How does alcohol make you feel?


Apr 29, 2004
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I hate how I feel when I drink. I get all depressed and shit and think how pathetic it is how I drown reality in a tall, frost glass of beer. I havn't done it in about 5 months, but it is still a bitch.
I feel good, nothing better than to get buzzed after a hard week with some good friends. I also get very emotional, i like it.
I've never been drunk.

Mainly because i dont think its a great idea to be drunk and on crutches
I don't know, I don't drink really too much, maybe once a year for new years..But its fun :)
I disaprove as well. We should start a prohibition movement.
typically, after a small amount, i feel relaxed, contemplative, after larger amounts, i get a bit 'jolly', and after even larger amounts, i just get tired/quiet
CrazyHarij said:
Come here, brother. :E
lol, ewwww vegetarian ;)
nah, I'm glad you feel the same way :p its a big waste of life, the bottom of a bottle is.

edit: I do however disagree with prohibition, abconners, it didn't work last time and it would work even less this time :p I also think we should try legalizing marijuana as its more or less a "safe" drug, and would put regulation on it(no lining with hard drugs so the user becomes addicted and such), but I still disapprove of both practices.
well for the few times I feel drunk I feel......well rare

I remenber one time I was drunk and I just jumped a simple short distance and it feels really good, was rare
Its not worth drinking for the sake of drinking, nothing should be centralised around alcohol, however, if you drink it in moderation, and you dont do anything stupid, it can be a nice change/something nice... the key is knowing your limit, and stopping before you go to far (a long way before)
bliink said:
Its not worth drinking for the sake of drinking, nothing should be centralised around alcohol, however, if you drink it in moderation, and you dont do anything stupid, it can be a nice change/something nice... the key is knowing your limit, and stopping before you go to far (a long way before)
thanks for the tip

the last time I was drunk I was crazy,but was cuz I was angry,but now I just will be quiet

dam I hav school tommarow and is 12:00 pm here!
<RJMC> said:
thanks for the tip

the last time I was drunk I was crazy,but was cuz I was angry,but now I just will be quiet

dam I hav school tommarow and is 12:00 pm here!

dont ever drink angry either..
Alcool make me feel superior than I think I am when I'm sober. I love that. I want to talk to people, know them. I forgot all my problems, what is important is the present.
:cheers: I am more open when I drink, I don't go into some depression though, I get WILDD!~d flkj DISCOVERY PLANET!
yeah.. thats a bad thing lol.. i say all kinds of embarassing things.. cant keep my mouth shut lol
Drinking is for people who like to drink. I am not one of those people.
When I drink I find that I just don't give a crap about my problems I'm having, and just live for the moment, which is a good thing right about now. I'm also a lot more outgoing and friendly. Pretty much how I wish I could be sober but circumstances prevent right now.
I don't drink that often ... But when i drink small amounds I get pretty relaxed, thoughtful .... large amounts i get real happy and excited ... too much i get tired and pass out then throw up ...

drinking is meh ...
<RJMC> said:
looks like you hav experience ;)

not primary experience, i've never been an 'angry drunk'... Its not possible for me to get violent when i've had a drink, but i have seen such people, and its not a pretty sight
Drinking is great, especially for the dutch courage. I've made a lot of friends from being drunk (also good if you're shy around girls) lol

I become more open and happier, nothing better than to crack a smile and have some fun.
bliink said:
not primary experience, i've never been an 'angry drunk'... Its not possible for me to get violent when i've had a drink, but i have seen such people, and its not a pretty sight

Vodka neat makes me an aggressive drunk sooo I stay away from it, even though it is one of my favourite drinks. No point in drinking if your gonna get pissed off.

Funny thing is I can mix vodka and be fine with it. YAY!
I get happy and much more social than I normally am. Although I constantly worry about how bad my hang-over will be the next day.
jaguar_987 said:
Vodka neat makes me an aggressive drunk sooo I stay away from it, even though it is one of my favourite drinks. No point in drinking if your gonna get pissed off.

Funny thing is I can mix vodka and be fine with it. YAY!

Same here vodka makes me go insane...i dont touch that...just in small portions..
bliink said:
I like vodka
Ah, bliink, you remind me of my girlfriend...she likes vodka, too. Of course, she's a raging alcoholic, but...yeah...*sigh*
i've gotta say i'm a beer man myself. It tastes great and you don't really have to be as careful drinking it (although you piss alot and gain weight). If not beer, gin, bourbon, or whiskey. mmmmmm Makers Mark.... anyway i am a lot more chill and easygoing.
Remember kids, when you're drunk, you feel good and life seems like there are no problems...

Now you made me thirsty!
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Ah, bliink, you remind me of my girlfriend...she likes vodka, too. Of course, she's a raging alcoholic, but...yeah...*sigh*


"Hey! You remind me of a raging alcoholic!"

Real nice (I know you didn't mean it)

At first I feel much more social and just think of witty funny things to say to ladie make conversations more fun (this is when alcohol is still a stimulant). If I just get completely plowed though...then motor functions start failing me and so does my judgement. While I'll never drive drunk...I will go and say dumb shit to girls that gets me a cold shoulder. I have yet to get slapped for one of these remarks though.

Sometimes I like to write a funny account of the party that I just came back from. I recently wrote down a 7 page story about last Thursday. I sent it to my friend's cousin and he was cracking up at it. I should write more often I think.
It depends entirely upon the situation. But it usually ends with me feeling like crap. Thats why I dont drink very often.