How far are you in your education

ah someone my education level good stuff
how you liking CS? all my buddies who were takin it switched majors after first year (couldnt hack it ;) )
Originally posted by Bass
ah someone my education level good stuff
how you liking CS? all my buddies who were takin it switched majors after first year (couldnt hack it ;) )

ha .. yeah I'm actually glad about people dropping out. During the whole tech bubble thing everyone and their grandma majored in CS because they thought they would make a lot of money. Now it isn't so and all but the most hardcore people have left. I think thats the way it was during the 80's/ early 90's. Less competition for us I guess :)

As a major it's pretty fun .. Too bad not too many girls like it. :(
Dont feel bad, theres about 5 girls outta 250 in engineering, and 1 of them is actually a dude, I shit you not haha!
Originally posted by Bass
Dont feel bad, theres about 5 girls outta 250 in engineering, and 1 of them is actually a dude, I shit you not haha!


We have a few but most of them are from weird south asian countries with names like Pakistanistan and stuff.
yeah like 90% of our engineering/CS students are chinese, I feel so put of place haha
im taking a gap year before i go to uni to study audio technology