How do you do good lightsaber moves in Jedi Outcast?

Jun 30, 2003
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In the game Star Wars Jed Knight:Jedi Academy, you seem to be able to do all sorts of interesting moves like saber cartwheels, flip attacks and etc...
But in Jedi Outcast, the only moves are the flip attack, lunge attack and jump attack.
Only the NPC's seem to be able to do the cartwheels.
Are there any moves that the manual dosn't mention?
theres been new moves added with the patches. is a good resource for moves and shtuff.
I checked out the latest patch for Jedi Knight II:Jedi Outcast, it dosn't say anything about the *new* moves:(Is this an official patch?
The professional clans used undocumented moves we nicknamed at the time, "combos". Combos allowed us to expand beyond the typical special moves and random newbie swinging. For example, you could pull off 3-5 hit, perfectly timed, accurate, aimed swings if you know what you were doing. Top this with knowing the JK2 models weak points and the game becomes very interesting indeed.

Unfortunately JK2 moves could be exploited by any skilled player and although Raven were asked to concentrate on this with JKA, they instead decided to concentrate on eye-candy hence why JKA's lifespan lasted a mere couple of months before the game died.

Now only a handful of the original JK2 community play JKA and won't go back to JK2 cause it's outdated. :/
yeah raven does suck.

by the way, nice essays d33.
Multiplayer aside I really prefered Jedi Academy to Jedi Outcast.
They shouldn't waste their time on Quake4. Just get hold of the Q4 engine and start on SOF3 to repair the damage they did in SOF2.
Get Jedi Academy, it's awesome! I love flying around with a dual saber....WARGH!
They shouldn't waste their time on Quake4. Just get hold of the Q4 engine and start on SOF3 to repair the damage they did in SOF2.
Quake 4 engine = Doom 3 engine.
Use The Force, Tredoslop!

anyway, who has played kotor? i have completed it 2wice and it 0WNS. u get a cool little light / dark side bar which gets lower when u r evil and higher when u r light, and ppl talk to u differently an stuff. u get to use really cool force powes and 0wnage twin sabers. it is almost the same as baulders gate, but u control ur caracters wif WSAD, then click to attack. saber fights are so cool to watch!!! then ur character gains the upper hand and... *pow* ur opponents saber clashes down and u r victorios. ur reward- another saber to ur collection and +XP 600.... 0wnage.
Plus, on jedi knight 2 (i havent played academy) have u ever tried using the cheats? enter helpusobi 1 to activate and then the COOLEST cheat EVER is g_saberrealisticcombat <1-20> . The higher the number the more realistic saber combat is. Set it to 20, and one slash can sever a limb and win the battle. it means that the saber fights are actually based on ur skill, not how many times u can bash ur opponent with a glowing stick.

and here is the best trick EVER...

use notarget so enimies dont see u. use noclip and fly through the yavin level till u get the the bit where jedis train. then use npc spawn <name> to spawn a character. First spawn an army of dark ppl, like sith and stormtroopers. Then on the other side look up and spawn an army of good guys. the good guys wont appear until u move out the way. notarget means the enimies wont see u.
When u do move out the way, ur army of good guys will flood down and u can watch the battle persue. email me if u wanna know some other cool cheats!
and u can even add the last boss (i wont say anything- no spoilers lol) and then in the massive onslaught that endures u can be fighting with him(/her) in the middle (if u turn notarget off, that is.)

if u have completed the game + r bored try these. u wont be dissapointed ny the fun potential!!

(i dont know if these will work in jedi academy, but u can try. they have the same engine after all)
Oh , you're talking about The Übergame again.

To make a long story short I absolutely love JK2, I think it's one of the best games ever... I spent so many ****ing hours on it (the command npc_spawn multiplied the lifelength with x10 and will do the same with HL2) , man.. All the levels and the atmosphere is great. I love the way they've used the music too.. I made some levels for it in JK2ED back in the days.

If you want to be able to chop peoples heads off without having to slash them into tiny bits just by touching them with the saber ( yeah you don't even have to slash with the saberrealisticcombat command) , you can fiddle with the npcs.cfg file in the .pk3 and make 100 to all dismembermentprobability values. That way the system works as normal, but you can chop whatever bodypart the saber touches in a slash move.

use notarget so enimies dont see u. use noclip and fly through the yavin level till u get the the bit where jedis train. then use npc spawn <name> to spawn a character. First spawn an army of dark ppl, like sith and stormtroopers. Then on the other side look up and spawn an army of good guys. the good guys wont appear until u move out the way. notarget means the enimies wont see u.

Yeah that rocks, I used to do that alot.. Sometimes I go "fake" my own level by putting certain enemies here and there, the possibilities are almost endless and it's really really fun (especially on maps like ns_streets and cairn_bay.)

I have used all those commands so many times when i used to play the game, my brain works kinda weird, all these saberrealisticcombat, notarget,noclip dismembermentprobability etc etc.. I write them down ,without giving it a single thought, amazingly fast, much much faster than when typing normal like this. You should see it i tell ya.. ;)

All in all, the game rocks. I haven't tried out the fullversion of JA (forgive me) , since a relative of mine has it and will bring it when he gets here on a holiday.

Oh, and yeah; I too hate the first levels somewhat, but they oooze with Star Wars atmosphere, the scumbar spacepirate kind of atmosphere..
Suicide42 said:
Use The Force, Tredoslop!

anyway, who has played kotor? i have completed it 2wice and it 0WNS. u get a cool little light / dark side bar which gets lower when u r evil and higher when u r light, and ppl talk to u differently an stuff. u get to use really cool force powes and 0wnage twin sabers. it is almost the same as baulders gate, but u control ur caracters wif WSAD, then click to attack. saber fights are so cool to watch!!! then ur character gains the upper hand and... *pow* ur opponents saber clashes down and u r victorios. ur reward- another saber to ur collection and +XP 600.... 0wnage.
The lightsaber combats are pretty wicked.
(cool) I like the way your characters twirl and fip the sabers. :dork:
Someone give me a game of JK2 sometime :/
I ain't played in months but can still remember the moves \o/
You have Jedi Academy?
I'll go against you there then-You will be owned by my superior dual saber skill:p
I'll get owned in Jedi Outcast cuz you can't do the cool things in Jedi Academy
i do not have jka...msn me

edit: oh you want me to msn you
[all the stuff he said]
i completely agree. the game is just SO fun to play, cheats or no cheats. But WITH the cheats its a whole new game- so much possibility, without going through all the crap with level editors.
oh, and have u ever set the npc kill all code to a key (using bind <cheat> <key>), and then using it in a demo clip? jedi knight may crash, (as the characters in the demo are dead) but u will laugh ur heads off the first time u do it.
another cool thing is setting taunt to a key (kyle spins his weapon round in his hand). it is used by the sith to taunt u but if u do it u can still fire the gun, killing every1 in a 360 degree arc around u. Try it with the lightsaber, too!