How does it run on your rig?


Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
As the title suggests. I haven't tried it yet, at work :-(
running pretty sweetly, everything on high at 1024x768. there is a option for extra high detail but i wont try my luck.

Amd 64 3000+
2 gig

2 1/2 year rig so im pleased!

Episode two is just awesome but i have to study now so gl to u sir once u play!
I have the same settings as navy man, and its running perfect.

AMD 64 3200+
2gig pc3200
Butter is rough like a raw diamond compared to this...maxxed graphics at 1280x960
I decided to take a break because I had a reloading crash. :frown:

I'm at 1920x1200 on a 7950GT, 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo and 2GB mem. The only noticeable framerate stutters occur when the flashlight is on. I reckon this has to do with the newly-implemented realistic shadowing effects ... the framerate drops noticeably. There is also a slight drop in framerate when zoomed in that I never noticed occurring in prior installments.

The level of detail has been taken to new heights, it's way beyond Episode One visually. Combined with the new environment and narrative, it's far more progressive than Episode One was, but I ain't the first to say that. :thumbs:
I dont know, tbh. Runned smooth on normal setting, but something has gone wrong in one part, does anyone know the command to load next map?
So no ones got any annoying issues like random crashes? Well done Valve :)
I'm running 1920x1200 with AA off, textures maxed... and a few other settings I can't remember. :p There have been a few stutters here and there, but nothing even worth noting, really. My rig is a Core 2 Duo E6300, 2GB DDR800, and an 8800GTS 320MB.

I'm pretty happy with the performance, actually.
No just mega-heavy stuttering in the first g-man part..

I question if that was stuttering, or just typical gman spotty audio. As we have seen in the past where he tries to talk human like but cuts out, or sounds funny.

Could be though
Runs really smooth with settings on high and 4x AA (1440*900 resolution).

AMD64 3000+
2 gig RAM

You don't need a monster to run this smoothly!
I question if that was stuttering, or just typical gman spotty audio. As we have seen in the past where he tries to talk human like but cuts out, or sounds funny.

Could be though

I found a way to fix it, when I got my weapon ''back'' I just had to save n' load and it would run normal again..till the ending..ehh.. slaughter.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6600
2 GB Ram
ATI Radeon X1950 512 MB
Windows XP Pro SP2

All settings to maximum. Runs smooth and sweet. Unbelievable.
I need to upgrade. :-\

2.2 ghz Athlon 64 3500+
256 MB Radeon x1300
512 mb ram

Runs pretty awesomely on medium settings, but I have to shut off every non-essential windows process.
Runs pretty much the same as Episode One did and i haven't upgraded since then. Still stutters for the first few mins of play and the G-man speech stutters as always. Anyone else beginning to think that they make the G-man stutter on purpose? You think they could have fixed that by now.....
Oh well, I have to say that the new flashlight shadowing effects make the game lag a bit on my machine (see previous post), but I'm keeping the settings at maximum, 1280x1024, and it's not such an issue.
Oh well, I have to say that the new flashlight shadowing effects make the game lag a bit on my machine (see previous post), but I'm keeping the settings at maximum, 1280x1024, and it's not such an issue.
Same here - I switch the flashlight on everything slows down! That's just bad programming on Valve's part. Those kind of FX worked a treat in Doom 3 & that was on my older rig!

Other than that it doesn't run to bad but I have to keep some of the settings quite modest - I've turned HDR off, Textures high (although the recommended setting is low! HL2 was recommended high) models are on medium (I've always run HL2 with models at medium as it's not a huge difference at high), simple reflections, AA off, AF trilinear ..... yeah, time to update my rig me thinks.
Same here - I switch the flashlight on everything slows down! That's just bad programming on Valve's part. Those kind of FX worked a treat in Doom 3 & that was on my older rig!

Maybe those dynamic shadows can be improved and optimized, let's hope for something to come in the future. As for me, I turned off vertical sync and the flashlight annoyance has become less perceptible.
Running good, 1600x1200, high details in everything, full HDR. Had to turn off motion blur though. Getting about 50 FPS on average. Big huge battles with lots of NPC's are no problem.

2.16 Intel DualCore T7400
NVIDIA 7900 GS 256 MB
it ran fine on mine with max graphics, but when i tried to record some stuff with fraps my fps went to shit and everything lagged. Apart from that i didn't notice any problems.
pretty smooth for me, besides when i turned the flashlight on.
1024x1048res or whatever, its something like that anyways
extra high textures
everything on

core 2 quad
2gb ram

Perfectly on mine.

Core2duo 6750
Gigabyte MB
8800 GTS 320MB GDDR3

1680x1050 with everything on. Runs perfectly, no problems at all.
I was worried about the performance after having fried a stick of RAM not long back.

AMD Athlon64 3400+
1Gb PC3200 RAM
ATU Radeon x1950 AGP 512Mb

Running at:
HDR and motion blur, etc all full

Runs more or less beautifully, with some just noticeable frame rate drops sometimes. Loading times are very slow and there are occasional stutters (with freshly loaded areas being particularly prone), but I am attributing these problems to a lack of RAM. The only thing motion blur seems to do for me is give me a nice whole-screen-blur effect during stutters though :)
Runs good here. Not sure why people are expierencing the "G-Man Stutter". I didn't get any stuttering at all. everythings maxed out at 1280x1024. Like everyone else, I experience a drop in fps when i turn the flashlight on. Runs at a steady 60-80 fps dipping down to 41-48 fps in seriously heavy fire fights. Zero stuttering.

Specs for reference purposes:

ASUS m2n SLI deluxe
AMD X2 4600+ (stock)
2gb corsair XMS PC 800 4-4-4-12 2t
ATI Radeon X1950 PRO (256mb version)
SB Audigy 2 Plat
I'll have to play around a bit more for preference but to get max fps rate at max settings I have to run it 1280x800 resolution but that's fugly so like hell I'm living with that. Turning off motion blur makes about 6-7 fps difference at 1440x900, I'm keeping everything max except hdr only on bloom (personal preference as well as performance saving). What's wierd is that it recommends to put texture resolution on medium and water reflections to, must be the whole ATI symbol thing up their arse because it makes absolutely no performance difference when I put both on very high and reflect all; the visual difference however is noticable :p. I'm debating on motion blur, it is kinda neat but not really necessary.

Opteron 170 dualcore 2.0GHZ
2x1024MB OCZ ram
DFI SLI-D mobo
Asus 7800GTX
32" Widescreen Samsung Display @ 1360x768

I ran the game from beginning to end @ full settings and I never had any problem with it, looked great.
Hopefully this isn't off-topic even though it isn't answering the question, instead posting one in reply:

My computer's an Athlon64 3200+, 1GB RAM and a GeForce 7600GS.

Does anyone have a rig similar to mine on which the Orange Box is working well? Trying to decide whether:
(a) it'll work as is (I don't mind lowering the resolution to 800x600)
(b) will require a new graphics card
(c) will require a new CPU.

Is a 3200+ enough? Is there a big difference between 1GB RAM and 2GB?
That should be good enough if you turn some of the settings down and motion blur and possibly HDR off.
That should be good enough if you turn some of the settings down and motion blur and possibly HDR off.

Really? I didn't have to turn HDR off in Episode One.

Don't mind lowering the resolution; turning on motion blur and turning off HDR would be worse.

How much more demanding than Ep One is Ep Two?
runs perfect on my rig too :) Only when the flashlight comes on i get a drop in frame rates, but i dont mind coz u hardly need it.

Intel Quad Core
Nvidia GeForce8800 Ultra
Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit

Everything on highest settings of course. It looks nice :)
Really? I didn't have to turn HDR off in Episode One.

Don't mind lowering the resolution; turning on motion blur and turning off HDR would be worse.

How much more demanding than Ep One is Ep Two?

Running Athlon 64 3000+ with 3 crap sticks of Ram which equals 2 GIGS, with a 7600GT and runs sweet with high settings at 1024 x 768 so u should be fine.

To be honest i could almost say they ran the same if not almost better considering the quality :) you should be fine
NVIDIA GEforce 8500gt 512mb
intel dual core 2.33 (like 4,5 mhz,i looked it up)
2gb ram,trascend
250gb of space

I guess it will work on highest
Everything on full @ 1600x1200 :]

3.6 C2D Cpu
4GB 1000mhz 4-4-4-10 RAM
Everything on high except water ( for some reason, no matter where I am, water effects slowing it down-even if theres no water around).
It slowed down a bit in the portal storm at the first chapter and when I use the flashlight in daylight.
Runs really smooth on my comp. No stutters or slowdowns.:)

Running at 1680x1050

AMD Athlon64 FX-55 on a Abit AT8 32X Board
Sapphire ATI 1900XTX 512mb
2 gigs OCZ memory
I just went wild and ramped every setting up as high as it would go and it ran perfectly. Very High textures looks so good and motion blur is great.
All High, 2xAA 8xAF 1024x768 (on 42" HDTV XD)

Plays brilliant 40-45 FPS
Runs Perfectly, barely even a hiccup in the entire experience. The source engine is ridiculously generous with frame rate. Even with the new physics in building destruction, I cant notice a difference.