How do you feel? (warning...strong material)

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Aug 6, 2004
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You have probably seen lots of war or ...i'm interested in what do you feel? Personaly...if i just fly by i don't feel nothing..but seeing a large and clear picture of some poor guy carying a mutilated baby...i just can't speak anymore...put yourself in their place...the agony is unimaginable!!

Dude HOW THE FU*** can anyone stay calm at pics such as this (WARNING STRONG MATERIAL)!


I mean we are all her comfortable in our chairs, warm room, a better future!

These people will never see university, will never play sports, probably never taste good food again, never have a computer, never have sex!!!!! Put yourself in them for 8 seconds, and tell me what you feel!?

What do the people in the government feel...??

Let me ask you something...lets say Bush would walk up to you and say he'll do such horibble things to others unless you kill him first...would you do it (in a very humane way, that is)?

I probably couldn't!

P.S. sorry bout this rant...but life is really horible" ( not some 14 year old kid)

I post this...because i have a friend who is in hospital because of a car accident (not his fault) and almost managed to survive! His internal organs torn apart but the surgeons managed to stich them after 1 month his liver had to be removed...he will probably have a hard time walking all his life...he was almost at the end of uni! He was also a talanted race bike driver (oh the irony)! My school mate (a girl) had another accident, she got hit by a drunk driver...after 2 months she is still in intensive...and doesnt even recognize the "world"...she had massive brain trauma...her spine is broken!

To the people (also the soldiers) there in iraq are living trough this every day!
Life isn't horrible, people are horrible, well some of them anyway.

As for your question, "Dude HOW THE FU** can anyone stay calm at pics such this?" well there's a simple answer, some people just don't care.
You don't honestly believe it was better under Saddam do you?
MiccyNarc said:
You don't honestly believe it was better under Saddam do you?
Yes, there was a good healthcare system, that was free to everyone, schools were good, good water suppllies ect.
Solaris said:
Yes, there was a good healthcare system, that was free to everyone, schools were good, good water suppllies ect.

lol thanks for that..I needed a good laugh for the day
Solaris said:
Yes, there was a good healthcare system, that was free to everyone, schools were good, good water suppllies ect.

Yep, right next to the mass graves of gassed Kurds.
Solaris said:
Yes, there was a good healthcare system, that was free to everyone, schools were good, good water suppllies ect.

Stop going to prison planet. Please. This war was unjustified. There was no reason to go there. Bush is an idiot. Blah blah blah. But if you're going to tell me it was any better under Saddam, then you need to go open your eyes. And stop listening to propaganda.
The iraqis were alot better off before than they are now.
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Show us some (reliable) sources please Solaris to back up your statement
mostly anger, horror, disgust, pity and despair ....but anger lots and lots of anger ...almost as much as for the people that support it as who commit it
Zeus said:
Show us some (reliable) sources please Solaris to back up your statement

in some cases yes ..remember the iraqis were under crushing sanctions prior to this war. Those same electrical grids, water treatment plants, sewage plants that were destroyed in the first war were never repaired ..the invasion only exasperated the situation.
Erm well at least 27,000 of them are dead.
What has Iraq gained, that justifys death on this scale?
Solaris said:
The iraqis were alot better off before than they are now.
I'm sorry, but you've really got a rose-tinted view of the world. Both Saddam's regime and the American occupation are bad. Does the gassing of the Kurds strike you as a good situation, or are you conveniently blotting that out?

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Solaris said:
The iraqis were alot better off before than they are now.
I'm sorry, but you've really got a rose-tinted view of the world. Both Saddam's regime and the American occupation are bad. Does the gassing of the Kurds strike you as a good situation, or are you conveniently blotting that out?

-Angry Lawyer
I guess if Sadam killed more than 30,000 kurds in the time it took to kill 30,000 civillians, then I guess you could use that in an arguement.

However he didn't.
it doesnt really matter if they are or not in the sense that by simply asking that question you're justifying an illegitimate war which was based on lies. It doesnt matter to the victems and their families of this current war because they will ALWAYS respond in the negative
Solaris said:
I guess if Sadam killed more than 30,000 kurds in the time it took to kill 30,000 civillians, then I guess you could use that in an arguement.

However he didn't.

I think you're missing the point, kid. They're both oppressors. Neither should be running Iraq.

-Angry Lawyer

That site explains the torture chambers sadam had.'s_Iraq

That also gives a list of many human rights violations sadam had. All of these and the mass murders he commited are enough reason IMO to invade. What he had done to his people was horrible. Mind you innocent civilians dying from our invasion are also horrible but remember that saddam placed military targets right next to hospitals/schools and packed military buildings full of civilians.
traditional values coalition? oh come on ..

oh 7000 iraqis died during the invasion ...are you saying all 7000 just so happend to be standing next to an iraqi munition when they were blown into oblivion? ...that would make them either the world stupidest people or there's a problem with the guidance systems

...btw not much has changed, there's still a heck of a lot of torture going on in iraq
To conclude:

Saddam's oppression was shite.
USA's oppression is shite.


-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
To conclude:

Saddam's oppression was shite.
USA's oppression is shite.


-Angry Lawyer
Yes, but the current occupier is worse.
The Marines near Baghdad have rescued 123 prisoners from an underground prison. The prisoners were severely emaciated and some had survived by eating the scabs from their sores.
Thats so impossible its almost funny. Traditional values my arse!

Yes, but the current occupier is worse
So that justifies the previous one?

Flawed logic Mr Angry, comparing two states of existance does not infer justification. Sometimes a comparison is just a comparison.
Angry Lawyer said:
So that justifies the previous one?

-Angry Lawyer
Nope. But it means the Iraqi people were better off pre invasion.
Angry Lawyer said:
To conclude:

Saddam's oppression was shite.
USA's oppression is shite.


-Angry Lawyer

Angry Lawyer said:
To conclude:

Saddam's oppression was shite.
USA's oppression is shite.


-Angry Lawyer

Quoted twice, for twice the emphasis.
You can put your hands over your ears and shout I'm wrong for as long as you want.
Saddam was a terrible leader. The current administration in Iraq in surviving at best. However, I wont be so foolish as to say which one I think better for the average civilian in Iraq becasue I have never been there.
No, what you're doing is picking for fights. The US oppression is not justified.

NEITHER WAS SADDAMS. Don't compare the two because it's DUMB. They need a stable non-oppressive way out of things, and neither the US, nor Saddam can offer them it. And Communism doesn't work.

*covers ears and shouts LALALALALA*

Plus, Mecha quoted me, and anything Mecha touches instantly becomes true. And Communism doesn't work. And never will. Haha, Marx, pwnt!

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
NEITHER WAS SADDAMS. Don't compare the two because it's DUMB. They need a stable non-oppressive way out of things, and neither the US, nor Saddam can offer them it. And Communism doesn't work.
I'm a socialist now anyway.
I think that from the point of view of an average joe (IE: Me) The current admin is better, but only because Saddam tortured inoccent people. Also, I am still undecided on how much torture and cruelty rogue US troops start in Iraq, so once again my opinion is going to be biased, the only way to solve this argument is round up every non-extremist civilian in Iraq and ask them who they prefered (Of course, you'de have to use a non-biased third party for this, so the civies didn't feel forced to vote one way)
Doesn't change the fact that Marx got pwnt.

And yes, I have been drinking.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Doesn't change the fact that Marx got pwnt.

And yes, I have been drinking.

-Angry Lawyer
Marx did not get pwnt.
His ideals were attempted in chaos.
Russia was not the right place. Lenin himself admitted that communism wouldnt last 5 years, with that start. And to some degree it didn't.
No where on Earth is the right place for Communism. It is a good concept, but humans cannot execute it, because we are just that - Simply human
His ideals failed to be implemented. Implementation is just as important as the ideals. Like, a mod with a strong story and concept art, and no coders. Therefore, MARX = PWNT!

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
His ideals failed to be implemented. Implementation is just as important as the ideals. Like, a mod with a strong story and concept art, and no coders. Therefore, MARX = PWNT!

-Angry Lawyer
Its like trying to make a mod with paint, and notepad, and windows ME.
Exactly. Therefore, I'm, right, and everyone else is wrong.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Exactly. Therefore, I'm, right, and everyone else is wrong.

-Angry Lawyer
Now if the english workers wen't content to eat the crumbs that fell from there masters chair, well. We'd all be alot better off.
Solaris said:
Now if the english workers wen't content to eat the crumbs that fell from there masters chair, well. We'd all be alot better off.

You really don't understand reality.
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