How do you fight depression?

Not by asking an internet forum, that's for sure. No offense anyone, I'm just saying...

And I don't know the answer, I wish I did. But for starters, don't trust and rely completely on any single person, ever. :) No one give me that "I'm an exception" bullshit because no one is, its not healthy to completely base your life around one single person. Because no matter what, there is always the chance that that person will dissappear completely.

lawl i just used this thread to vent :P
Sell all your property
Move to a really poor country
Live as a king.
Relative wealth = Hapiness

I realize its an extreme solution..
But it's really the only one i can think of that'd actually work.
I think I explained everything in the PM I sent...but I remembered something. Video Games. I know that sounds "Geekish" and such..but really, a great stress reliever is when you shoot other things lol. It helps at times..not all, but a few, and thats better than none right?
If you cant afford councilling, go to the samaritans or something...Also you need to realise that you can depend on close friends. Thats what helped me. I did go to councilling by the way (it was free as part of college - a student service) and it was very helpful.

Thats all i can advise

Fifth: in the third link you have a test, if you anwser more then 5 out of 10( i have 9 out of 10) with yes, then it might mean you are depressed andyou should seek a psychologist and do a real test to make sure.
Sixth: all that crap advise about beeing creative and sleeping sucks, cause thats the problem, you can't be bothered to do anyithing(I have kotor1, kotor2,BK3,Monkey Island,gw,commandos2, and all kinds of games, but I just can't play them,even though I loved it when I ddi, I just can't all I do is sit a little bit on the net), and though your always tired you can't fall a sleep. fact is you need professional help, 99/100 chance you wont get out of it yourself.
seventh: Mr.Reak decribed it best in a thread
Innervision961 said:
thanks you guys.. I think I'll get through this, i'm just looking for tips.

take up a new hobbie, meet new friends. get ina dating service. love every minute of your life. live it to the full :cheers:

hope youll get better soon.
seek medical help ..depression can often be a sign of a bigger problem ..go see your doctor. Hope you feel better soon :) ..oh and for god sakes dont keep it in, talk to someone you trust
I feel good today guys, i dunno, I was just driving through the country, listening to kill switch engage, and the sun was shining through the clouds, a cool breeze... and everything int he world seemed good, and now i have a smile and feel happy, and am about to go running, see ya', thanks for the help... The people that actually cared :)
PickledGecko said:
Oh, and don’t do what a friend of mine did. He was planning on building some shelves so he went into the Library and asked the woman, “Do you have any books on shelves?” She didn’t look very happy.
Ha ha! Classic!
Grey Fox said:

Sixth: all that crap advise about beeing creative and sleeping sucks, cause thats the problem, you can't be bothered to do anyithing(I have kotor1, kotor2,BK3,Monkey Island,gw,commandos2, and all kinds of games, but I just can't play them,even though I loved it when I ddi, I just can't all I do is sit a little bit on the net), and though your always tired you can't fall a sleep. fact is you need professional help, 99/100 chance you wont get out of it yourself.
seventh: Mr.Reak decribed it best in a thread
Weird, I never had a single problem playing games. Granted you didn't enjoy it right off, but it took some time for you to actually get your MIND OFF IT. Which is what it truely does. You gotta try to get into it a bit, and then after a bit, your set for a couple hours of pain-free heads.
you don't understand, most of the time I can't get my self to od anything, I can't get myself even to do things I like, it's like I'm unable to feel joy, I do have moments of fun, but most of the time I can hardly feel I'm alive.
Innervision961 said:
Eh I already do the excercise thing... It helps temporarily...

I'm depressed because:

My girlfriend broke up with me
My job sucks
My house is a shithole
My parents don't care
My future seems pointless

seriously see your GP and he/she can help you and refer you to your local psychiatrist in your local health centre if you'd like.:)
Innervision961 said:
I feel good today guys, i dunno, I was just driving through the country, listening to kill switch engage, and the sun was shining through the clouds, a cool breeze... and everything int he world seemed good, and now i have a smile and feel happy, and am about to go running, see ya', thanks for the help... The people that actually cared :)
i'm too late, i was gonna suggest drinking heavily... even though i'm not much of a drinker and have never used it before, seemed to work for my roomate last year, made him all weepy and sentimental at least so we could laugh at him.... that f*cking prick...
Keep yourself occupied with something if you are feeling down or just do something crazy and have a laugh :cheers:

Just think positive really
Drinking while depressed *from my experiences* just get you MORE depressed and very angry hah.

@Grey Fox: I understand where ya commin from. It's just that there are more open spots to find enjoyment then you think. You gotta force yourself..Just tell yourself "I'll be fine, I'm not the ONLY one going through this, and they all survived fine..." Then get up, and do something. That's how I did it ;)
CptStern said:
seek medical help ..depression can often be a sign of a bigger problem ..go see your doctor. Hope you feel better soon :) ..oh and for god sakes dont keep it in, talk to someone you trust

Personally, I think this forum is very trustworthy if you steer clear from the obligatory posts such as my own :-)

Actually, talking to people on the internet about a personal problem is one of the ways I got over alot of my fears and doubts.
Pesmerga said:
Personally, I think this forum is very trustworthy if you steer clear from the obligatory posts such as my own :-)

Actually, talking to people on the internet about a personal problem is one of the ways I got over alot of my fears and doubts.
True internet folk help...get past the asshats "STFU WE DONT CARE KILL YOURSELF" people, I mean, those who actually don't flame about it, great to vent to. They don't know you, some more than likely understand, and you can just get it out of your system. Kind of like a Diary that talks back...sometimes with dirty talk, hey, who's complaining?! :cheers:
"hi guyz, i have tehese thngs on my testicals, like teh bumps loel, weird huh, wtf are tehy? lol"

But when people start asking these things...I just can't help myself but explore the numerous possibilities!
Pesmerga said:
"hi guyz, i have tehese thngs on my testicals, like teh bumps loel, weird huh, wtf are tehy? lol"

But when people start asking these things...I just can't help myself but explore the numerous possibilities!

:| => :D

btw your post is 1337.
Innervision961 said:
Thats my question, how would battle the worst depression that you could possibly find yourself in.... And what if its justified? I refuse to seek council so please don't suggest therapy or anything like that, because I know I have a problem and one of my problems is I don't have the money for food, let alone therapy....

I really need someone... I'm sorry, you guys won't/can't understand... :(

The best advice I can give you is to seek a distraction, something to keep your brain occupied. Do you play chess?