How do you fight depression?


Jul 4, 2003
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Thats my question, how would battle the worst depression that you could possibly find yourself in.... And what if its justified? I refuse to seek council so please don't suggest therapy or anything like that, because I know I have a problem and one of my problems is I don't have the money for food, let alone therapy....

I really need someone... I'm sorry, you guys won't/can't understand... :(
well i don't mean to be harsh but asking advice on an internet forum isn't the answer at all...

if you are depressed in the true sense of the word and i mean truely clinically depressed (the term is used very loosely these days) seek medical help and councilling. if you are very low however, we all get very low at times and it just takes a while to feel better

anyhow, hope you feel better soon
It always helps to talk about it with someone you trust. Until others understand the pain that you're going through, no one will be able to help.
I've been through some suitably luvly times where I felt.. err preeeetty damn shitty.

My advice is to go and find some friends to spend time with. The worst thing you can do is cut yourself off and be unsociable. Maybe you feel you can't talk to them about any problems you have but that doesnt matter, talk to them about anything. It helps.
Music helped me through my hard times. Pick something upbeat and happy, not the depressing grunge and emo stuff that many people seem to be into these days. Cheesy 80's rock songs are good. Bon Jovi's better.

-Angry Lawyer
can you tell us why you're depressed though? that can be a good place to start

edit: if you don't want to, you can go exercise by running out in the open for a while
I play games, but I play games all the time.
How can you afford the internet if you can't afford food?

Also, stay out of the politics forum.
I heard doing things constructive helps combat depression, but it needs to be work you do with your hands. You might not have the room or the funds, but something like woodwork would be good. All you need to start you off is a few library books, a small number of basic tools and few pieces of wood. Try making something like a spice rack.

Oh, and don’t do what a friend of mine did. He was planning on building some shelves so he went into the Library and asked the woman, “Do you have any books on shelves?” She didn’t look very happy.

If woodwork isn’t your thing, fair enough, but try and find something to do, something constructive, something that involves your hands, something that takes concentration, something that has tangible results.
im never depressed.

but when i feel slightly down in the dumps, i just remind myself how lucky i am to have all limbs, eyesight, hearing , all my senses, to live in a more economically developed country, get clean water thru a tap, have good friends, good family. life cant get much better than this. money wont be able to buy my life.

live your day as if its your last i say!
PickledGecko said:
I heard doing things constructive helps combat depression, but it needs to be work you do with your hands. You might not have the room or the funds, but something like woodwork would be good. All you need to start you off is a few library books, a small number of basic tools and few pieces of wood. Try making something like a spice rack.

Oh, and don’t do what a friend of mine did. He was planning on building some shelves so he went into the Library and asked the woman, “Do you have any books on shelves?” She didn’t look very happy.

If woodwork isn’t your thing, fair enough, but try and find something to do, something constructive, something that involves your hands, something that takes concentration, something that has tangible results.
Constructive, like an RTS game?
The "tangible results" bit at the end was just to make it clear that computer games were not really what I was talking about. I'm sure a complicated computer game would stave off the depression as you play, as it would keep your mind distracted, but I doubt it would have any long lasting effect. The idea of doing something constructive is partly to do with a self worth issue. Seeing the results, using the spice rack or shelves or whatever, reminds you that you can achieve things, you can create a useful object. I'm probably not explaining this very well.

Actually, have you (Innervision961) ever considered volunteer work? It helps you meet new people, which is usually the last thing on your mind when you’re depressed, but not meeting people is also part of the problem. Its one of those vicious circles.
I was once there its simple:

Dont care about others and what they think because theyre all arrogant
Introduce yourself to art and express yourself - painting, poetry, or music
Remember the one that isnt social is always the most interesting person
Depression makes you see under the pretty colors and exposes the feelings - whether truth or lies
A good exercise is being in an empty room and rambling on or singing to yourself
Only you can understand yourself the best not shrinks - try to explore your mind

Depression is not a bad thing if you can control it - which youll be able to do when you have the reasons to keep pressing on. And finally dont let BS bring you down like that because BS is just lies meant to make life more enjoyable. You should seek refuge in your dreams - only there everything is clear. So come on man! Join the club i got your membership card right here, well keep depression in check and spit on the BS! Fight the Cause!
Innervision961 said:
I really need someone... I'm sorry, you guys won't/can't understand... :(
Actually, I know exactly what you're talking about. I have extremely bad depression sometimes and I know how little anything I can say about it will actually affect it. Talk to me on AIM or MSN sometime and we can discuss it.

My aim and msn are in my profile.
PickledGecko said:
I'm probably not explaining this very well.
Nah, I understand

But then again, I knew why you were saying it when you first said ''make something tangible'' :p
lol it's funny that you guys keep saying that.

its the key, really. making something, expressing yourself in some way to relieve your intensity and passion and emotion. music or painting or writing or modeling or modding or growing plants, anything you can pour yourself out into.

I write. It's different for everyone though.
Deep Breathes. Stay calm.

Generally for me going to sleep seems to cure my depression - somehow it's both easier to get to sleep when depressed and more relaxing (for me). Dunno about you.
depends upon what i'm depressed about. i'm not very depressed ever because honestly i usually dont give a shit about anything. self defense mechanism i guess. usually i'm just depressed about rejection or something... knowing somebody got the best of me, you know? sadly i usually just go into my room and stew. not anymore though, i have the damndest technique for calming down. its hard to explain, but if you lay on a bed with no sheets and no pillow (so just a flat surface), on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides and just relax every muscle in your body your mind eventually starts to wander. usually it shows how silly i am for being sad or mad, and i mean its just a good way of thinking things out, because sometimes thats all you really need to do. life is complicated and doesnt really afford the best chance to just chill like that. talk to me on aim if you need anything :)
my mind starts to wander always mate. anywhere when im not talking to someone or actively doing something. in other words school is a seven hour long thinking session for me.

just, when im depressed, thinking sucks because it's always negative unless its one of the few times i can think my way out of it. sleep is a good option to get over depression if you can manage to fall asleep, though I never can.

... my worst depression was when i took a bit much of adderall, which gave me insomnia so i didn't sleep for two nights and I was depressed the WHOLE TIME because I basically almost lost one of my best friends (who happens to be a girl so it's even worse) due to my own stupidity. that was hell on earth. 60 hours that it was impossible to sleep, and I just felt like utter shit about myself.

one of the reasons I don't do drugs anymore.
you could try anti-depressants. but then again, you said you have no money so i guess you wouldn't be able to afford meds. i was on paxil for 2 months, went off of it because it made me feel like a zombie. then i went on celexa for 11 months and decided to quit that last august. it did help somewhat, although i'm still pretty anti-social, but on the plus side, i don't want to kill myself anymore. :D
tr0n, i love you, but stfu.

the only thing that makes it hard for me to say "****, its just depression" when I have it is that I know I'll be fighting it the rest of my life, and that sucks.
Work out, lift weights.
Not only is it constructive like others have said, it will build confidence, self esteem and respect for yourself.
Thats longer term though, it also has the physical effect of increasing the amount of seratonin produced.
edit: also dont drink, or take in any other cns depressants.
read my previous post.. i hope you feel better soon mate :thumbs:
Ennui said:
tr0n, i love you, but stfu.

the only thing that makes it hard for me to say "****, its just depression" when I have it is that I know I'll be fighting it the rest of my life, and that sucks.
Fux0rz j00.

A few people have mentioned sleeping - I believe that's meant to be a symptom of depression, rather than a countermeasure. Of course it helps fight depression in the extreme short term, because it's a kind of escape from your worries for a while and I know it feels good when things are bad. The thing is, you always have to wake up.

Having said that I don't really have any solid advice, sorry... I'd be a hypocrite anyway, since I lead a pretty bleak lifestyle. What the other guys have said sounds about right. Something tangible and productive to help boost your self-worth.

gh0st made a good post - I know when you're depressed it seems like you're almost thinking too much, but there's aimless fretting and agonising, and there's thinking. Actual deep thinking, about what you are and aren't, what problems you really do have, and of those, which ones you can solve...about how it feels better to go outside and feel rain on your eyes or wind on your face, than it does to stay indoors and condemn yourself for the 300th time for that thing you did ages ago which you just can't change. But like I said, ^^^hypocrite.
evil^milk said:
can you tell us why you're depressed though? that can be a good place to start

edit: if you don't want to, you can go exercise by running out in the open for a while

Eh I already do the excercise thing... It helps temporarily...

I'm depressed because:

My girlfriend broke up with me
My job sucks
My house is a shithole
My parents don't care
My future seems pointless

just a whole bunch of stuff like that... I don't really feel like getting into the intricate details, but thats where the real problems are.
then think about how unique you are. and find something to be passionate about.

mod work actually helps me get over depression. something I'm focused on and passionate about.
thanks you guys.. I think I'll get through this, i'm just looking for tips.
I have I fight it?
I go take a shit and think, after im done I feel refreshed and relaxed.
I'd fight it with sunshine and puppy dog tails!
Innervision961 said:
thanks you guys.. I think I'll get through this, i'm just looking for tips.

Be around people who enjoy your company and you usually have fun with. Listen to music, take up an art form, find something which you have a passion for and pursue it (i.e. filmmaking).
Listen to relaxing music...
Lie down and think about positive things.
Go for a walk.
Play extremely violent games.
If you know how to play an instrument, play it.
medication / therepy.. but hey thats just me.. Tom Cruise would probably rather die.