How do you deal with tailgaters?

I seem to get tailgated a lot here as well. It's incredibly frustrating, and generally it's the 4x4s, vans and boy racers who are the worst.

I'll tap the brakes sometimes, but they'll usually just ignore it or move closer, and pulling over isn't always the best idea on the country roads around where I live.

So sometimes there isn't anything I can do, other than marvel at their stupidity of course.
There's no need for road rage.

A civil person would be able to recognize that road socialization is an integral part of the driving experience.

I feel that slowing down to be an inconvenience to the driver behind you is called for when you're already driving five to seven above the speed limit, or actually driving at the speed limit, in a no-passing zone. I also keep a safe distance from slower drivers in a no-passing zone and match their speed until it is possible to pass them safely and, in most cases, legally.
Is it really so hard to just pull in a few feet and let them pass you out? Who cares if they're going over the speed limit?
Is it really so hard to just pull in a few feet and let them pass you out? Who cares if they're going over the speed limit?

It's not like that on most of the roads here, particularly ones us Americans are talking about. We have single lane roads where that would apply, but they're mostly rural and more frequently we find ourselves in two or three lane(or more) highways and freeways, or city streets. You don't maneuver to let somebody pass on those, they have to pass in another lane.

And on the city streets, there really is no passing lane. If somebody is in the leftmost lane, he's probably going to be making a left turn up ahead somewhere, so it makes no sense for him to be in any of the other lanes to the right. If somebody needs to pass, they need to do it in another lane, as far as I'm aware, no lane is solely for passing, unlike on freeways or highways.
It's not like that on most of the roads here, particularly ones us Americans are talking about. We have single lane roads where that would apply, but they're mostly rural and more frequently we find ourselves in two or three lane(or more) highways and freeways, or city streets. You don't maneuver to let somebody pass on those, they have to pass in another lane.

And on the city streets, there really is no passing lane. If somebody is in the leftmost lane, he's probably going to be making a left turn up ahead somewhere, so it makes no sense for him to be in any of the other lanes to the right. If somebody needs to pass, they need to do it in another lane, as far as I'm aware, no lane is solely for passing, unlike on freeways or highways.
Well I assume we aren't talking about city streets here. Obviously in cities you're just in the lane you need to be in and anyone else be damned, but I don't see how passing could ever be a problem on a three-lane motorway. If you're in the slow lane then they should be able to go around you. If you're in the fast lane and you aren't passing someone out get back into the damned slow lane. If it's a single lane road pull into the hard shoulder to let people pass. It's not rocket science.
Is it really so hard to just pull in a few feet and let them pass you out?

I don't have any trouble pulling over enough to let them see what's in the other lane so that they can pass but if it's a no-passing zone that we're in, there isn't any reason to pull that maneuver or for them to even get so close to me before slowing down because they aren't going to be able to pass me. I did say that I don't slow down or do other stuff to inconvenience them if we're in a legal passing zone in the other post.
Well I assume we aren't talking about city streets here. Obviously in cities you're just in the lane you need to be in and anyone else be damned, but I don't see how passing could ever be a problem on a three-lane motorway. If you're in the slow lane then they should be able to go around you. If you're in the fast lane and you aren't passing someone out get back into the damned slow lane. If it's a single lane road pull into the hard shoulder to let people pass. It's not rocket science.

Well I know, that's why we were saying if he was in the passing lane, to get out of it. I was just saying that more often than not, the commute we Americans have does not feature a single lane in each direction so it probably wasn't a situation of needing to move onto the shoulder.
I remember they recommended tapping the brakes in driving school. But I always just ignore it and everyone goes around me. No big deal.

What I hate is when you're at a stop light wanting to make a right turn and to your left is someone in a huge vehicle pulled right up to the line blocking the view, and behind you is someone who can see either because they're also in a huge vehicle or because they're not right next to a huge vehicle. And that guy behind you gets pissed off and keeps honking because they want you to make a red light turn even though it's physically impossible for you to see the cross-traffic. Argh. And then you make your right turn and they drive next to you and glare at you, and you're like "Hey jerk I should be the one glaring at you."

I will never understand why people in cars feel like they absolutely cannot sit for 30 seconds without being a total jerk.
Your drive isnt steep, leaves on your drive dont count as off-road, country lanes arent off-road, slightly muddy paths arent off-road really...

I see what you did there...

hit the brakes just as they come within a few feet of your bumper. hopefully they'll lose control swerve into oncoming traffic narrowly missing other cars, jump the curb and slam into a guardrail leaving their rear axel a few feet behind their now demolished bmw

also making a quick u-turn to survey the damage is recommended as much finger pointing and laughing will ensue
Personally I'd break really hard. Probably use the handbrake.

Justice is sweet.
I just speed up, especially if they try to overtake me. It's always ****s in range rovers too. Oh how I love trolling them.
I usually am ahead the speed limit by a few mph. If they are riding my ass, as in I can't see their front license plate anymore, I slow down a couple MPH. I keep doing that until they get the hint.
I'm usually speeding so it doesn't happen often. But hey...when it does I change from just over the speed limit to just under then just start a mission of winding them up by breaking on corners, slowing down randomly then speeding up, indicating for no reason. That kind of thing.

I wish I could RPG cars which ignore road marking to get into a lane early and decide they want to go across 3 lanes at a roundabout to get off the 1st exit. They know it's super dangerous but they don't give two hoots. God forbid needing to go all the way round once. THE HORROR.
'Fraid not. A good driver should be more aware of the traffic in front of them more-so than what is going on behind; primarily because it's the shit that is coming towards you that holds a far greater danger.

For eg: An accident occurs any given distance down the flat in your lane. A good driver would spot this accident as it is occurring and drive accordingly; braking/gearing down and being prepared to come to a safe stop. How the **** is a driver able to stop in time if he is too busy acting like a pre-madonna about the people possibly tailgating behind him? Human beings only have one set of eyes and a very limited concentration span behind a motor vehicle; when you're entire concentration span is focused on your mirrors with the bloke behind you, how does one expect to see hazards up ahead? Shit going on behind you isn't a great a threat as the shit moving towards you.

A good driver will also be watching everything that is going on around them spotting for potential hazards. This includes, cars approaching intersections in front of you, nearby drivers repeating head checks and/or moving hands towards indicators, kids in the back seat, drivers behaving erratically. Watching for potential hazards in front of you will save your life.

I'm not saying "You should be entirely pre-occupied with the person tailgating you." I'm saying that you should be concerned about it in case you need to brake hard. I don't give a shit how aware you are about the things in front of you, shit can happen suddenly, and you might not be aware of any danger despite your awareness of the situation. You don't want to have some shithead behind you smash into your car while you're trying to evade or stop suddenly. Its best to get out of the tailgating situation before anything happens.
It's BRAKING not BREAKING, you illiterate ****s.
I don't see the problem.

If some guy wants to drive way up my ass, I just let him, and casually drive at the limit. He's not gonna get anywhere any faster, he'll just get pissed off that I'm "slowing him down".

And after all, if he slams into the back of me, the law states quite clearly that he was the one at fault. Bitch can pay up for both my car and the whiplash lawsuit. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh.
I remember they recommended tapping the brakes in driving school. But I always just ignore it and everyone goes around me. No big deal.

What I hate is when you're at a stop light wanting to make a right turn and to your left is someone in a huge vehicle pulled right up to the line blocking the view, and behind you is someone who can see either because they're also in a huge vehicle or because they're not right next to a huge vehicle. And that guy behind you gets pissed off and keeps honking because they want you to make a red light turn even though it's physically impossible for you to see the cross-traffic. Argh. And then you make your right turn and they drive next to you and glare at you, and you're like "Hey jerk I should be the one glaring at you."

I will never understand why people in cars feel like they absolutely cannot sit for 30 seconds without being a total jerk.

That happens a lot... and yeah, those people are idiots, who think the world revolves around them. I mean... other people have eyes, that can't see things my eyes can see? Pffft.
I'm new to driving, and I get this a lot. It really drives me nuts because sometimes it can be very unsafe...if I have to stop suddenly, they could crash right into me. Although I'd be tempted to slow right down just to get back at them, I don't actually consider that to be a helpful tactic; it would only exacerbate the situation I think.

Also, since I'm new at this and I'll have to be taking a test soon, I'm really paranoid about keeping strictly within the rules of the road (plenty of time to develop bad habits after I have my full license) and earlier this evening I slowed down at an orange light and this dude behind me started hooting. It's irritating because I actually wasn't doing anything wrong. I don't mind being hooted at if I'm being stupid, but when someone is doing it solely to express frustration it really bothers me.

Another thing that totally pisses me off is when I'm stopped at a light on any kind of slope and someone pulls up really close behind totally freaks me out because if the car rolls back a tiny bit when I leave off the handbrake it could hit their bumper...why can't people just BACK OFF???

Phew, rant over now. I should drive less. It isn't good for my sanity.
(plenty of time to develop bad habits after I have my full license)

Most people do exactly that, get worse instead of better the more they drive. They become complacent, cocky and generally their skill just degrades. I've made an effort to try and improve myself each time I drive, or at least maintain the level. I try to avoid becoming lazy and complacent while I drive. Keeps me safer... because I am paranoid as shit about automobile accidents.
Generally, tailgaters don't bother me *that* much. There was this one time an idiot on a speed bike was tailgating me REALLY closely. Probably 10 feet, while I'm on the interstate, cruising at 70mph+

That guy annoyed me. I did the *very gently tap on breaks so I don't slow down" thing, no use. move lanes (It's after midnight, there was no other cars on the road) he's switch lanes with me. He did this for over an hour...kept me awake I guess...but if something like a deer ran out in front of me, he'd be a goner.
And it accomplishes nothing, other than you becoming a road danger.
Maybe it's been posted already, but this is how I deal with it:

You post pictures of rude gestures on the internet?

Yes, yes he does. After that, he prints those pictures out and tapes them onto the windows of his vehicle to let tailgaters know, "I don't like you."
I usually just make extra sure I am going the exact speed limit at that point, or I just push on the breaks slightly just so the light blink a few times simply to signal "Chill out." But most of the time I usually don't let it bother me, I just take a look in the rear view mirror and see them driving too close and just not let it bother me. Kind of like "Meh, if you want to, just pass, you deal with it, I am not going to be aiding in your situation.

I usually find it to work 10/10, just ignore and let the tailgater deal with it or do what ever they want. Unless they are literally putting your life in danger then you don't need to be stressing out about it.


A year and a half ago I was involved in a private forum with several major insurance companies and a road governing body. The purpose was to propose ideas to change road governing policies in order to halt the rising road death toll in our state; which was perceived by the National Government to be sky-rocketing. However, as a decent amount of those who held majority in the forum did not hold a great amount of hours and kilometres under their belt, did not complete advanced driving courses and were only familiar with one form of transport (car, to and from work); their experiences and what they bought to the table in terms of discussion and negotiation was severely, severely flawed.
This bought on ridiculous ideas of punitive measures to decrease the road toll, to which those with actual driving experience (trade union spokesmen, courier servicemen, postal officers, truckies, motorcycle community members etc.) screamed 'NAY-NAY-NAY!', knowing full well that punitive measures (such as speed cameras and harsher fines etc.) wouldn't solve jack shit. A year later; the greater driving public and the road governing bodies are scratching their collective heads, wondering why the road toll is still so ****ing high even though the state has a greater amount of traffic cameras installed. That is because they went about the problem in entirely the wrong way.

What is needed in all communities, no matter the country; is better driver education and mandatory advanced road courses. However, highlighting better road techniques to inexperienced drivers is like banging your head against a brick wall. You provide yourself a shit-load of pain and you don't get anywhere fast. That's the way it's always been though. What needs to be taught is proper road technique. This includes driving to the conditions. For instance: if the speed limit says 70mph but the sky is clear and the road conditions are good; take it up to 90mph if it is safe to do so. If you confront the road in differing conditions such as when it is raining; the drop the speed back to 60/65mph if it is safe to do so. If you end up going 70mph during heavy winds and weather on a shit stretch of road, it's a good chance you'll lose control and kill yourself and all those in your vehicle. Correct driving technique will always save lives.

The only thing you'll get by concentrating on the tailgater behind you is a huge ****ing premium when it comes the time for you to renew your insurance policy. You'll end up crashing into the **** in front of you because you're concentrating on the **** behind you; and you'll be entirely at fault in said incident because the tailgater behind you didn't collide with your vehicle because he was focused on what was happening up ahead. I've seen it many a time on the road, and it's just as disappointing and disheartening to see it happen again as it is the first time it was witnessed. Don't forget about the bloke behind you who is travelling too close and don't concentrate all your attention on him. Instead, drive according to the conditions and be aware on what is happening around you. He is behind you, it should not be a problem. Watch what is happening in front because that is where the real strife happens. Extend the safety gap, which gives you more road distance to brake therefore reducing your ability to ram the brake pedal into the floor pan; in turn causing the surprised tailgater behind to hit you.
I'm not sure on your own specific road statues, but it shouldn't even matter. If the tailgater collide's with your vehicle from behind he should be deemed be liable for the accident.

Addendum: If the guy is travelling so close behind you chances are he is not only watching your car but also what is going on a good distance ahead as well. When i am on the bike and am getting ready to overtake in a single lane, i am sitting right up the arse of the car in front. However, i am watching everything that is going on. If the situation in front turns ugly in front, or a car behind approaches my own back end too quickly; i back off the car in front, extend my safety gap adjust my road position to sit in a commanding position in the lane; therefore totally eliminating any possible threat. More hours on the road and more kilometres under your belt will teach you skills to save your life. Concentrating on the guy behind you and developing pointless and immature strategies to dealing tailgater's will end up making you a poorer driver. But time will teach you this, and hopefully you as a road user will adapt accordingly.

Sure if the guy is being aggressive against you personally and wants to kill you and only you; you drop a few pennies or break off his wing mirror. Ask Repiv, he's probably done this a shit-ton of times.
I'm not sure I understand the way people are saying how they don't care and that if they go into the back of them it's their fault and they'll pay up. Maybe so, but why would you want to be injured? Or even worse ... possibly dead? The accident can turn into something much more horrific.
I'm not sure I understand the way people are saying how they don't care and that if they go into the back of them it's their fault and they'll pay up. Maybe so, but why would you want to be injured? Or even worse ... possibly dead? The accident can turn into something much more horrific.

It's not even that, winding up these people (who let's be honest are probably fairly simple) will just result in them speeding up and hitting someone else or just terrorizing more people. I just move out of their way. That way I'm happy they're happy and life goes on.
It may be different in other countries but in Australia if someone is tailgating you your probably in the wrong, ie. hogging the damn passing lane.
If i'm going the speed limit on the highway I just move over. If I'm already going over the limit and someone is on my ass, I'll just slow down until they back off or move over if I can. Plus, I stare them down in the mirrors to make everything a little more personal. That way it's less likely they will continue to rage.

I saw some guy with a bumper sticker saying he'll prosecute anyone who tailgates. He had a small camera pointed directly behind him and although it's complete bs, it seemed to keep people from going near him.
I'm not sure I understand the way people are saying how they don't care and that if they go into the back of them it's their fault and they'll pay up. Maybe so, but why would you want to be injured? Or even worse ... possibly dead? The accident can turn into something much more horrific.

I think they just mean "chill the **** out".