how do you turn blood off?

in ur console... you can type "mp_decals 0". I thnk that's it.
Stoned Gorilla said:
wow you're a wimp

Dear idiots,
You are morons. Apparently very close-minded morons. Thanks for being helpful members of the community and making people feel welcome.

P.S. In 10 years, you will probably agree with this post. Right now, you will wonder why everyone doesn't see your awesomeness.

In answer to the original question:
violence_ablood [0,1] - If set to 1 shows alien blood when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.

violence_agibs [0,1] - If set to 1 shows alien gore when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.

violence_hblood [0,1] - If set to 1 shows human blood when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.

violence_hgibs [0,1] - If set to 1 shows human gore when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.

SO you would hit ~ to open the console (have to enable it in keyboard/advanced options) and then type
violence_ablood 0
violence_agibs 0
violence_hblood 0
violence_hgibs 0
I do think it is absurd to play a game where you shoot people and yet dont want to see blood.

My biggest complaint about HL2 has been the lack of realistic gore.

But.. to each their own.
I love everyone's huge work-arounds. Why did they take out "Content Lock" anyway?

Also, Ahnteis, calm down guy...
One blood drop a day keeps the doctors away.....that doesn't sound right. :p
wtf who actually likes blood? Sick weirdos.

Now, doesn't that make more sense now :) hehe
So you're fine with killing scores of combine and watching the carnage of an urban war, but you don't like the idea of blood? I hate it when violence is sanitized like that. Makes it seem to normal and casual, which is a bad thing. Would Saving private ryan been as powerfully moving and shocking if it was bloodless?
some of you people are so closed-minded it's shocking, i personally have no problems with computer game violence but how do you know this guy doesn't have a relative who's been shot? that he hasn't been shot? hell, perhaps this guy is a paramedic who has to treat real people with real gunshot wounds every day, i have never seen one "in the flesh" (absolutely NO pun intended) but i don't really think i would want too (a have seen pictures of what a shotgun does to a human head at close range and i was almost physically sick). Perhaps a little more consideration of others eh?
If the fella doesnt want blood it's his prerogative. A content lock feature would have been nice to for the kids (no blood, bleep out the curse words, certain minor scene changes) but you wont catch me out picketing anyone for it.

Now I personally like my games bloody as hell. SOF2 was a great game because alot of the time it would turn your stomach to play it. I found myself very hesatant to shotgun people and instead relied on knifes alot. But especially for a horror game or one that should reach way down deep and grab hold of that core of humanity... gory, brutal realism is the way to go.

EDIT: True this fellow could be a cop or paramedic or doctor even... or just perhaps a person with that lovely blood-phobia. Whatever the answer is, crack jokes all you want but ye should be considerate beyond that.
A paramedic or doctor should have no problem with the sight of blood. I'm an EMT myself, and have seen enough to know what I say here. While I dont like to see people wounded or suffering, the lack of blood in a game only makes it seem fake.

I am definitly curious what this guy means by 'sees too much blood daily'.

If he has a problem with violence, then he shouldnt be playing games where you shoot people. Its the guns, not the blood, that are objectionable, IMO.

That being said, I respect his wish not to see blood.
blood tastes nice....
it pisses me off to see people buying this game, a first person SHOOTER, and then get annoyed because there is ****ing BLOOD when you shoot people. of course there is gonna be blood if u shoot someone!!!! live with it!! next your gonna complain because ur gun shot bullets and not flowers, or the combines didnt dance with u and tell jokes. WTF people, if u dont wanna see blood, play some crap like harvest moon or whatever.
it is kind of hypocritcal to buy an game rated M with the portraying of lives being taken and very much content being violence oriented and expect to turn off blood.

12345: You buy a M rated game and want no blood is very awkward. I sure dont go to a XBox forum and expect Ps2 compliments.
This game was rated mature, for blood... Mostly...
If you see a lot of blood daily, how about move out of harlem , eh?
Scotchy said:
If the fella doesnt want blood it's his prerogative. A content lock feature would have been nice to for the kids (no blood, bleep out the curse words, certain minor scene changes) but you wont catch me out picketing anyone for it.
I don't see the point of that, as the game is rated Mature. You'd have to edit tons of things to make it suitable for children. You could have Gordon running around with a foam baseball bat, and when he whacks combine with it, they giggle and sit down on the ground instead of dying. Half-Life 2: Preschool Edition.
diluted said:
I don't see the point of that, as the game is rated Mature. You'd have to edit tons of things to make it suitable for children.
Eunoch had some really good ideas for this; have the guns shoot flowers, and have Combie start laughing and dancing instead of dying.

Eunoch seriously made me lol with that.

A content lock is innapropriate. If a kid is too young to see blood, they certainly should not be playing a game with guns. What happens then if they find their dads gun under the bed, and think that it only puts people to sleep? We should not be sheltering anyone from the consequences of violence,. only from the violence itself.
type 'cl_show_bloodspray 0' into your console.
Personally I think it's only right to depict violence as realistically as possible. When you see people get shot or shoot them themselves in a video game with absolutely nothing bloody or unsettling at all about it then you become desensitized to killing. Honestly if it was my kid I would rather him play a game that depicted violence realistically rather than a watered down censored version of it.

In my opinion it's irresponsible to depict killing as anything less than realistic.
Umm, I don't see how this would really help. If you don't like blood you need to return that game to the store NOW. Wait until you get to Ravenholm. Bloody zombie galore, and that can't be disabled.

Geez, it's a Mature game... what the hell you expect? :rolleyes:

Really though, he's not complaining about it so don't jump on him. All he asked was for the console command to turn it off, he didn't go "WHY'D THEY PUT BLOOD IN OH MY GOD." Think about it.
makes it so much more interesting :devil:
You guys are idiots..... he just wanted a simple command on how to turn blood off. He didn't give a say on anything, just leave the man alone.
You may not understand now, but most media has dumbed down the sense of violence. You may see that shit on cartoons and movies, but the second you're in a real-world situation with that kind of blood and pain, your entire view on life changes. If you don't prepare for life, it's gonna take advantage of you. Blood in games is fine, as long as you realize that the blood is miniscule in comparison to what happens in real-life. Even those movies you watch that you think are bad, such as Saving Private Ryan, is a picnic compared to some of the things soldiers in war have witnessed. It gives me reason to believe that war should be avoided at all costs, but if there's no other options ; win for the sake of ending it.

Edit - but yeah, it may be for his son or something. Don't just jump to conclusions.
Eunoch said:
blood tastes nice....
it pisses me off to see people buying this game, a first person SHOOTER, and then get annoyed because there is ****ing BLOOD when you shoot people. of course there is gonna be blood if u shoot someone!!!! live with it!! next your gonna complain because ur gun shot bullets and not flowers, or the combines didnt dance with u and tell jokes. WTF people, if u dont wanna see blood, play some crap like harvest moon or whatever.
You guys are idiots..... he just wanted a simple command on how to turn blood off. He didn't give a say on anything, just leave the man alone.

I AM AN IDIOT? :O Now that explains A LOT :p
smwScott said:
In my opinion it's irresponsible to depict killing [I make the assumption you mean the actions involved in killing] as anything less than realistic.
Many studies have shown that people (kids in particular) do not draw the conclusion that 'cartoon' violence represents real life. Contrary to the old thinking, violent cartoons showing no consequences do not make violent kids.
Realistic gore, however, does negatively influence many people causing nightmares and various forms of discomfort and stress.

You could say that if you don't show realism in addition to death, then you shouldn't show death at all. I think, however, that the idea of death/murder is beyond blood and gore and has a very powerful effect (for us humans) in storytelling (and human experiences). I don't see it as necessary to supress the idea of death and murder by relating it only with the sight of gore.
This is an issue that can be debated for eternity, best just to stop it NOW :hmph:
I know u dont want my opinion but Im kinda bored so Ill give it to you anyways. :D

IMO removing the blood would take away a core aspect of the realism wich VALVe has worked so hard to produce, thus killing the feel of Half-Life 2. Well it would for me.
Just as well he wasn't asking for the code to turn your blood decals off then.

Really what's the point in this knocking? You think that because he's going turn off blood he's going to loose his attachment to reality?

Have any of your actually looked at studies or are you all just spouting your own opinion?

Opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one, and they all stink.