How do you feel? (warning...strong material)

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Originally Posted by Solaris
Yes, there was a good healthcare system, that was free to everyone, schools were good, good water suppllies ect.

Yep, right next to the mass graves of gassed Kurds.
saddam was not good, america isn't better...
Solaris said:
Now if the english workers wen't content to eat the crumbs that fell from there masters chair, well. We'd all be alot better off.

Well, considering my family are working class, and you're probably middle class, I think I have a better position to speak about this. And with my family, it's never been about reducing the rich down to your level, its about building yourself up to theirs. Life's all about achievement, not bitching about equality and hoping that an oppressive government is going to take out all the wealthy.

-Angry Lawyer
could someone tell me about the difference between middle class and working class? Because I have no idea what 'class' i am from *confuzzled*
Solaris said:
Yes, but the current occupier is worse.

lol...some of the stuff you come up with. I don't agree with the war and think bush is less than smart..but to say they were better off before Saddam was taken thats just classic (in a bad way). The current occupier is worse why? Is it because you can't stand the United States or do you actually think that unfortunate civilian losses in a war are worse than a dictator killing his people at will?
Angry Lawyer said:
Well, considering my family are working class, and you're probably middle class, I think I have a better position to speak about this. And with my family, it's never been about reducing the rich down to your level, its about building yourself up to theirs. Life's all about achievement, not bitching about equality and hoping that an oppressive government is going to take out all the wealthy.

-Angry Lawyer
I spent the first four years of my life in a tiny 3 room flat.

Now weve substancially upgraded, but alot of people havent.
Do you remember the first four years of your life?

I went through my first two schools wearing hand-me down clothings that had been patched over several times to cover the splits, and being entitled to free school dinners because my family couldn't really afford to keep me fed properly. We've got out of that slump through hard work. The sad thing is that I'm just above the line to get free governmental monies to get me into university, but from too large a family to be able to get any support any other way. So I got a full-time job and applied for a home university course.

Life is what you make of it, you can't blame governments for all of your ills. Capitalism works well enough.

-Angry Lawyer
Zeus said:
lol...some of the stuff you come up with. I don't agree with the war and think bush is less than smart..but to say they were better off before Saddam was taken thats just classic (in a bad way). The current occupier is worse why? Is it because you can't stand the United States or do you actually think that unfortunate civilian losses in a war are worse than a dictator killing his people at will?

I think there's a misconception here one is saying that the tyranny of saddam was any better than the current situation ...BUT things ARE worse ...27,000 (probably as high as 100,000) people dead in less than 3 years. If this keeps up they'll easily surpass the number of iraqis killed by saddam in a few short years as compared to taking saddam's 30 years to do as much damage
Which is why the Netherlands should have lead the war, because the Dutch are awesome. <3 the Dutch, everyone in Iraq would be happy. Possibly.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Which is why the Netherlands should have lead the war, because the Dutch are awesome. <3 the Dutch, everyone in Iraq would be happy. Possibly.

-Angry Lawyer

/me restrains from mentioning Srebrenica
Shh, you, I'm having a drunken moment of worshipping theGreenBunny's nationality.

-Angry Lawyer
Canada's next on my lift of nationalities to sechs, so don't feel left out.

-Angry Lawyer
I think there's a misconception here one is saying that the tyranny of saddam was any better than the current situation
No, I think thats exactly what is being argued and rebutted here, do keep up old man.
...27,000 (probably as high as 100,000) people dead in less than 3 years
What 100,000 dead ? Where do you get such outlandish figures from,
If I had posted a bit earlier I would have responded jokingly to Angry Lawyer with 'yeah, well, I spent my childhood in a workhouse for orphans where I was beaten for asking for more food. Once I was out I was put to work with an evil oppressive family - I ran away, and fell in with a gang of child pickpockets led by an old singing Jewish genetlemen'...

But I've missed my chance.

jverne said:
These people will never see university, will never play sports, probably never taste good food again, never have a computer, never have sex!!!!!

SAJ said:
No, I think thats exactly what is being argued and rebutted here, do keep up old man.

ah the impetuousness of youth, be patient grasshopper not all is as it seems ...I'm certainly not arguing that

SAJ said:
What 100,000 dead ? Where do you get such outlandish figures from,

ahem I think you know where I'm getting that figure :)
Sulkdodds said:
If I had posted a bit earlier I would have responded jokingly to Angry Lawyer with 'yeah, well, I spent my childhood in a workhouse for orphans where I was beaten for asking for more food. Once I was out I was put to work with an evil oppressive family - I ran away, and fell in with a gang of child pickpockets led by an old singing Jewish genetlemen'...

But I've missed my chance.


is that the story of pinocchio? know, wooden little urchins with big noses pick pocketing unweary passerbys in victorian london
/me pulls something out of rectal orifice ...

"is this it? wait that's my last will and testament"
Sulkdodds said:


Furthermore, I think starting a thread you intend to use facts in by drawing the old "look crippled people" card is a really damn low way to try, because it pretty much invalidates any REAL discussion you can have, because you're appealing to emotion rather than fact.

the end.
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