How do you type on the keyboard?


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
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How do you type on the keyboard? I keep my hands in the air above the keyboard and hit the buttons in an order that seems the most comfortable and logical for me as I type. I'm looking at the keyboard, not because I don't know where certain keys are, but because I have trouble hitting the keys themselves. I don't need the letters drawn on the keys, but the keys, as a piece of plastic, visible.
I heard however that you should type having both hands lying on the keyboard with fingers moving but wrists staying in the same position (slightly moving only). For example writing an "S" should go like: small left finger of the left hand holds "SHIFT" and the ring-finger on the same hand presses "s". I, however, press "SHIFT" with my left hand (random fingers) and "s" with my right hand (now that I check it, with my middle finger).

So, how do you type?
Well, after years of sitting in front of the computer like a muppet I just starting being to touch type a year or two back. Erm, usually, like now my hands are rested on the desk and they kind of tilt up resting on the keyboard. Weird question anyway. ;)
When I type I alternate by glancing both up at the screen and down at the keyboard. I've gotten good at using all of my fingers properly when I type, but I'm just not conditioned enough to type very quickly. I'll usually loose my placing, and need to glance at the keyboard momentarily to fix my positioning before I continue. I very rarely use my ring fingers though. I keep my wrists on the table so they don't get fatigued.

6 months ago I used to type by just staring at the keyboard until I finished a sentence. I'm getting better. :)
I use my nose to press one key at time, seeing as my fingers are too fat to press the keys.

Edit: I just use handy wipes....
i gently caress each key, then gingerly press it

i started writing this at 11:19 bst
Shodan said:
You have skinny elbows!


Try using a dialing wand.
I don't have a dialing wand but I do have this sharpie.

look at me type with a sharpie1111
Foxtrot said:
I don't have a dialing wand but I do have this sharpie.

look at me type with a sharpie1111

I just found out what a sharpie is.

Its not as amazing as I expected.
Shodan said:
I just found out what a sharpie is.

Its not as amazing as I expected.
You are just jealous that you don't have one.
I type the correct way. All the right fingers to all the right keys. Never look at the keyboard. Sometimes if it's late I need to for the numbers. Those are hard to remember.
I seriously thought a sharpie was a really cool knife or something.

Was it?

No, it was a dumb old pen.
vegeta897 said:
I type the correct way. All the right fingers to all the right keys. Never look at the keyboard. Sometimes if it's late I need to for the numbers. Those are hard to remember.
Yeah same here, left for the left side and right for the right. I can remember the keys without looking but not the numbers, they are too hard :(
My God, I think we are running out of things to talk about. Is nothing happening in the world!?
Greatgat said:
My God, I think we are running out of things to talk about. Is nothing happening in the world!?

Certainly not. It's just that no one here cares.

as for goatse typing... I have an Idea, but it's rather gruesome :|
I have no arms, legs, or nose, or, uh chin, or uh microphone, or... gah damn joke = dead. I fail.
FictiousWill said:
I have no arms, legs, or nose, or, uh chin, or uh microphone, or... gah damn joke = dead. I fail.
...And now I am the master.

to be on topic, I type with the keys. The ones on the keyboard. That you type on.
I type with my hands on asdf (that's a space) and ;lkj . From there I have unlimited access to the rest of the keyboard and can type very fast without looking at the keyboard at all.

It's cool and easy. Yes I rest my wrists on the desk but I don't care if it's bad for me.
MiccyNarc said:
I type with my hands on asdf (that's a space) and ;lkj . From there I have unlimited access to the rest of the keyboard and can type very fast without looking at the keyboard at all.

It's cool and easy. Yes I rest my wrists on the desk but I don't care if it's bad for me.
You will care when it hurts to wank!
I can't possibly analyse or think of how exactly I write, I just write.. I don't look at the keyboard (something expected with years of experience) and I kind of keep my fingers in a "vacant" mode above the keys when I am writing something with only one hand or waiting to write.
I "hunt and peck" but I type faster than anyone I know.

EDIT: Something like 80+ words a minute.
Whew - this cleans up a lot of mystery for me about why all chat rooms and online forums have the worst English. Nobody can type! "Yeah, I hunt and peck. It works for me!" "Yeah, I'd rather crawl than walk, but it works for me!" "I crawl faster than most people walk!" Whatever floats your boat - it's all good. The question is this: does anyone use a keyboard layout other than the standard QWERTY? Also, have you seen anyone seriously type, like 160 wpm or higher for any length of time? It's fairly impressive. I cleared 100 in typing classes in school, but I'm probably doing ~50-60 now.
I dunno how it goes. Both my hands are on the desk until I need to type. So they go down (a keyboard tray. Very little room on my desk) and they just type. It seems after a while, they know where to go.

But I don't have my hands the way they teach you with your fingers on the middle row; index and F and J and all that crap. I mostly use my index, middle and thumb to type. Only when I'm playing games, I might have to use my ring or pinky to reach for a number key or keys on the other end of the kb.
outpost said:
i ojk jsusy bamg mu hesd om tyhe klwyvoatd

bbu u ur ct jxezun tvt vr ni e 4d5 xc xr 4r5c

no, that's banging your head on the keyboard
staticprimer said:
bbu u ur ct jxezun tvt vr ni e 4d5 xc xr 4r5c

no, that's banging your head on the keyboard
trf5xgtb n b bnbbnv

ow my head hurts.
I can type without looking at the keyboard, go me! :D

(With my fingers)
IMO there's no write or wrong way to type. I touch type but it's certainly not in a traditionally taught way. I don't use all the fingers on my hand, in fact I mostly use both my index fingers and my left humb, my left middle finger, my right ring finger for pressing backspace and my little right finger to press the enter key or shift key whenever I need it.