How do you write a motivation letter...


Aug 15, 2003
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...when you have zero motivation?

That's my problem :|
he has no urge to do it and the fact that he has to write a letter about motivation contradicts himself. I feel the same way about school now, 20 more days and I don't feel like doing any work at allllllll
Okay, this is what I think you should try.

Find somewhere quiet, where you can be left undisturbed for a few minutes. Then just close your eyes, and try and imagine a time when you were really motivated, remember what it was like to feel that sense of having a goal and working to achieve it. Try and remeber as much as possible, when you are in this motivated state, just rub your knuckle on one of your fingers, with another finger, for a couple of secounds. Then count down from 10 to 1, and go about your day, about an hour later repeat, but make the memory more vivid. Then the next day, repeat; try and make the memory more strong, and completeleyfeel motivated while rubbing that same knuckle. Then about a week later repeat the process, amke sure your rubbing the same knuckle. Then every now and then, maybe every two months or so, just repeat. If you do this whenever you need to feel motivated, just rub that spot. And you will be fine.

A little bit of NLP there

Hope that Helps
I'll give that a try Solaris, first thing in the morning!

Thanks for the advice :)
Np. Note: You can anchor all sorts of emotions, and the trigger doesnt have to be touching your knuckle, it could be any sight sound or feeling.