how far high can Source go?


Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
i saw in an article that the source engine is 64 times bigger than the original levels. (strike that, i can create levels 64 times bigger than the HL engine) Taking that into account, how high can buildings realistically go? can you make a big elevator to go all the way to the top, toss a grenade at a few boxes (or bodies, etc) and then go back down to see them fall? (actually, an easier thing would be using a teleporter) Just wondering.
john121 said:
i saw in an article that the source engine is 64 times bigger than the original levels. (strike that, i can create levels 64 times bigger than the HL engine) Taking that into account, how high can buildings realistically go? can you make a big elevator to go all the way to the top, toss a grenade at a few boxes (or bodies, etc) and then go back down to see them fall? (actually, an easier thing would be using a teleporter) Just wondering.
yeah you can do that. You can make them pretty high. If you use the 3dskybox you can give the illusion of even higher/larger objects aswell.
Yes you can. As long as you are on the ground before the bodies land and they don't fly off too far then they should hit the ground with a nice little bounce.

I'm more interested in the dynamic destructabulity of structure featured in the game 'Red Faction'. I hope that its moddable with little effort. I doubt it though.
peoplesuc said:
Yes you can. As long as you are on the ground before the bodies land and they don't fly off too far then they should hit the ground with a nice little bounce.

I'm more interested in the dynamic destructabulity of structure featured in the game 'Red Faction'. I hope that its moddable with little effort. I doubt it though.
You can do things like that, just not _everything_ but most stuff.
The Dark Elf said:
You can do things like that, just not _everything_ but most stuff.

I expected a different answer from you Fenric :E

It's simply not possible, not without heavy coding anyway, to have a dynamic destruction system like RF. Sure, you can make stuff that breaks up in pre-defined places, but you can't dig yourself tunnels or anything, that would require realtime subdivision and all sorts of boolean calculations. At most you'll be able to dynamically change displacement surfaces.

But you can simulate it (at a high cost).