How do you read threads?


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Do you skim around looking for the notable posters and friends and read just them? Do you meticulously read every post and try to stay on topic should you decide to reply? Or are you just one of those guys who reads the OP and proceeds to spew a mouthful using quick reply without following the actual progression of the "conversation."
I usually go and read most of the conversation (first few pages) if it's like 5 pages long. If it's any shorter I usually read the whole conversation and intelligently respond.
same as gordon.
less then 5 pages and ill enjoy reading it all and mostly respond ontopic.

I read it all from start to finish every post, if it's 4 or more pages then I'll read the first and last pages. Although if it's particularly interesting, then I'll just read it all.

I hate people who read just the OP then make a comment without reading ANYTHING else. Some threads that works, but some threads it's like they just post something that's already been said a hundred times..

And I really hate people who just read the end of posts. Your on a forum, and you don't want to read? Just leave.
I generally read most of the thread. But if it's really long, just the first few posts and the last page or two.

[edit] Basically what Dog-- just said except he got to the Post button before I did :p.
Depends, if the thread is interesting i'll read it all, or if it's more than 3 pages then i'll skim though it.
I haven't read the rest of the comments, but I just wanted to say that I always read every word.
TL;DR, can someone sum up the OP's post?
I use the today's posts function. I go to the last post of threads I've posted in, to see what's new. I read posts of people I like, if they've just posted in a thread. I'll read most threads, often skimming if it doesn't interest me, and also often writing long replies and never posting them. However there are some threads, old ones included, that I have never ever opened. I'll always read closed threads. If I am going to respond and the thread has not evolved to a conversational tone yet, I'll read the first few posts, and the last few posts, and then post.
Skim forums, find threads that are interesting, read through until I hit something that comepls me to reply.
I cntrl + f and type in balls, if it shows up, I read on
I go into random threads and post. Usually the shiny thread titles grab my attention.
I just browse the forums and look at threads that catch my interest. I'll usually read threads I don't even respond to.

With my way of browsing though, I do sometimes miss threads as a result.
I read the first and last pages, or skim back if something is being discussed that is not on those pages.
I find a thread that's interesting and read the entire thread to see if I want to completely halt the conversation with a thread-killing post.

Depends. I tend to skim, and I hover/stop/reread if there seems to be an interesting discussion going on or if there are a lot of regulars who I like and respect posting.
I look for posts Hazar has made and then reply to those
I read the first page relatively thoroughly. After that I skim through the next couple pages, then post either replying to the first post or to something that I felt like quoting.

after that, I come back a couple hours later to see if anyone reacted to my post. I enjoy seeing others replying to my posts. It makes me feel like I changed something in someones day.
Usually lurk, unless I have something funny/witty to say.
I look first for the most current threads, then after sometime i check out my own thread's i've created just to see what I missed, and then at the very least look up something different. Also I do what Raz does, and sometimes just read the threads entirety, and sometimes I'll read even pages of stuff and not respond at all. Also a lot of times this site has made me late for work, so sad
For long threads I actually tend to read them from last page to first page. And if it is a touchy subject I go to the end to see if there are arguments going on, if there are I grab a drink and read.
If it's a shorter thread (1-3 pages), I'll read each post, maybe skipping over people I don't really care for. Longer threads...depends if I'm interested in the subject or not: if I am, I'll read through/skim, if not I'll read the last couple pages.
I just post based on what the thread title is. The more obscure titles are dangerous though, because it takes a lot of guess work to pretend to know what its actually about.

For example, im just assuming this thread is about whether or not we read other peoples posts as well as the OP. The title pretty much asks exactly that, since its obvious the op isnt asking about whether we use our eyes to read it, or if we read it from left to right, top to bottom.

Also, whenever someone responds, i look at their name, guess what they were going to say, and make another post based on what I think they probably posted. Every once in awhile I will quote someone and not read it, just to keep people thinking that I care what they say.
I read everything, unless I get bored or decide to make an exception for a couple members. Usually I don't do that.

By the time I get to the end of the thread, I've usually found that whatever I wanted to say has been said several times over, so I often end up not posting at all.
I read everything, but first convert all the letters and words to zeroes and ones.
Then I have a million monkeys with a million typewriters.
They always eventually come up with just the right thing to say.

Also, seven ball in the corner pocket.
I hunt down some poor soul who made a bad life decision when they decided to post, and ream the hell out of them for it.
I usually just type random letters together to make words and somehow make them into a sentence with little to no thought in making the post.
I usually skip walls of text. Unless if it's by Sheepo. That guy is great.
...if there are a lot of regulars who I like and respect posting.
You make it sound as if there's more than just the same dozen people on this board who post in every single thread.

It really depends. If the discussion is interesting enough I'll read through the whole thing. If the thread's exceedingly long (over eight pages), or if the conversation is dull but there are posters I want to address (or if I'm just addressing the OP directly), I might just scroll down to the quick reply box and start typing away.
I just post based on what the thread title is. The more obscure titles are dangerous though, because it takes a lot of guess work to pretend to know what its actually about.

For example, im just assuming this thread is about whether or not we read other peoples posts as well as the OP. The title pretty much asks exactly that, since its obvious the op isnt asking about whether we use our eyes to read it, or if we read it from left to right, top to bottom.

Also, whenever someone responds, i look at their name, guess what they were going to say, and make another post based on what I think they probably posted. Every once in awhile I will quote someone and not read it, just to keep people thinking that I care what they say.
