How fast?

What I'm saying is that "within reason" depends entirely on the driver, their vehicle and the conditions. 150mph seems unreasonable to you because you're completely unfamiliar with it, but you'll see it all the time on the Autobahn with half the death rate found on US highways despite much greater population and thus traffic density. Autobahns are also typically very narrow, two-lane (on each side) roads - nothing like the quality of your highways.
Is it true that the autobahn in Germany is in danger of being slapped with a speed limit though, due to increased traffic?

Not necessarily...anyone who can't handle a modern car at triple figure speeds on a long, straight, undemanding piece of road like a highway probably shouldn't be on the road. If they can't do something that simple, what kind of chance do they have of negotiating a dangerous country lane?
I can't believe what your saying. :| It's not what's already on the highway that's the danger, but what's not yet there or, what has yet to happen. You don't know what the people/creatures around you might decide to do and I wasn't assuming everyone knows to slow down around curves and such.

IMO anyone involved in an accident on a free-flowing motorway is an absolute muppet. They're by far the easiest and safest roads to use.
...and especially on country/rural highways. (i.e. wildlife, children playing in streets, etc.)

You make a valid point here. But you don't have to be a boy racer to be a fast driver
Tell me about it. You should try riding with my granny. I'm sure that would cure you of your, 'need-for-speed'. :D
and as you've quite plainly seen, speed limit enforcement does nothing to stop boy racers,
Your right. It's the trees and lamposts that take care of boy racers. ;)
it only really affects responsible people.
Until the cops/bobbies eventually catch up with the boy racer that is. Responsible drivers don't want their penalties to climb higher than what they already are, so those people are usually wise enough to pull over, as they know the law will catch up to them one day if they don't.

Yes of course. Case in point, I often find out in the countryside I'll pass some dawdling muppet doing 40 on the derestricted open road, then I'll slow down for a village (30 limit) and the muppet will catch up with me and sit 2 inches off my back wheel, trying to intimidate me into going faster. Then as soon as the village ends I'll be off into the distance.
It's the morons like this you need to be concerned about, not people that know when to go quickly.
Rural areas are the worst when it comes to idiot drivers around here. In the bigger cities, it's usually too congested for reckless driving anyways.
The likelyhood of an accident is greater, because of traffic lights, turns, congestion, etc., but at least it's not as likely for someone to get killed, unless they really try.
I guess there are idiot drivers everywhere, they're just not as dangerous in places where they can't speed.

Again, there's no magic number that makes speed reasonable or otherwise. It depends on the driver and the circumstances.
I generally don't pay any attention whatsoever to my speedo unless the threat of enforcement requires it - it's completely irrelevant. What matters is the stuff that's going on around you.
That's true. Nobody likes tickets. Especially if you live around here you'd know they're ridiculously high.

Around here, the law believes in hiding spots and speed traps. God forbid if they catch you going over 5 mph.
Is it true that the autobahn in Germany is in danger of being slapped with a speed limit though, due to increased traffic?

A lot of sections are already limited (near cities etc), although I believe the safety record of the limited sections is actually worse than the derestricted sections.
Lefties have been trying to slap a universal limit across the Autobahn for years, it's nothing new.

I can't believe what your saying. :| It's not what's already on the highway that's the danger, but what's not yet there or, what has yet to happen. You don't know what the people/creatures around you might decide to do.

The fact that I travel somewhat faster than the speed limit when appropriate is not an indication that I ride along oblivious to what's happening - quite the opposite.
You can anticipate what people might decide to do and plan around that. You wouldn't survive on a bike for long without having developed that skill to a highly attuned level.
Most people just stare at the car in front and then wonder why they get surprised by things. I read the road all the way up to the vanishing point and start planning my next move a long time before I reach what's coming up. I also keep an eye on every single vehicle in my vicinity. When you process more information, you can safely go faster.

Here's a video of some advanced rider training on country roads. The speed they're travelling at is well within safe limits (that's the point of advanced riding), and it's probably faster than you travel on the highway. Now if these kinds of roads (and roads much more twisty and narrow than these) have 60mph limits, then motorways should support at least twice that.

...and especially on country/rural highways. (i.e. wildlife, children playing in streets, etc.)

Children playing on the highway? Over here a motorway is a restricted access road, separated from such hazards and where only certain kinds of motorised traffic are allowed. That's why they can support potentially unlimited speeds.

Your right. It's the trees and lamposts that take care of boy racers. ;) Until the cops/bobbies eventually catch up with the boy racer that is. Responsible drivers don't want their penalties to climb higher than what they already are, so they are usually wise enough to pull over.

Why should responsible drivers be getting penalised in the first place? Clear evidence that the law is wrong.

Rural areas are the worst when it comes to idiot drivers around here. In the bigger cities, it's usually too congested for reckless driving anyways.

On the contrary, the closer you get to a city, the more reckless the driving is. Since I've been back on the bike, I've ridden 1300 miles - mostly on twisty, technical, out-of-the-way backroads and commuted to work across London six times (a 32 mile round trip).

I've had no incidents whatsoever in all those miles of personal riding, but I've nearly been taken out twice on my way to/from work. Once from a woman in a convertible swerving across into my lane on a roundabout as I was coming past on the outside, and once from a guy on a scooter overtaking a coach without being able to see the road space he was hoping to end up in and nearly hitting me head-on.

When I leave this job, I will not be getting another in central London because the risk is just too unacceptable for me after seven months spent on crutches.

The likelyhood of an accident is greater, because of traffic lights, turns, congestion, etc., but at least it's not as likely for someone to get killed, unless they really try.
I guess there are idiot drivers everywhere, they're just not as dangerous in places where they can't speed.

Urban areas are very, very dangerous places - and they're every bit as dangerous to a motorcyclist, cyclist or pedestrian in the city. If I got hit a car at 30mph, full gear or not, I would almost certainly be dead.

That's true. Nobody likes tickets. Especially if you live around here. They're ridiculously high.

Worse here - you get 3 points on your license too. 12 points and you get banned. Fortunately traffic police are almost non-existant these days (or lenient if you're not taking the absolute piss), so as long as you know where the cameras are you're generally fine.
I usually go 5 MPH over in residential areas, unless it's really built up then I'll stick to the limit.
But normally i base my speed on everyone else's, not smart i know, but i like to keep up with traffic not slow them down.

Country Roads i usually do 70-100 MPH and 60 when near a village. Here you won't get many kids on country roads and the only animals to really watch out for are Rabbits, so i just squish em, the animals that is.

For me, i find it more dangerous near city's, i hate driving into Manchester as it seems all the reckless driver are there. Just yesterday at a major junction i came so close to smashing into a woman who ran a red light, if i didn't see her coming in the corner of my eye i would have hit her, unfortunately i still got rear ended for slamming on my brakes and trashed the back of my car, and the women who ran the light still hit someone else instead who had to be airlifted to hospital.
I've had more close calls on congested roads than on rural roads.
I think it's funny that states have different speed limits. What's safe in one state I guess isn't safe in another...
Seems money plays into it more than safety. 75 in a few states and 70 or even 65 in others. (for those of you in Texas, I'm talking about daytime speed limits)
IMHO stupid people should not be allowed to drive. There needs to be an IQ test to get a license.

I drive a Mustang. I know exactly how my car responds and I drive accordingly, I don't go absurdly fast unless there's enough room to maneuver if something should go wrong.
It's 110 km/h on the highways, though most people keep 120-130 km/h. They should raise the limit to 120 km/h on all highways, and 130 on the really good ones.

In the cities it's 30 or 50 km/h, and outside the cities 70 or 90 km/h. I try to keep these limits, and the danger increase much more of you drive too fast there than if you do it on the highway.
Ahh great, a country road i take to work has just had 2 speed cameras installed and the speed limit reduced from 60 to 30. I am really pissed off now at the Council, the road is big, and there is no one living around, and there had been no accidents on it. But just because a woman commited suicide off the overpass, it's counts as a accident. This really makes me think that they are just in it for the money. This accident was not car related at all, so why the need to place speed limits and 2 cameras. How is this suppose the help make it safer, is slower cars below meant to stop people commiting suicide? I have never seen a traffic jam on that road before and today it was bumper to bumper. They have just slowed down yet another route. When will they realise it's not only speed that kills, speed counts for a small percentage of accidents.
I usually drive in excess of 200MPH, and each time I'm about to hit civilian, time slows down and you see me barely scrape by, by millimeters.

This happens seventeen times.

haha, brilliant.
I always stay with in the speed limit, give or take 5mph. why? you never know when a furry might cross your path. plus driving fast in a unpredictable environment is the most stupid, pethetic way of getting from a to b.

Note to U.K drivers - if you're one of the many people who drive through a national speed limit zone at 40 mph then continue at that speed through a residential 30 mph zone that follows, with me behind you then you're going off the ****ing road and I'll bludgeon you to death with an ice scraper.

You pricks.
what would you do if the driver behind you wants to rape you?
Note to U.K drivers - if you're one of the many people who drive through a national speed limit zone at 40 mph then continue at that speed through a residential 30 mph zone that follows, with me behind you then you're going off the ****ing road and I'll bludgeon you to death with an ice scraper.

You pricks.

I do that all the time. And I'll like to see you try, you need to catch me first before you bludgeon me to death.
I do that all the time. And I'll like to see you try, you need to catch me first before you bludgeon me to death.

So you drive 20mph under the limit, and then 10mph over? I'm with Cormeh here. You're toast, pal.
No no, i never drive under the limit, unless it's a really winding road. Plus there is no way both of you could catch me anyway so :P
Note to U.K drivers - if you're one of the many people who drive through a national speed limit zone at 40 mph then continue at that speed through a residential 30 mph zone that follows, with me behind you then you're going off the ****ing road and I'll bludgeon you to death with an ice scraper.

You pricks.

I'm with this man.

60 at least in nationals (within reason of course) and nothing over 35 in 30s.

And as for you scum who go 40 in nationals then slow down to 30 in 40s, I'm a coming for ya.

In my 998cc Metro Van.

Anyway, I stick as close to the limit as possible most of the time, though I do speed here and there (mainly in nationals and on dual carrageways/motorways).
I usually go about five over. More if on the highway.
so, how fast do you guys drive on the highway/regular street roads?

For us it's 60km/h speed limit on most main inner city roads and 100km/h on the highways.

I usually do 80 on the main roads and 130-140km/h on the highways...why? because there is SO MUCH space...why do i have to slow down when there's nothing to slow down for? I really think the speed limit needs to be increased on the highways because slow drivers (which are usually STUPID old people) cause traffic jams..I can't tell you how many times i've seen drivers brake when there is absolutely NOTHING but empty road in front of htem...or how many times i've seen people SLOW DOWN coming towards a green honestly GTF OFF the road and learn how to drive morons.

/end rant


cops i ontario usually ignore if you're going 120km/hr however you'll get pulled over doing 130 and will lose points. ..btw my average speeds are similiar to yours

my biggest beef is with people who drive in the passing lane BELOW the freakin speed limit ..move the **** out of the way, it's for passing not for cruising. it's a freakin epidemic that affects all age groups and is not limited to the highway
Ahh great, a country road i take to work has just had 2 speed cameras installed and the speed limit reduced from 60 to 30. I am really pissed off now at the Council, the road is big, and there is no one living around, and there had been no accidents on it. But just because a woman commited suicide off the overpass, it's counts as a accident. This really makes me think that they are just in it for the money. This accident was not car related at all, so why the need to place speed limits and 2 cameras. How is this suppose the help make it safer, is slower cars below meant to stop people commiting suicide? I have never seen a traffic jam on that road before and today it was bumper to bumper. They have just slowed down yet another route. When will they realise it's not only speed that kills, speed counts for a small percentage of accidents.

This kind of shit is what happens when local authorities get the power to set speed limits. Haven't you noticed how 50 is becoming the new NSL?

The reason all these ridiculous speed limit changes are happening is because speed limit changes used to require approval from the Department for Transport and they had to be in accordance with the 85th percentile speed - ie. speed limits were set at the speed which 85% of vehicles on that road do not exceed. The reason for this is that it was until recently widely recognised that the most dangerous drivers on the road are the fastest 10%, and the safest are the second fastest 10% - therefore to set the speed limit lower than that would have no benefit to safety.

It was also recognised that setting speed limits that are too low is dangerous because it causes frustration, stupid overtaking, congestion, lack of concentration and low compliance. I guarantee the accident rate on that stretch of road you mention will be far higher now than it ever was before, especially with the speed cameras causing panic braking/loss of control/pile-ups. It's an absolute ****ing disgrace.
i Usually Do 80 On The Main Roads And 130-140km/h On The Highways...why? Because There Is So Much Space...why Do I Have To Slow Down When There's Nothing To Slow Down For? I Really Think The Speed Limit Needs To Be Increased On The Highways Because Slow Drivers (which Are Usually Stupid Old People) Cause Traffic Jams..i Can't Tell You How Many Times I've Seen Drivers Brake When There Is Absolutely Nothing But Empty Road In Front Of Htem...or How Many Times I've Seen People Slow Down Coming Towards A Green Honestly Gtf Off The Road And Learn How To Drive Morons

In the city it's a 50km/h limit during the day for me.

Depending on the visibility and space between me and the next car, I drive up to 20km/h faster (at a similar speed as other drivers actually). Usually about 60km/h if there's nothing slowing me down and I know the road.

I rarely drive on the highway and when I do, I usually go with the speed limit or maybe 10km/h over.