How Does Everyone Afford to buy a $2000 Dollar Computer Every Year?

Yeah i have two jobs thats how im buying mine. The best age to be at when buying a computer is like 15 and 16 because all your working money goes directly to what you want to buy, an adult has to worry about bills etc.......ahah sucks to be them.
im getting a job soon, as soon as some people ask me to come in for an interview. ive applied for heaps of jobs, like mcdonalds (shit pay but its a start), dominos, pizza hut, etc. and other jobs like toys 'r' us, big W, etc. even if you dont get a job, wait a while. its sometimes because you are too young and still need to focus on school work. even if, go to your neighbours house and ask for chores or to mow their lawn or something. last holidays (i live in australia), i went to my mum and dads work and helped out.

i wouldnt worry about it that much cause youll eventually get some good dough :) lol
I especially liked working in a grocery store. The pay was terrible, buit the work was not hard, and there was rarely a time when we weren't having fun, just goofing around. It was awesome.
I think one of the reasons most people can buy expensive computers, is they don't want to buy anything else :D
Illegal Amigo said:
I especially liked working in a grocery store. The pay was terrible, buit the work was not hard, and there was rarely a time when we weren't having fun, just goofing around. It was awesome.
I work in a grocery store. However, most of my money goes on booze and clothes :)

My computer is a cobbled together monstrosity :E
Hahaha, yeah my computer is powerful enough, but it looks horrible. It's just a frame of a half-finished mod my brother started, painted a horrible blue with no drive bay covers, two fans screwed to a plank of wood leaning against the open case, and more wires than you can poke a hickory stick at.
I work as a network tech guy/installer/overall support guy on some running/skiing/cycling competitions, mostly during the summer since I dont have any school then. I make alot of money, eating free restaurant food, free hotel... Well, im quite happy with it ;)

Im buying a new compy when i feel like it... mostly every 2½ years but i need to save for a car and a house/apartment now... meh.

Building the compy yourself saves a lot of money sometimes.
I don't have a job as such, I do random work for family/friends and get paid for it. My speciality is fixing broken PC's. :cheese:

Next year i'll be at college, and get paid £30 a week because my parents are poor. £30 to spend on comp upgrades and other stuff! Plus I might actually get a job then.

Going to college and getting paid for it rules...
lol my friend's dad said that if he gets into Hurlstone Agricultural School (the facniest, hardest one around)- which i think he could if he tried his absolute hardest- he would buy him the best computer you can get. not full on Quadro FX3000, 30" display, more like AMD 3800, 4 gig ram, etc.
i work full time and get 2 days off a week, 9 hours a day the other five. When i am home there is little to do so i spend a lot of DVDs, consoles, and my computer. I have around 200 a week for entertainment, so if i need a nw videocard, i dont do much for 2 or 3 weeks and then i got it.
im the same way. got a full tme job, no school to worry about. in two paychecks i can afford pretty much any upgrade. Its all about saving da moooola! lol


I work a normal dayjob (unix admin) that pays pretty well, I still live at home, and I don't have a girlfriend (anymore :( ) so I have a lot of money to spare (most of it goes into savings though).

Computers are my hobby and my job, so I like to do a lot of upgrading (to the point of insanity and beyond) and because I save a sizeable sum each month I upgrade quite often.

It's just where your priorities lie, for example, i don't go out, I rarely drink and I drive a cheap semi P.O.S. car.
I upgrade every 2-3 years so i can afford to get practically the most decent machine out at the moment.
if you are a smart buyer, parts can come cheap. and if you overclock you can get more performance for your buck. my cpu for example is an athlon mobile 2400+. but its overclocked to 2600mhz(from 1800). its on par with an a64 3200+, most tests the same, some higher, a couple lower. and for $70.
i cant im spending 2k on my hl2 rig, and im guessing i wont upgrade for a minimum of 3 years, im guessing my rig will last me over 4 years

and i dont work. plus i guess most of hte time u just spend 300 a year for a new minotor or a mobo, or a vid card, or 1gig ram, so its not as bad as you think

but flat out buying 1600 dollar dells or making your oiwn 1600 comp every year would be a waste of money .
I spend my money on pretty much nothing but petrol, beer and my computer, aswell as the odd rugby match or race meeting.
Piecemeal (I think that right)

Basically parts as and when I need them. I've not really bought a new computer for 10 years. Although nothing of my current computer was on the original. For me its a cpu uppage next, then a new large hd, a dvd drive, and finally a new graphics card (maybe)
My pc isnt uber but its fast enough (1gb ddr400/x800pro/7200rpm hdd/2.6amd+). It should last me a couple years after i buy a new cpu but at this very moment in time my new gf wants to be treated like a princess so she comes before my pc. :)