How do YOU think HL2 will start? (NO SPOILERS!)

wayne white said:
i think if starts the way queelar say its gonna be a much better game

? I never offered an intro to the game, unless you're talking about grinding nuts into paste and force-feeding it to spoiler writing foolios.

So much for the effectiveness of putting "(NO SPOILERS!)" in the thread title.

No spoilers means just that: No Spoilers. No spoilers in spoiler tags, no spoilers diguised as speculation, no spoilers at all.
chriso20 said:
*black screen* wake up, wake up and smeel the ashes.. *black screen fades to reveal the Gman's head a little too close to th screen (so you see th cool face textures =D)...whilst no one is more deserving of a rest...blah blah....*terminator 2 stylé heart pounding tune*...

*you wake up looking at the roof of a moving train**you blink* /whispers/he's awake! "SHHH!"...ahem*....*rustles paper* *a woman and a man on your right (man with paper, woman with bag on lap clutched tightly) *you sit up* ahh you're awake, how're you feeling? *look up and down train* i think we're almost there, it's ok though, Dr Breen lives in this City, it has to be better than the last one.. *woman looks scared into mans eyes* *man reassures woman by holding her hand *cue cool reassuring face movement**...

i think you got the right i dea of hte beginning

*train doors open* "welcome, welcome to city 17...." looks like we're here... *dr breen yabbers on*...

/trainstation bink/
/get captured/
/get beaten up/
/pass out/
/wake up again with dr breen staring at you/

Ahh, *you get up from your seat and walk with him* Mr Freeman! I'm sorry about the harsh treatment, our benefactors are a little heavy handed at times! We've sorted out the communication problems we had in the City 12 incident thou...oh... *breen realises you wont know what the 'city 12 incident is*... erm, yes... well, you're quite the hero i hear! Yes, we'll have to take care of you here....*slight evil undertone*...

You see mr Freeman, you have friends in high places, who just so happen to know how useful and gifted you are, however, its the wrong sort. *you're outside now, you stare around at the buildings, armed combine line the streets to make a pathway* *he stops* you're a menace Mr Freeman. One that would have been crushed long before now if it wasnt for your... employers.... envolvement. In which time we have come to realise your uses and are giving you the chance to work for us, to, swap teams so to speak. *smirks* *door opens behind the standing breen* please... after you...*evil smile*... *you're pushed in*...*it goes dark*...*footsteps*...*you're knocked unconscious again...*

*you have dreamy flash backs to a experimental neuroscience project you worked on in your early scientist days, you hear old collegues talk about it, you're with a young dr kliener, you're listening to an old man speak in front of the group of 5 of you: "We're sorry *flashback:bubbles boil in a green vile* but the neurokenisis project *slides behind the speaker change showing logos and data* must come to an end, our administration does not believe enough has been done in these 2 trial years to warrant the expense, we're sorry, project has been terminated. *a screech of pain runs through the flashback, you see combine soldiers, scientists, fast paced liquid pumps around elabourate labratory equiptment***.....

Freeman!!!!! *you're blinded by a light, you're sitting in a seat, straps loose around the seat arms, you see a medic with a small flashlight in front of you*: "he's gonna be fine".
Gordon? my dad told me about you... Gordon Freeman, the saviour! *you see dead combine soldiers around the same room you entered with breen*...we've got you now gordon, the head of the resistance!! /CUE HEROIC MUSIC AND STARTING CREDITS w/ SCREENSHOTS/

lol that took ages to write! what you think?

i think you the right idea. i aint gonna look at no spoilers
I'm going to put this in spoiler tags but it isn't really a spoiler i am only explaining someone's earlier so-called "spoiler" the bit about
...and then barney rescues you

In the barricade bink barney seems to be wearing a combine uniform without the mask.... look closely....

In the train station bink you are led into that room and can see other combine soldier inside the room.....

In the Pscyhe bink if you print screen when those words go past and then zoom in you can read it.....all this stuff about Gordon Freeman... and the experiment....and so fourth....

In the strider/tenements binks... you appear to be in the same area.. as the barricade and trainstation binks........ therefore they seem to come just after...

So from this you could make an educated guess that Barney could rescue you... or he could not.... but those binks do seem to all be from the same part of the game.......
Anyway enough from me :cheers:

P.S. does anyone have a really good Print Screen of the words that come acroos in the Psyche bink???

EDIT: ooooo i used the search bit and fond it... heh... wasn't any better than my own one... hm..... only that Gordon was in a coma... and i already got that much......
I think it's going to start with him riding the train, sitting down, like in opposing force at the start, sitting, and you can only look around, then as the train progresses, then you(gordon) remembers back to when gman woke him up, and gman told you stuff.

I think it will start when I unlock Half Life 2, then double-click 'Half Life 2' in My Games on Steam.

I am so maxed out with these DULL threads.
No no you all have it all wrong: Gordons wakes up in a train, then suddently a blue windows screens pops up, where it says " ERROR, Missing Hl2 file, cannot procedd " ...
Damn, spoilers again. I thought it was a joke but now I read the Prima spoiler. That sucks b/c it really tells you a lot :( Don't read it!
Dougy said:
Red the following as to what happened from Hl1 to Hl2 at your own risk.

The Xen portals kept on expanding after BM got nuked and the country side was inhabited by aliens, the humans moved to the cities for protection and over night the combine appeared, parts of cities vanished and citadels appeared in their place, Earths military lasted 7 hours and the combine won, the BM survivors flead underground and created the resistance.

It was in that Prima firt look thingy, took 1/2 an hour to read cos it was all garbled and crap quality.

We do not know if this is actually mentioned in the game, this is taken from Marc's (writer of HL2) script notes, this passage is taken out of his notes in the upcoming 'Rasing the bar' book , so we dnt know if its actually in the game.
In Marc Laidlaw's script notes on the first look into the books thingy.

He goes on about Eli Vance showing you a SlideShow on a OHP thing. The things described are in real detail and have been thought thru thoughly (trying saying that after couple of pints) lol
Mayb this is how it starts, with mayb credits over the top??

Mayb the Train ride is part way through , mayb Gordon is transported by the train.

This post realy belongs in Speculation. but wos just an idea.
Wraithen said:
Why do I read spoilers?

Oh well, I guess it wasn't much I didn't know.

Because they're there, and either they shouldn't be there or you shouldn't be there, so there.
It has been confirmed that the game starts of with a train ride, everyone knows that.

The spoiler in the 'Raising the Bar' book is massive, but, I had guessed as much as what they said in that anyway. It wasn't very clear if they had left that scene in or not. I hope they have, it sounds seriousley cool...
CatBOne said:
It has been confirmed that the game starts of with a train ride, everyone knows that the spoiler in the 'Raising the Bar' book is massive, but, I had guessed as much as what they said in that anyway. It wasn't very clear if they had left that scene in or not. I hope they have, it sounds seriousley cool...

Ye it does sound cool ,and very creepy. X-files meets HL2