How does css run on different videocards ??

ok this is the wierdest thing on earth. CS:S:
1024x768, 2x AA, settings on high. computer:
2.53ghz 512mb sdr ddram ~Gforce 4 Ti 4200 64mb gfx card~!
30-40 fps!
I think they fixed the Nvidia problem! lol
Tjose 9600SE performance reports don't sound quite right.

While the card may not be exactly top of the line, it's a fairly decent piece of hardware. I should know because I own one (it was a gift).

If it managed to run Doom 3 at full details and 800x600 smoothly I'm sure it can run CS:S fine with everything turned on. It sounds to me like the machine running it was poorly managed or had something going on with it. I'll post some better info when I actually manage to get my hands on CS:S.

Unless of course someone kindly let me benchmark it with a cybercafe account, which is very unlikely so you will probably have to wait until tomorrow or thursday.