How do you deal with tailgaters?


Nov 12, 2006
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Cruisin' along at the speed limit on my way to KFC and someone was very close to me behind. I was very gently tapping my brakes just enough so my lights illuminate and that I don't slow down. I kept tapping until he did eventually back off.

I have read other people's ways of dealing with it (such as letting them slam into the back of you, slowing down to a stupid speed or just simply safely pulling over) but I was wondering what do you do?
Well, if you're in the passing lane, you need to move over, but if you're in any other lane you really can do anything you want. Either yield to them if you think that's best, or slow down like you said, until they realize that being behind you like that is not in their best interests.

This all helps if you have a shittier car than them.

And yes, I also frequently get people on my ass when I go the speed limit, which I nearly always do.
If I'm going between the speed limit and 10 over and getting tailgated, I slow down to about 5 below the limit until they back off. If you are in the passing lane getting tailgated it's because you're a dumbass who shouldn't be in the passing lane. If someone is going faster than you in the left lane it's your responsibility to get over.
I slam on the brakes or drop to about 5-10 miles per hour. Funny as hell watching them get mad.
Cruisin' along at the speed limit on my way to KFC and someone was very close to me behind. I was very gently tapping my brakes just enough so my lights illuminate and that I don't slow down. I kept tapping until he did eventually back off.

I have read other people's ways of dealing with it (such as letting them slam into the back of you, slowing down to a stupid speed or just simply safely pulling over) but I was wondering what do you do?

*Reads OP's title* *KFC*
I just put my middle finger out of the window. ;D

This usually only happens when i'm coming home from work though. (3-4am)
I use the very clever counter of never having learned to drive.

So, take that, tailgaters.
"That's funny, because people who aren't retarded usually drive. Retarded, one. Normal, zero."

Haha, sorry. Nothing on you, just squeezing out a relevant It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia quote.
I use the very clever counter of never having learned to drive.

So, take that, tailgaters.

You and me both man, screw the NZ license system.

( Plus I live in Christchurch so there's a good chance some 15 year old boy racer will kill me. )
If someone is too close, turn around in the seat and 'shoo' them away with your hand. It usually works. If not, grab a few coins out of your pocket and drop them so they hit the offending car; people usually back off when they hear strange colliding noises or their windscreen starts to spiderweb.

If the offender is really aggressive; let them pass, ride along side and punch out their mirrors. The other alternative is just kicking it down a cog and getting out of there.
I haven't had much Highway driving so I don't completely understand the concept of the (left) passing lane.

I understand that if you are going slower you should be in the right lanes... but is it okay to go beyond the speed limit in the passing lane? Don't you have to worry about a cop pulling you over if you are going above the speed limit still?
I haven't had much Highway driving so I don't completely understand the concept of the (left) passing lane.

I understand that if you are going slower you should be in the right lanes... but is it okay to go beyond the speed limit in the passing lane? Don't you have to worry about a cop pulling you over if you are going above the speed limit still?

Yep, you still have to go the speed limit, but well... nobody does. Even if the people in those lanes are going faster than the speed limit, it is still your obligation to yield to them if you are going slower.

Basically you have the freeways, in the cities. You can be for the most part in whatever lane you want, to get to your destination, since exits are either on the right or the left(rarely). It's still the wise thing to do to yield the leftmost lane to the faster people. I don't yield if I'm in the lane one over from the left, since they still have a lane to pass me in.

On the highways, which stretch out far in the rural areas, if it's a two lane one they often REQUIRE that you stay in the right lane, except for passing. So even the people going faster need to be in the right lane, except for when they're passing and overtaking another vehicle. Left lane is reserved for passing only.
If someone is too close, turn around in the seat and 'shoo' them away with your hand. It usually works. If not, grab a few coins out of your pocket and drop them so they hit the offending car; people usually back off when they hear strange colliding noises or their windscreen starts to spiderweb.

If the offender is really aggressive; let them pass, ride along side and punch out their mirrors. The other alternative is just kicking it down a cog and getting out of there.

Can we keep this thread to people who actually drive, please?

Anywho, if I'm in the passing lane, I find a place in the cruising lane to merge into...I'm usually passing, but sometimes there is someone going faster than me.

If I'm in a cruising lane, or heavy traffic using all lanes, and they are so close I cant see their headlights, I'll usually tap the brake a couple times (on most cars, the brake lights come on from a switch under the dashboard. When you press the brake pedal, it takes pressure off the switch. You can unscrew it until you can press the pedal enough to activate the stop lights, but you wont actually be applying brakes).
I'll honk maybe if they're really being a bitch about it, but tapping the brakes and shit is just asking to get hit.
I floor it to get way ahead of them, then brake sorta hard until they catch up, and repeat until they get the hint.
****in' hate tailgaters clogging up my rear view mirror and shit. I would never brake check anyone though. Some people are just that bad that something could happen. Then you're double****ed. Can't trust other drivers.

I don't get tailgated often, if it happens I just continue as normal pretty much. Screw them for violating my vehicle space. I guess people just chill out when they realize shits not going anywhere. Slowing down does work but I'm not gonna put that much effort into it.
I really want to know why people must drive 30mph on a 40pmh road. that really pisses me off and probably why I sometimes tailgate, especially when late to work

but when some smuck wants to tailgate, he tries to do it and eventually cools down or speeds up. sometimes I'll speed up too while hes trying to pass me. but thats when there isn't a car in the opposite lane
Can we keep this thread to people who actually drive, please?

Pardon? I'd think that by using tactics to survive day to day on two/four/eighteen wheels, both recreationally and professionally; i'd have more insightful input than that of any Sunday car driver?

Also, another good one is to extend the safety gap (the three second rule) between the car in front. If you're right up the clack of the car in front (whether to overtake in a single lane or whatever) and a car is sitting about a second behind you; drop back a bit and sit in a commanding position in your lane. Cagers will often get the message and will extend their safety gap as well.

You shouldn't be worried about traffic behind you anywho, they're behind you. They aren't going to cause you much grief, even if they're planning to move into your tail-pipe. It shouldn't matter if the situation turns ugly up ahead; a good driver/rider should always be planning for what is happening 500m down the track regardless of what is going on behind them.

...but tapping the brakes and shit is just asking to get hit.

This. By god, this.
I'd let them pass if possible. If not: Slowing down is good, then tapping the brakes. If that fails, since I drive a manual transmission, I'll just drop it down 2 gears or so and let the engine brake which means you slow down fast and the brake lights don't come on. If they aren't paying attention they're going to have a good start when they realize how quickly they are coming up on you. The nice thing about that is by downshifting you are in your powerband so you can accelerate quickly if you need to.

On the very rare occasion I do that, they tend to stay FAR back afterward. Isn't there some statistic that most non-fatal collisions are caused by following too closely?
You shouldn't be worried about traffic behind you anywho, they're behind you. They aren't going to cause you much grief, even if they're planning to move into your tail-pipe. It shouldn't matter if the situation turns ugly up ahead; a good driver/rider should always be planning for what is happening 500m down the track regardless of what is going on behind them.

Thats a crock of shit. "Oh don't worry about that guy tailgating you, nothing ever happens suddenly when you're driving! You'll always be able to slow down gradually enough for him to not destroy your car!"

I really want to know why people must drive 30mph on a 40pmh road. that really pisses me off and probably why I sometimes tailgate, especially when late to work

That happened to me today, actually. Some dude was going 30 in a 40, and I was all like, "GO! GO GOD DAMN IT! GOOOOOOOO!" and I was tailgating him. Luckily for me he turned off and I was able to floor it to 60mph and make up for the 45 seconds I lost while driving behind that slow bitch.
If I'm on the motorway in the passing lanes I'll speed up to get past whoever I'm overtaking quicker then I'll move into one of the slower lanes to let them pass.

If its on a normal road I pretty much do nothing. Screw them, they can wait.
Thats a crock of shit. "Oh don't worry about that guy tailgating you, nothing ever happens suddenly when you're driving! You'll always be able to slow down gradually enough for him to not destroy your car!"

'Fraid not. A good driver should be more aware of the traffic in front of them more-so than what is going on behind; primarily because it's the shit that is coming towards you that holds a far greater danger.

For eg: An accident occurs any given distance down the flat in your lane. A good driver would spot this accident as it is occurring and drive accordingly; braking/gearing down and being prepared to come to a safe stop. How the **** is a driver able to stop in time if he is too busy acting like a pre-madonna about the people possibly tailgating behind him? Human beings only have one set of eyes and a very limited concentration span behind a motor vehicle; when you're entire concentration span is focused on your mirrors with the bloke behind you, how does one expect to see hazards up ahead? Shit going on behind you isn't a great a threat as the shit moving towards you.

A good driver will also be watching everything that is going on around them spotting for potential hazards. This includes, cars approaching intersections in front of you, nearby drivers repeating head checks and/or moving hands towards indicators, kids in the back seat, drivers behaving erratically. Watching for potential hazards in front of you will save your life.
i got laid off today and drove like an asshole on the way home. no regrets.
I just continue driving like I was, I'll follow the speed limit, and while they are behind me they can damn well do it to as far as I am concerned.
It doesn't happen to me.
I press a secret button behind my steering wheel and tiny bombs or an oil slick or spiked barbs or poison gas comes out from my license plate and disables the cars behind me
When I'm in the passing lane and someone's right behind me then I move to the other lane to let them pass, unless there's someone going slower than me up ahead on the other lane.

I rarely drive on single-lane roads.
I really want to know why people must drive 30mph on a 40pmh road. that really pisses me off and probably why I sometimes tailgate, especially when late to work

but when some smuck wants to tailgate, he tries to do it and eventually cools down or speeds up. sometimes I'll speed up too while hes trying to pass me. but thats when there isn't a car in the opposite lane

I too get pissed when people are going below the speed limit, but I try to make an effort to go around them.

I mean, what's tailgating going to accomplish for you? It puts a greater burden on you to stop in time if they slow down or brake, and it doesn't get you to your destination any faster.

Reminds me of people who keep accelerating and going really fast when they know they're coming to a red light with lots of cars backed up. I mean, come on moron, let off your acceleration, maybe slow your car down a bit with some braking and coast there and maybe you'll be able to catch the green and keep on rolling if you're lucky enough. Obviously this doesn't always work, since you don't want to block people off who may be shifting into left turn lanes or something, but I get pretty good at it, and it conserves the momentum of my car. It's hilarious watching those people pass me, speeding up like 10-15 mph above the speed limit in the process, only to have to brake shortly ahead, quite hard. What does that gain them? Nothing. It doesn't get them to work faster, just makes them look like they don't know how to drive intelligently.
If im in the fast lane, I will generally move over, unless its a 4x4.

People in this country dont need 4x4s. Your drive isnt steep, leaves on your drive dont count as off-road, country lanes arent off-road, slightly muddy paths arent off-road really, and normal cars are generally safer with more ENCAP stars, so your kids ARENT as safe.

Want more space? Get a ***king estate. So until you do, I will refuse to move over when you flash up behind me when Im doing 80-90 in your Land Rover Discovery, where somehow pushing a button and a light coming on means you're in 4-wheel-drive.

It depends on what mood Im in. If Im loving the song thats on and am in a great mood, I'll happily move out the way of anyone, any time.

I find vans in this country to be the worst tailgaters. Especially in towns I find.

Then again, I hate old people driving as they're slow, react too slowly, pull out too slowly, dont see the lights all that well when they turn green. I swear, if you're over 60, you should be taking a driving refresher course every year so that someone can legally say ''You're too old and frail to drive safely. You cant even see over the top of the ***king steering wheel.''

People are fast to blame under-25's when it comes to accidents and our insurance soars through the roof due to statistics. Yet if you're 70, you have insurance of £10 a year, and can SOMEHOW AFFORD THE BRAND NEW VERSIONS OF CARS. I swear, the only people I have seen in 2010 cars are old people. Youre on a pension! ***k off can you afford a new car.
Don't bother tapping the brakes, you can usually just turn your lights on and they get confused and think you're braking (obviously only works if lights weren't on beforehand) so they brake themselves.

The worst offenders are Audi drivers. I swear everytime I look in my rearview mirror there is some Audi prick with one of those stupid handsfree ear-clip mobile phone things.

I might be guilty of tailgating myself to be fair. National Speed limit and they drive at 45mph is not very impressive.
I pull them over and tell them about conspiracy theories.

They never stay behind me again.
man I came into this thread thinking "aw gonna tell him my tap-on-the-brake trick" and the OP already posted it.

but yeah. that.
I don't understand tailgating. I mean, it never happens to me. Is this primarily an American problem or something? By tailgating I'm assuming you mean people driving ridiculously close to the arse of your car, in which case they're utter retards. What do they think is going to happen if the person in front breaks suddenly?

As for people coming up behind me who clearly want to be going faster; if there isn't an overtaking lane I generally just pull into the hard shoulder to let them pass. Simplest solution and everyone is happy. If I'm stuck behind someone who won't do the same I just wait for an opportunity to overtake. There's no need for road rage.

"If im in the fast lane, I will generally move over, unless its a 4x4."
You shouldn't be in the fast lane if you're not overtaking. That is what it is for. Get back in the right lane and stop being an asshole. Every time we get a driving thread it seems like it's all the American users talking about how much of an asshole every other driver is and then going around and giving example of how they're assholes to people.

"Tailgaters are morons" immediately followed by "I hate idiots who go 10mph under the speed limit." Just calm the **** down and drive with some manners. Could it be possible that your speedometer is slightly fast and theirs slightly slow? You know those things don't give 100% accurate reading. Hell, the reading they give can even vary with how worn your tyres are for god's sake.
Nothing wrong with tailgating if it's in the passing lane. I ****ing hate it getting stuck behind some wank job in the passing lane who refuses to move over becuase they don't think anyone should be going over the speed limit.
Nothing wrong with tailgating if it's in the passing lane. I ****ing hate it getting stuck behind some wank job in the passing lane who refuses to move over becuase they don't think anyone should be going over the speed limit.

Okay, so the guy is being a dick, but what does tailgating him accomplish? I mean unless you think you can intimidate him into moving over... but more often than not, he'll try one of the tactics discussed in this thread.

God, just turn noclipping on.