that
Pennington said:
yeh, i figured it was prolly different since they are models. It would be nice if they had a feature to turn them into brushes, but oh well, i guess i'm building by hand :p I'll learn more that way anyway

That avatar's pimp btw. Did you make it yourself?
Naa just found it randomly on google after being sent tons of PM's declaring their love for me thinking I was a girl with my Jordan Capri avatar :p
figge said:
Hmm... I think you can rezise them in the modelviewer... try that

thanks figge, i'll try that.
Oh, and elf. Most of the 'guys' on the internet are little teenage boys. And most of them are a mix of so hard up for it and so shy that if they see anything that could possibly be a girl on the internet (where they can act like something they aren't), a rare enough occurance (hehe) then they'll hit on it like a green bowl. Fact of life :p
Pennington said:
thanks figge, i'll try that.
Oh, and elf. Most of the 'guys' on the internet are little teenage boys. And most of them are a mix of so hard up for it and so shy that if they see anything that could possibly be a girl on the internet (where they can act like something they aren't), a rare enough occurance (hehe) then they'll hit on it like a green bowl. Fact of life :p
heh yeah I know that.. you'd just think they'd sorta know your a guy when you pretty much said it in most posts.. then these old timers on the forum start PMing you thinking your suddenly a girl just cause of your avatar.. its kinda funny *ponders changing it back again for shits n giggles* lol
Pennington said:
thanks figge, i'll try that.
Oh, and elf. Most of the 'guys' on the internet are little teenage boys. And most of them are a mix of so hard up for it and so shy that if they see anything that could possibly be a girl on the internet (where they can act like something they aren't), a rare enough occurance (hehe) then they'll hit on it like a green bowl. Fact of life :p

I'm not 100% sure, but i did that with the old HlModelViewer... :rolleyes:
figge said:
I'm not 100% sure, but i did that with the old HlModelViewer... :rolleyes:

okay, i'm gonna try that. And elf, you outta do it, that'd be hilarious.
HOW exactly do i enlarge it in model viewer? I am in that prog and i see no transform options.
w8, i will check

I'm sure you could do it in the old modelviewer... :/

Istall XSI, try to import the model, and change the scale there (never done this though) - old modelviewer...

if you use GCFscape and extract the models, and try to open them there... dunno if the old hlmv is compatible with the new mdl's but it can't hurt to try
damnit. now i'm trying to play the map to make sure everything i've gotten in sofar is working fine. But it doesn't play. It just goes to the hl2dm menu when i click play and compile it. there are no error messages tho, and no error when loading hl2dm in hammer (if i try to upload normal hl2 it gives me an error). Any ideas?
yeh, but map isn't even showing up in the maps list when creating a server. For that matter, exactly WHERE are your maps supposed to go (seems like there's map folders everywhere, and about four layers to the actual hl2dm folder)

Lik an exact path.

maps *

to list all available maps

or just type

map thenameofthemap

and it should autocomplete usually.. sometimes it doesn't but it would still be there.. so long as its in the /maps folder its available to play