How do YOU think HL2 will start? (NO SPOILERS!)


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
After the incident at Black Mesa, how do you think it´ll be?

Im pretty sure that it´s been a while since what happened in HL1.
Pretty much like the time-gap between Star Wars episode 4 and 5..

Off ya go..

i think it will start again on a train and it will give you the whole overview
from what i understand. valve to an extent gave the bloody starting away
that train sequence we seen in the binks is like 10 mins into the game and i m guessing that hte gman wake up mister freeman speech was the begining.
I think he will be woken up by Gman, told some stuff, then gets teleported into the train as a c17 citizen to begin his advernture in hl2 land
Gordon wakes up to alyx...alyx looks at gordon wakes up..AND TURNS INTO JIGGILYPUFF!! then sings the jiggilypuff song and gordon falls to sleep...gordon wakes up on train............
Citizen 1150421 said:
from what i understand. valve to an extent gave the bloody starting away
that train sequence we seen in the binks is like 10 mins into the game and i m guessing that hte gman wake up mister freeman speech was the begining.

Well really? Could be that he´s masked or something, perhaps that he´s trying to slip through their nets and achieve something out of that? :)

Im too excited again!
G-Man diologue. Train. Bundled into a small room, where Barney rescues you.

Mostly found in the binks, otherwise deducted from other sources.
Yeah, probably the GMan telling you some stuff (I think a bit more than what's been seen), the train ride, getting out of the train, and the Trainstation bink. As for then, I'm really curious :).
well we know it starts on the train, hence the train station bink. could all start with the GMan saying, wake up Mr Freeman, wake up and SMELL the ashes!
Eternity said:
G-Man diologue. Train. Bundled into a small room, where Barney rescues you.

Mostly found in the binks, otherwise deducted from other sources.

Sounds good...hmm.. what was that about no spoilers!
Well, it's not for certain, but if you've watched the binks and read a bit of the leaked script, it's just a deduction.
i think it will start with Alyx n my underpants groping me agressivley then gordon comes n finds his partner gettin jiggy wit me then the story starts from there
Starts with a kung-fu fight with the G-Man. Yes, I've played the beta.
Eternity said:
G-Man diologue. Train. Bundled into a small room, where Barney rescues you.

Mostly found in the binks, otherwise deducted from other sources.

Eternity, that would have been a "whoa! cooool!" moment. However, you neglected the no spoiler aspect of this thread, and ruined that part of the game for me.

I, personally, want to grind your nuts into paste and force feed it to you through a funnel. That simply suits my tastes, what would you other guys like to do to Eternity?

Gordon wakes up and says, "It was all a dream!" Then he goes downstairs, makes some coffee, fries an egg, two sausages, two rashers of bacon, half a tomato. He eats it all up and then reads the paper for a bit (The Financial Times if you were wondering) then he looks up and the G-Man is doing the dusting in a pink apron with a big fluffy duster.
"What happened to Unice?" Asks Gordon.
"Wake up, Mr Freeman...wake up and...smell the ashes."
It's then that Gordon sniffs his toast burning and jumps up in fright.

He wakes up again on the City 17 train. There is a little wet patch in his pants.
The game starts off with Gordon at a rave dancing with glow sticks I hear the Source engine can do tracer effects really well and he is drinking orange juice and the G-man comes up sucking on a blow pop and he and Gordon see each other and then hug and they are like rolling all over the floor and the music is all boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss and the lights are flashing then the cops bust in and start arresting everyone but the Gman makes a portal and he and Gordon jump through it and the Gman says he is on some bad drugs on a bad trip and Gordon starts freaking out and goes on a bad trip to City 17.
Wake up, Mr. Freeman, and smell the ashes. Gordon wakes, sees Alyx. Blackout for the next 15 minutes, but you hear some... sounds. Then, Gordon getting out of a train. Some guy: "Don't drink the water. It makes you forget. Forget to zip up your pants".
alehm said:
The game starts off with Gordon at a rave dancing with glow sticks I hear the Source engine can do tracer effects really well and he is drinking orange juice and the G-man comes up sucking on a blow pop and he and Gordon see each other and then hug and they are like rolling all over the floor and the music is all boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss and the lights are flashing then the cops bust in and start arresting everyone but the Gman makes a portal and he and Gordon jump through it and the Gman says he is on some bad drugs on a bad trip and Gordon starts freaking out and goes on a bad trip to City 17.

My eyes are tearing from laughing so hard :LOL:

alehm said:
The game starts off with Gordon at a rave dancing with glow sticks I hear the Source engine can do tracer effects really well and he is drinking orange juice and the G-man comes up sucking on a blow pop and he and Gordon see each other and then hug and they are like rolling all over the floor and the music is all boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss boom tss and the lights are flashing then the cops bust in and start arresting everyone but the Gman makes a portal and he and Gordon jump through it and the Gman says he is on some bad drugs on a bad trip and Gordon starts freaking out and goes on a bad trip to City 17.
DAT SH | T WAS GOLD I SAY GOLD u cant have a better beginning
Anyone care to provide a link to rave music? That'd top it off, lol.

If any of u have seen the new Dawn Of The Dead film , i want it to start like that , with the music and the riots, they could show the combine slaughtering citizens n antlions raping cititzens while on the run. realy nasty and bloody!!., with credits of course.

Then go to a quite FPS veiw of U (gordon) on the train , and then the Anouncement voice says ''City 17 next stop''

then ithe game......

that'll be good :D
B-MAn said:
how do u knw this? which bink
*cough* Leakage *cough*

If someone could guess that from what the binks showed... then the CIA or NSA is looking to hire you.
Mrmanwithsuit said:
i think it will start with Alyx n my underpants groping me agressivley then gordon comes n finds his partner gettin jiggy wit me then the story starts from there

Totalkrusher said:
*cough* Leakage *cough*

If someone could guess that from what the binks showed... then the CIA or NSA is looking to hire you.
*cough* you git *cough*
*black screen* wake up, wake up and smeel the ashes.. *black screen fades to reveal the Gman's head a little too close to th screen (so you see th cool face textures =D)...whilst no one is more deserving of a rest...blah blah....*terminator 2 stylé heart pounding tune*...

*you wake up looking at the roof of a moving train**you blink* /whispers/he's awake! "SHHH!"...ahem*....*rustles paper* *a woman and a man on your right (man with paper, woman with bag on lap clutched tightly) *you sit up* ahh you're awake, how're you feeling? *look up and down train* i think we're almost there, it's ok though, Dr Breen lives in this City, it has to be better than the last one.. *woman looks scared into mans eyes* *man reassures woman by holding her hand *cue cool reassuring face movement**...

*train doors open* "welcome, welcome to city 17...." looks like we're here... *dr breen yabbers on*...

/trainstation bink/
/get captured/
/get beaten up/
/pass out/
/wake up again with dr breen staring at you/

Ahh, *you get up from your seat and walk with him* Mr Freeman! I'm sorry about the harsh treatment, our benefactors are a little heavy handed at times! We've sorted out the communication problems we had in the City 12 incident thou...oh... *breen realises you wont know what the 'city 12 incident is*... erm, yes... well, you're quite the hero i hear! Yes, we'll have to take care of you here....*slight evil undertone*...

You see mr Freeman, you have friends in high places, who just so happen to know how useful and gifted you are, however, its the wrong sort. *you're outside now, you stare around at the buildings, armed combine line the streets to make a pathway* *he stops* you're a menace Mr Freeman. One that would have been crushed long before now if it wasnt for your... employers.... envolvement. In which time we have come to realise your uses and are giving you the chance to work for us, to, swap teams so to speak. *smirks* *door opens behind the standing breen* please... after you...*evil smile*... *you're pushed in*...*it goes dark*...*footsteps*...*you're knocked unconscious again...*

*you have dreamy flash backs to a experimental neuroscience project you worked on in your early scientist days, you hear old collegues talk about it, you're with a young dr kliener, you're listening to an old man speak in front of the group of 5 of you: "We're sorry *flashback:bubbles boil in a green vile* but the neurokenisis project *slides behind the speaker change showing logos and data* must come to an end, our administration does not believe enough has been done in these 2 trial years to warrant the expense, we're sorry, project has been terminated. *a screech of pain runs through the flashback, you see combine soldiers, scientists, fast paced liquid pumps around elabourate labratory equiptment***.....

Freeman!!!!! *you're blinded by a light, you're sitting in a seat, straps loose around the seat arms, you see a medic with a small flashlight in front of you*: "he's gonna be fine".
Gordon? my dad told me about you... Gordon Freeman, the saviour! *you see dead combine soldiers around the same room you entered with breen*...we've got you now gordon, the head of the resistance!! /CUE HEROIC MUSIC AND STARTING CREDITS w/ SCREENSHOTS/

lol that took ages to write! what you think?
Interloper said:
*cough* you git *cough*
Well, that's not really necessary.

Chriso20: Nice job! Very interesting... You took that a lot farther than I would have thought possible. I especially enjoyed the physical descriptions.
chriso20 said:
*a screech of pain runs through the flashback, you see combine soldiers, scientists, fast paced liquid pumps around elabourate labratory equiptment*
Hmm... reminds me of the beginning of HL--with all the quick blackouts...teleports...heavy breathing...

I don't think they intro to HL2 will be quite so long though (at least the part out of your control). Reviews hinted at a short exposition, with a quick move to the action (as in walking around C17). However, Gordon probably will meet up with the "resistance" in some form or another pretty early.
Based off the vids:

go outside and look around,
look in apartments,
alxy finds you wandering around and leads you back to kliener's lab,
get mission objective, get suit, get crowbar,
kick some ass

I'm more curious about what's happened that makes it necessary/appropriate to wake Gordon up after so long, and why he was kept in stasis like that (or sent through a time dilated portal)? I guess the latter was to keep him safe so that he didn't get killed during the initial attack, but what's changed and how did G-Man/ his employers know it was gonna happen?
Red the following as to what happened from Hl1 to Hl2 at your own risk.

The Xen portals kept on expanding after BM got nuked and the country side was inhabited by aliens, the humans moved to the cities for protection and over night the combine appeared, parts of cities vanished and citadels appeared in their place, Earths military lasted 7 hours and the combine won, the BM survivors flead underground and created the resistance.

It was in that Prima firt look thingy, took 1/2 an hour to read cos it was all garbled and crap quality.
Why do I read spoilers?

Oh well, I guess it wasn't much I didn't know.
i think if starts the way queelar say its gonna be a much better game
Citizen 1150421 said:
from what i understand. valve to an extent gave the bloody starting away
that train sequence we seen in the binks is like 10 mins into the game and i m guessing that hte gman wake up mister freeman speech was the begining.
Yeah I think you're right. I think there'll be a bit more after "Smell the ashes" and then the train ride to City17 will be a fair while and the scenery'll probably look awesome.

Sadly due to spoilers from people who played the leak and my own shoddy will power I know a bit more than I wanted to...