How fast?


Feb 6, 2006
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so, how fast do you guys drive on the highway/regular street roads?

For us it's 60km/h speed limit on most main inner city roads and 100km/h on the highways.

I usually do 80 on the main roads and 130-140km/h on the highways...why? because there is SO MUCH space...why do i have to slow down when there's nothing to slow down for? I really think the speed limit needs to be increased on the highways because slow drivers (which are usually STUPID old people) cause traffic jams..I can't tell you how many times i've seen drivers brake when there is absolutely NOTHING but empty road in front of htem...or how many times i've seen people SLOW DOWN coming towards a green honestly GTF OFF the road and learn how to drive morons.

/end rant

I usually drive in excess of 200MPH, and each time I'm about to hit civilian, time slows down and you see me barely scrape by, by millimeters.

This happens seventeen times.
On the highway, the speed limit is 70, I drive 75-80 MPH. On the residential streets, speed limit is default 25, I do 35.
I only go about 5mph over the speed limit at all times. Fastest I've driven was like 95mph on a small strip of highway.
I don't ever go more than 5 over. I'd feel really stupid to get pulled over for speeding. It's pointless.
so, how fast do you guys drive on the highway/regular street roads?

For us it's 60km/h speed limit on most main inner city roads and 100km/h on the highways.

I usually do 80 on the main roads and 130-140km/h on the highways...why? because there is SO MUCH space...why do i have to slow down when there's nothing to slow down for? I really think the speed limit needs to be increased on the highways because slow drivers (which are usually STUPID old people) cause traffic jams..I can't tell you how many times i've seen drivers brake when there is absolutely NOTHING but empty road in front of htem...or how many times i've seen people SLOW DOWN coming towards a green honestly GTF OFF the road and learn how to drive morons.

/end rant


I agree with you, but some people are better safe then sorry. At least they think so. Driving very slow or stopping at the wrong times is just as dangerous as speeding.
When I drive, I stay the speed limit. Maybe 5 mph over it. I find money saved over time saved, money wins out in my case... because when I drive time isn't money. Money saved by going the appropriate speed limit rather than many people I see going 20+ over, and time saved by not getting pulled over and shelling out large fines.
I usually do the speed limit on residential or smaller roads, based on the increased chances of getting caught and likelihood of causing an accident / running someone over in a crosswalk. Divided highways, depending on the risk of radar traps, I like to go at least 20-30 KM/H over on average. Yesterday I hit 180 KM/H going down a large, wide open hill. You are able to see cops at least a kilometre ahead, so I'm willing to risk it.
Max I go is 5 miles over the speed limit. Cars behind me may ride my ass, but **** them. It's like everybody around me wants to go 20 miles over the limit, aggressively passing anybody who actually follows the law, and I'm the jerk on the road?
Max I go is 5 miles over the speed limit. Cars behind me may ride my ass, but **** them. It's like everybody around me wants to go 20 miles over the limit, aggressively passing anybody who actually follows the law, and I'm the jerk on the road?

Just stay in the non-passing lane and you're not :)

One thing I can't stand is tailgating though. I usually drive fast, but I do not tailgate.
I don't even drive, but when whoever is driving the car starts tailgating some other vehicle, it annoys the shit out of me.
I speed more on the interstates and highways than roads in town. 65/70 mph for interstates and I go 72-80 based on traffic. 25-35 for other roads and I go speed limit to 5 over. I don't like driving fast on roads with a lot of intersections and weaving traffic when some dumb driver could try to do a right-turn on red when it isn't clear. *crash*

It's quite funny on the interstate when no one wants to be in the right lane. Sometimes every one is in the middle and left (fast) lane while the right lane is all clear. So from when I get on the interstate to when I exit, I end up driving in the right lane only and I just pass em all by...silly drivers.
10-15kmh over is what I usually do during good conditions.

But if it's raining/night time, I stick to the limit. I almost hit a deer recently while going 20kmh over and since then I've been driving a lot slower at night D:
I've found myself speeding occasionally. 70-75 on the 65 places. 65-70 in the 55. 40-50 in the 30.
Just stay in the non-passing lane and you're not :)

And if it's a one-lane road? Besides, it's a passing lane. Not an excuse to travel at light speed.

People just weaving left and right through traffic on a road where everybody else is doing 75-80, I guess because their time is just oh-so ****ing precious. It's exacerbated by the fact that most of them seem to have completely forgotten that their car has turn signals.
And if it's a one-lane road? Besides, it's a passing lane. Not an excuse to travel at light speed.

People just weaving left and right through traffic on a road where everybody else is doing 75-80, I guess because their time is just oh-so ****ing precious. It's exacerbated by the fact that most of them seem to have completely forgotten that their car has turn signals.

i don't want to start a big argument here but let's say there is plenty of room ahead of you...why not speed up a little if you can see a long line of cars behind you? Why go the speed limit when you really don't need to?

I've seen plenty of traffic jams caused by one person who is either a) too stubborn/stupid to speed up or b) too stubborn/stupid to change lanes.

Going 5-10 over the speed limit isn't THAT big of a if you can why not just do it to avoid people tailgating you?
Because I've gotten tickets for breaking the speed limit, entirely because people behind me are all too eager to press on the acceleration.

I do the speed limit because it's the law, because I find it largely reasonable, and because I don't want a ****ing ticket. If you're on an open road with no traffic, do whatever the hell you want. In most other scenarios, respect the damn driver in front of you. I've never seen a traffic jam caused by somebody doing the limit. I have seen accidents caused by people who thought they knew better than the posted sign.

I occasionally go 5 or 10 miles over the limit as well, but I know there's a problem when the cars behind me are still tailgating my rear. And it's not with my driving.
Assuming decent weather and not too cold/windy, generally somewhere between 90 and 110mph on the motorway/similar major roads. All based on comfortable cruising speed really, on a sportsbike that may well be 30mph higher. Just leave bigger gaps and plan further ahead.

On other kinds of road it completely depends, I'll always be slowing down and speeding up in town in response to the many hazards, which could be either above or below the speed limit.

PS. Absinthe, by the sounds of it, when driving you act as a rolling roadblock. That causes frustration and is a source of danger. It's not your job to police the speed limit - if someone is able to undertake you at any point you're in the wrong lane.
I go 6 mph over the speed limit unless everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY is going faster. If that happens I just keep pace with the middle of the pack. I think 6 mph over is pretty safe considering I've passed cops going that speed.

My philosophy is if you're braking when you see a cop, you're admitting you're driving too fast.
I go 6 mph over the speed limit unless everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY is going faster. If that happens I just keep pace with the middle of the pack. I think 6 mph over is pretty safe considering I've passed cops going that speed.

My philosophy is if you're braking when you see a cop, you're admitting you're driving too fast.

Depends on your definition of "too fast", does it not? Speed limits are generally set by idiots for idiots. There is no theoretical maximum safe speed on a motorway/highway, as these roads are designed in such a way to allow safe passage at very high speeds. It all depends on the conditions.

I see lots of dangerous driving on the motorway, usually by the middle lane owners club all travelling nose-to-tail at 70mph while I glide past at 100 following a well-driven car doing the same, leaving a gap the size of a dozen cars. The law truly is an ass.

For reference, see the Autobahn - twice as safe as US highways, and with much of the traffic travelling in excess of 130mph even in rush hour.
PS. Absinthe, by the sounds of it, when driving you act as a rolling roadblock. That causes frustration and is a source of danger. It's not your job to police the speed limit - if someone is able to undertake you at any point you're in the wrong lane.

Oh right. I'm in the wrong for impeding some poor bastard who is just dying to shoot 15-20 miles over the limit in traffic. How terrible of me to frustrate somebody's joyride on a one-lane road, all because I don't feel like hitting some kid in a residential area or crashing through a sharp turn. I guess I'm just not a team player, what with my refusal to accommodate others' reckless driving.

I don't police the limit. I follow it. And if I'm in the right lane and the person behind me can't handle it, that's tough shit. Write to your congressman for the speed limit to be changed. If that inspires some kind anger in the driver, then I'd say he's the danger. We need less people like that on the roads.
Oh right. I'm in the wrong for impeding some poor bastard who is just dying to shoot 15-20 miles over the limit in a residential area. How terrible of me to frustrate somebody's joyride. I guess I'm just not a team player, what with my refusal to accommodate others' reckless driving.

I don't police the limit. I follow it. And if I'm in the right lane and the person behind me can't handle it, that's tough shit. Write to your congressman for the speed limit to be changed. If that inspires some kind anger in the driver, then I'd say he's the danger.

If you're in the right lane, there's no problem. That's not the impression I got.

If you're in the passing lane holding up faster traffic, you're causing the problem - both danger and congestion, by way of drastically reducing the available road space.
On highways, I generally obey the 120 km/h speedlimit, because I don't know where the speed camera's are yet. But I think rigid speedlimits on highways are kind of pointless.

On 80/50 km/h roads I obey the speedlimit because crossing it is completely pointless. You overtake a car, and at the next traffic light he's right next to you again. Durrrr.

In urban areas (30 km/h) I never go over 35 because I think those who speed in urban areas should be shot on sight.
yea i've heard the autobahn in germany was safer than most north american highways so really if you're a good driver then it's OK to go at whatever speed you want according to the road conditions.
The speed limits posted in northern Florida are ridiculously lower than anywhere else I've seen. Highest I've seen on the highway is 55mph, so I tend to go about 5 over. Sometimes 10 if I'm feeling frisky. On the interstate, I usually do 10-15 over. Anything under 50 and I obey within a few miles per hour.

Have yet to been pulled over. Just need to be smart about how and where you speed.
yea i've heard the autobahn in germany was safer than most north american highways so really if you're a good driver then it's OK to go at whatever speed you want according to the road conditions.

Personally I think it's utterly ridiculous - and at the cost of many lives - that good driving practice is in such total conflict with road traffic law. Especially today when overtaking is not considered a valid reason to exceed the speed limit...the safest and only way to overtake is using full throttle.

I had my riding assessed by bike cops earlier in the week on this excellent course they do, in the interests of not breaking any more bones - rode my normal ride, and the two major things he picked up on were that my overtakes were very well executed but sometimes in the wrong place (the #1 danger factor for me by far), and that I slow down too much for corners. This is all on single-carriageway rural roads btw. Given that I always use full power to overtake and hit over 100mph on one overtake on a country lane, yet he had nothing to say about my speed, I think that speaks volumes about good roadcraft vs legality.

Likewise, the safest place for me to be on the motorway is in the outside lane gently overtaking everyone else, because then all I have to worry about is what's on my left and who's coming up behind me, and I'm not at the mercy of other people's bad driving.
yea i've heard the autobahn in germany was safer than most north american highways so really if you're a good driver then it's OK to go at whatever speed you want according to the road conditions.

Yeah but that's a bit like saying "well if you're a good person then you won't murder anyone so we need no law against murder". Good drivers can indeed go any reasonable speed they want without danger, but speed limits are there to protect us against the reckless ones. I'd be perfectly OK with cars speeding past me at 200 km/h if they were guaranteed to be good drivers. However reckless drivers not only endanger themselves but also others and speeding only increases the chance of an accident and the severity of it. I don't want that. I don't care if bikers do it though, they only turn themselves into ground beef in an accident and don't endanger others as much.
Yeah but that's a bit like saying "well if you're a good person then you won't murder anyone so we need no law against murder". Good drivers can indeed go any reasonable speed they want without danger, but speed limits are there to protect us against the reckless ones. I'd be perfectly OK with cars speeding past me at 200 km/h if they were guaranteed to be good drivers. However reckless drivers not only endanger themselves but also others and speeding only increases the chance of an accident and the severity of it. I don't want that. I don't care if bikers do it though, they only turn themselves into ground beef in an accident and don't endanger others as much.

Reckless drivers ignore speed limits anyway. If they were enforced only as a stick to beat dangerous drivers with, it would be fine, but as it is it's all black and white and the people who suffer as a result are ordinary people who lose their license, their job and their home for the sake of a few minor speed limit infractions, and road safety as a whole because safety suffers when numerical speed is prioritised over the countless other much more important factors in accident causation.

The quality of driving in this country has absolutely plummeted as people now believe that so long as they're obeying the speed limit, they're good drivers. It's insane. Hell, in reality, the speedo is the most useless instrument on your dashboard. Remove all speedos and the roads would be a much better place.
I've never been in an accident with over 17 years of driving

I used to drive whatever speed I felt like.

After about my 14th time in jail, I decided I was not going back there again.

I now drive approximately the speed limit. If you are annoyed that I am going 65 MPH in a 65 MPH zone, well, I'm sorry. I never leave the slow lane, so you will have to go in the fast lane if you want to break the law. I'll often go a few miles over, particularly in 10 and 25MPH zones but never more than like 5 or 7 MPH over.

I guess I'm that old guy annoying you by driving the speed limit. I now have +1 driver points. My first time in a positive direction.

One exception - I will speed if I'm running late for work, but only if I can actually make up the time. If I were to speed the whole way and still be late - well, that's stupid.

The drag from the wind at higher speeds can really use a lot of gas. Drag doesn't really become a factor until like 55MPH though. It like doubles every 10 MPH. (might want to look that up) I wouldn't be surprised if - in the near future - speed limits on highways came down a little because of the oil crisis.
My stance on the passing lane is separate from the speed limit and is situational. Basically, if most of the fast traffic is going say 75 and you want to pass someone in the middle then you should speed up to 75 when moving to the left lane, out of curtsy and safety. Safety because if there is a car a few car lengths back that is sure to pass quickly but you jump in anyway to 'save your spot'. May not give him enough time to compensate.

Now if you get into the passing lane when no faster car was around (say one was more than a couple hundred feet back) and then one comes up...that faster car should slow down without tailgating or getting angry. The car doing the passing didn't cut him off or anything and did not cause a safety issue. The car tailgating is. He had plenty of time to react, slow down to match the speed. Even if the passing car is going 65 (speed limit).

You put the boot into their taillight to assholes that do that mate. Some impatient asshole in a black monaro overtook our mob doing 140kph on a 110k road (in the country) so i kicked it down a gear chased after him and did the deed. Anybody that causes a dangerous situation through ignorance on the road deserves what's coming to them, and the best to them if they change their ways in the future.

"If God gives them life, and Death takes it away; i'm just the middle man working so Death can put his feet up everynow and again." - My friend and mentor, Manuel Samfras (MRA - Motorcycle Racing Chief, Barbagello Raceway Perth).

My speed on the road varies depending on the level of traffic around me and the situation that traffic is in. For eg: I stick to the speed limit if i'm alone. Yet if i've got a few cars around me that are behaving well i'll stick to a little above the speed limit to put myself in front of them. If i'm surrounded by drivers that can't drive properly or aren't concentrating (for example, almost freakin' every car during peak hour); i'll kick it down, one grab a handful of throttle and break the speed laws to get ahead of c*nt's that'll get me killed.

The death rate of motorcyclists in WA is phenomenal, people aren't adapting and cannot ride properly to suit the situation; they are dying or becoming horribly disfigured because of their ignorance and careless mistakes (8 in the past two months, three in one night alone).

Most of the time at a set of traffic lights i check the lanes of traffic before the green and boot it to get ahead of the pack (the red light is the new orange in Perth and nobody can never, ever trust the lights). If the traffic i'm travelling with is dense, i usually travel at a little above the limit to stay in front. Dickheads in this city cannot drive properly, so you learn to change your methods and have a flexible riding style that is capable of adapting to individual traffic environments. You have to be flexible or ya die, tis the way of the world.
Usually about 10-20mph above the speed limit unless I'm not in the speeding mood
I don't ever go more than 5 over. I'd feel really stupid to get pulled over for speeding. It's pointless.

There's no reason for excessive speeding tbh unless it's a life-or-death emergency.
Even then the driver wouldn't do much good if he/she wrecks on the way to the hospital, killing both him/herself and the near-death patient.

BTW, I never had an accident in my life in over 7 years of legal driving. I'm a safe driver.

There's no reason for excessive speeding tbh unless it's a life-or-death emergency.
Even then the driver wouldn't do much good if he/she wrecks on the way to the hospital, killing both him/herself and the near-death patient.

Why would that happen? Just because you're not comfortable driving at higher speeds doesn't mean other people aren't.
Personally I find riding at legal speeds on an uncongested motorway dangerous because my concentration wanders, not to mention boring and pointless. Doing so also puts me in closer proximity to blind dawdling Doris, HGVs and other things I don't want to be anywhere near. I didn't buy a 145mph bike so that I could cruise on the motorway in second gear.

BTW, I never had an accident in my life in over 7 years of legal driving. I'm a safe driver.

And there are much faster and better drivers out there that are even safer than you. Slowness is not a factor of safety. It's knowing when to go slow that's important.
Why would that happen? Just because you're not comfortable driving at higher speeds doesn't mean other people aren't.
I didn't say 'poke around'. I mean keep speeds within' reason. The motorists ability to handle a vehicle becomes less the faster they go. Plus, stock cars are not, 'Fast and the Furious' ready, no matter how much money they paid on the lot. I think many younger teenagers fail to realize that before their shitty stock brakes or some other stock component fails them while going over 120mph before proceeding to careen of the highway to a fiery death.
Personally I find riding at legal speeds on an uncongested motorway dangerous because my concentration wanders, not to mention boring and pointless. Doing so also puts me in closer proximity to blind dawdling Doris, HGVs and other things I don't want to be anywhere near.
True, I'd be paranoid on a motorcycle too, but again, 'within reason'.
I didn't buy a 145mph bike so that I could cruise on the motorway in second gear.
I hope you know when not to speed at least though. Like around neighborhoods and such.
And there are much faster and better drivers out there that are even safer than you. Slowness is not a factor of safety. It's knowing when to go slow that's important.
^Same as above. 'Within reason'. ;)
I didn't say 'poke around'. I mean keep speeds within' reason.

What I'm saying is that "within reason" depends entirely on the driver, their vehicle and the conditions. 150mph seems unreasonable to you because you're completely unfamiliar with it, but you'll see it all the time on the Autobahn with half the death rate found on US highways despite much greater population and thus traffic density. Autobahns are also typically very narrow, two-lane (on each side) roads - nothing like the quality of your highways.

The motorists ability to handle a vehicle becomes less the faster they go.

Not necessarily...anyone who can't handle a modern car at triple figure speeds on a long, straight, undemanding piece of road like a highway probably shouldn't be on the road. If they can't do something that simple, what kind of chance do they have of negotiating a dangerous country lane?
IMO anyone involved in an accident on a free-flowing motorway is an absolute muppet. They're by far the easiest and safest roads to use.

Plus, stock cars are not, 'Fast and the Furious' ready, no matter how much money they paid on the lot. I think many younger teenagers fail to realize that before their shitty stock brakes or some other stock component fails them while going over 120mph before proceeding to careen of the highway to a firey death.

You make a valid point here. But you don't have to be a boy racer to be a fast driver - and as you've quite plainly seen, speed limit enforcement does nothing to stop boy racers, it only really affects responsible people.

True, I'd be paranoid on a motorcycle too, but again, 'within reason'.

You have to be, to a certain extent, aggressive on a bike because if you don't assert yourself you become extremely vulnerable. It's generally safest to be travelling slightly faster than the rest of the traffic and to take passing opportunities where appropriate because that puts you in a pro-active position that doesn't leave your own safety in the hands of the other people on the road.
The advantages you have on a bike are power, acceleration, agility and width. They're built for 100% speed, 0% durability - naturally to stay safe you have to play to the vehicle's advantages.

I hope you know when not to speed at least though. Like around neighborhoods and such.

Yes of course. Case in point, I often find out in the countryside I'll pass some dawdling muppet doing 40 on the derestricted open road, then I'll slow down for a village (30 limit) and the muppet will catch up with me and sit 2 inches off my back wheel, trying to intimidate me into going faster. Then as soon as the village ends I'll be off into the distance.
It's the morons like this you need to be concerned about, not people that know when to go quickly.

^Same as above. 'Within reason'. ;)

Again, there's no magic number that makes speed reasonable or otherwise. It depends on the driver and the circumstances.
I generally don't pay any attention whatsoever to my speedo unless the threat of enforcement requires it - it's completely irrelevant. What matters is the stuff that's going on around you.
There's been a lot of people driving well below the limit on National speed limit roads, in what I can only correlate to rising petrol prices.