How does SLI.....


Nov 8, 2004
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could some plz tell me how u connect a monitor up to 2 gfx cards is there like some splitter adapter because i might get a sli rig soon
its not my comp lol its my parents sad..... and they got a crappy dell
I think that one cards acts as the master card and you will plug in teh monitor to that one. Not totally sure about it though.
ya i found out by reading an article u plug the monitor into the master card and the bridge adapter connect and send data over to the master card
Theres a bridge that you use to connect them both one card does the top half one card does the bottom half of the screen it pretty much doubles performance
current SLI does not have a huge performance benefit for current games, but upcoming ones will most likely see a huge benefit, especially with all that AA and AF
Anyway, only CROSSFIRE has master and slave cards. SLi does not, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.
u make a good point that it dosent have much of a preformance boost right now but like u said it will allow u to play with high AA and AF also high resolution with high fps
You can not run Multiple monitors with SLI enabled (which really sucks). One monitor is not a problem, just plug it into the first card.